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Posts posted by Jojo422

  1. Hey everyone! So I just told the guy I've been seeing that I have genital hsv1... I was super nervous and literally practiced my speech 10 times over. And after I said the first line, he responded "hsv1 like coldsores? Yea I test positive for hsv1 as well but I've never had an outbreak of any kind" so first of such a sigh of relief.. but my question is, since he doesn't know the location site of his virus, should we still use condoms? (Besides the obvious other reasons to use) his dad has oral hsv1 so he thinks that's probably where his is.. I know it's a silly question but I'm worried if having sex with my genital hsv1 will cause a flare up genitally with him? Is there just no way of knowing his site until he has one?


    Looking for any input with anyone who's been in this situation!



  2. Hi all! Happy Monday. So quick back story.. I had my first outbreak beginning of June.. so it's been almost 4 months.. i was diagnosed with hsv1 which I guess I can count as lucky.. my boyfriend gave it to me without realizing the first time we had sex and we actually had our first outbreak together.. mine was wayyyyyy worse than his.. I had probably 25+ sores.. around my butt and everywhere.. walking sitting going to the bathroom everything was the worst pain I've ever had.. we read that putting Zinc sulfate on during your first outbreak could help stop the virus from attaching to your cells... well.. when they say that stuff burns,.. I almost passed out.. but it seemed to clear them up within a few days after..


    It took me until recently to be able to have comfortable sex again.. the skin around my opening was super tender and sex was just so painful.. it just started to get better and finally was feeling like my old self again.. it sucked because we had just started dating and we couldn't have that beginning fun sex life that most new couples have.. but thankfully it brought us closer.


    Anyway after finding out I have hsv1 I've been taking multi vitamins and lysine.. I was hoping I wouldn't get another outbreak again.. but I noticed a bump last night.. I lathered up on zinc and put it everywhere.. what's people's experience with their second outbreak? Especially when my first was so terrible?


    Thanks in advance!!

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