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Posts posted by ShiningStar

  1. No, not angry at all. Just much, much wiser than I was prior to being in my situation...now yes it may sound unrealistic but I'm proud of my body and have no reason not to leave the lights on. Infact, any guy that wants to have sex with me so far has no problem with lights on and me looking at it.... now I dont mean like your getting ready for a prostate exam and I'm snapping the rubber gloves but I do get to see what I'm dealing with. Now...on the flip side, she intends to stay as healthy as possible..yes. so if he's abnormally red or rashed she can say no. Now, if she doesnt look, it like flipping a coin...and how many times before the coin lands on tails. BTW, there are other STDs that present as ulcers, genital warts, and if you dont look, how will you know ?? Anyway, thats my opinion, and she will decide whats best for her....Why do you think I'm angry or passive aggressive, wtf?? I dont even know what that means!!!

  2. Sounds like you had some type of allergic reaction maybe...idk. Def check with infectious disease MD...ask them to do wound culture or blood cultures...sometimes local health dept MDs are a good place to start. I mean, they see ALOT of STDs on a daily basis. Hopefully someone may recognize your symptoms. GoodLuck and always practice safe sex....Its not worth it.

  3. Oh...and get a new Dr...!If you ever go to a Dr and they dont take a genuine interest in your fears and offer some type of solution or a pathway (test, labs, imaging) to help you feel better....then look for a new Dr. Also you can google Drs that cater to infectious diseases or immunology in your area...maybe an appt with them would get you more solid answers.

  4. Hi

    I just wanted to say that I really like this discussion and can relate alot. So, I think that HSV1 is typically oral and HSV2 is typically genital, but remember this is a virus that replicates inside cells so that both can spread to either area. Now, I also have the tingling feeling around my bottom lip occassionally, and the first thing I do is use Abreeva. I try to use it like twice a day and it SOMETIMES stops the mouth breakout. But let me tell you, the last few break outs on my lips have been crazy traumatic. Like my lips swell twice the size, so fat that they split and chapped...omg!! every ointment, Abreeva, food, everything hurts to touch. I looked at several remedies online and i tried putting aloe on my lips and genital areas at night and sleeping on a towel with no panties....helps the open areas alot. But my face...omg ...the lips last a week almost. And I had to work last time it happened. I put on heavy heavy makeup and lip stick and prayed for the time to fly by. It kinda feels like the corners of my mouth are cut and then my lips split and then the inside of the lips right where theytouch togetherget like canker sores that drive me insane when i try to eat. I could only eat yogurt for two days!!! And yes, I also used an electric ladies shaver to get cleaned up for the 4th of July wknd, and all my symptoms started after that....I wonder if my electric razor is contaminated!!?? .... Well, I was popping acyclovir every 4-5 hours but it wasnt seeming to help at all. So I started using other topicals....I tried Olive Oil, and coconut oil to keep them moist..the oil burned a bit. However, in the genital area, i usually clean well with tissue and then apply coconut oil to my lady parts. Helps the burning itching feeling subside alot. I keep a cup of oil in the bathroom. So, after reading more, it seems as by taking so much acyclovir, it somehow may have increased yeast levels in my body....so i actually had thrush with what I thought was a HSV1 outbreak...and the vaginal itchy was fueling the rise of yeast levels....so i went and got a OTC Monistat 1200mg vaginal insert with extra external cream. I put it in around 8pm and chilled out on my towel. Felt some relief within hours and much much better the next few days. I use the external cream on my lady parts mixed with coconut oil. I can finally sleep without crazy pain. My lips and the area under my bottom lip towards my chin still lookds terrible and hurts sooo much.

    Hopefully some of this can help you too.

  5. Hi Pickaname

    Congrats on being a strong supportive woman. I hope that you and your new relationship grows strong and stays H(-/+).

    Anyhow, I have to give your man kudos on being upfront with you and giving you the right to choose to stay or to just remain friends. I was not so lucky to have a choice:((( Anyway, some must and should dos.... You MUST look at his penis or genitals frequently and always before sex with the lights ON>>>> if he feels tingling or burning or any unusual symptoms, give it a day or 2 bc he may be starting a breakout. You MUST not have sex with any type of open sore on his mouth, your mouth, your vagina/anus or his man junk. You SHOULD have vaginal sex and oral sex only with a condom, but being that this is advice only...you all decide ..but please inspect the goods!! You SHOULD not share towels, wash cloths, or toothbrushes. I think most other household items should be ok. You COULD ask your PCP about preventive medication or acyclovir to decrease your risks. He could take daily suppression valacyclovir to decrease shedding or risk...key word is decrease!! Also, L-Lysine once daily is known to decrease the replication cycle of the virus RNA, grape seed extract is great for boosting the immune system and keeping you healthy, Sooooo, for the beginnig hot and heavy of you guys relationship, invest in the above ..you may have a fighting chance!!!

    Good luck to both of you.....and tell him he has big ba$%s for telling you the truth...keep his head up.... Much love :)

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