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Posts posted by Toughluck

  1. I have HSV2 and I'm waiting for test results to see if I have HSV1. I live in Pomona, CA and I would prefer a female but a male is just fine. I'm also bipolar. It hasn't totally sunk in yet, but I imagine my frequent boughts of depression are going to make weathering this virus even harder than it already is. So I just don't want to do it alone. I need help coping. I feel sad and alone. Two things I'm used to feeling having lived with a mental illness for years.

  2. I have bipolar disorder and I have difficulty managing my behavior when I get manic or depressed. I am frequently depressed and I become very irritable and sometimes even mean. I've always been afraid of being alone because I know that eventually my mood swings will drive partners away once they really, really get to know me. My current boyfriend has dated other girls with herpes before so I told him as soon as I found out, but now I'm more anxious than ever that he's going to leave me. Maybe he'd be willing to put up with me and my mental illness up to this point, but now he has every right to leave just for fear of getting HSV2. I am bisexual and my boyfriend always supported me in that, which used to make me happy because I felt like if he and I ever split I would always have more options in dating partners. Now that I know I have HSV2 I feel like I have no options. I don't even feel like I can call myself bi anymore because I don't think I will ever be able to have intimacy with a woman again. I'm afraid I will never find anyone patient enough and open minded enough to ever date me if my bf breaks up with me. The funny thing is depression and anxiety is what brought on my first outbreak. I just need someone to tell me it will be ok because I see a bleak future ahead of me.

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