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Posts posted by Dandelion

  1. another outbreak in a new spot. i dont understand this...after 10 yrs, why it is becoming a problem all over... :O for years i never had more than a sore on my butt cheek....now its creeping up everywhere. please anyone have information to help me undrrstand whats happening here??

  2. I feel a little silly asking because I've lived with this for 10 yrs almost but I have always had OB on my hips, buttucks, never around my genitals, and now after nearly ten years , I think I may be having a mild ob on my perineum. Hsv2 most likely as the person I got it from tested hsv2, I was swabbed years ago but they didn't give me the type. I assume it's type2. So I'm confused. Did I autoinmocukate? Did it migrate? I've had a partner who also had hsv2 about 4 yrs ago, we had lots of unprotected sex not during OB. As far as I'm aware my partners have been negative for hsv since then. But I think I may have possibly now got it snally/Perenium. It's really hard to see but it's sore to wipe, like open, but didn't see blusters, but it was itchy. It's not a large sore at all, perhaps a few small blisters. Iugh. Recently disclosed to a new partner who seemed okay with it all but told him I'd never had a problem there. Now I feel like either sex with him moved it around on me... and perhaps I've exposed him? Ugh.

  3. Well it had to happen in a most awkward way, things started to get physical and I was feel g into it, stopped him and just said , hey before we go further than this, I have herpes and u have condoms, Are you comfortable with this? He didn't ask questions but said thanks for telling me, and we proceeded with condom. The strangest disclosure yet and not how I'd anticipated or wanted, but it's out now, in honesty and he didn't make a big deal of it. Just was really in an awkward position and had to spill the beans, timing was forcing it. Sooooo... Thank you for insights. We'll see what happens next!

  4. pants on and hot spring feels a bit challenging, but i do feel like this might be the road i should take. i have rsvp'd yes and havnet disclosed, so i think i'm kind of hoping it wont become an issue, but hot springs...eh....i guess i just wear my suit or underwear ...or soemthing, i dunno. ugh i've never felt so awkward about it. i try to have the conversation as soon as it seems reasonable that we'll be together intimately, but in this case i feel as if its a great opp to get to know this person but the situation puts everything in a bit of a rush and potential for akwardness. thank you all for the responses. i suppose if it comes up and ends up being awkward or bad, i just catch a bus or a plane home from the nearest place.....not how i want it to go....but not the worst thing in the world i suppose. <3 do you ever get to a place of not dreading/hating the disclosure talk. ugh. i've done it only 3 times, and it was positive except once, and i later discovered that he was a total ass anyway...too late, but anyway, i dont EXPECT it to go badly, but its so dreadful the anticpation of it. does it get easier???

  5. hi all new here, not new to our friend herpes, but i just met a new friend, that i'm liking a lot. we've been out twice. he last night invited me to join him on a road trip, in which we will explore shared interest in plants and hot springs. so 10 days potentially on the road , with this new friend, whom i've not even kissed, let alone come close to talking about sex or the herpes business. im feeling really stressed out about it. i've disclosed before and its always nerve wracking but my quandry is this. do i wait until it comes up on the trip, because hot springs and 10 days, its more likely than not things might turn intimate , and risk having a terribly awkward uncomfortable trip if he can't deal with it ( i dont know him THAT well, but a trip would be great way to get to know each other...hmmm- the trip being a good or bad idea itself isn't so much an issue, i feel safe and comfortable with that)

    or tell him tonight, before we leave, and say, hey, just because things could maybe go this way over the trip, i wanted to tell you xxyz and let him have a chance to think, and give his feelings/thoughts a chance to be aired and decide if continuing as planned with the trip is what he wants to do? or just go, refuse to have more than "safe" non intercourse/oral and say i['m not ready for more yet, and have the talk later, after we've gotten more aquanited. but i can absolutely see myself wanting to be intimate and enjoying it- barring this thing...i just dont want to make a trip uncomgofrtable for either of us if it doesn't go over well... :S ugh. halp!!! i need to make this decision tonight!!

    thanks!!!! <3 <3

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