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Posts posted by jay12121

  1. Yes thank you so much, and I told him the risk involved with giving oral and having cold sores when I was first diagnosed a year ago and he said he didn't care, but I just fear if I have both that it'll be too much. I thank you for your reassurance . It really helped a lot. I just don't know why I have these symptoms. I'm very careful because I'm scared of transmitting it. I hardly touch myself down there only to wash of course but I just don't understand what's going on with me right now I think what got me was the fact that my lymph nodee was swollen. But I don't know where I could've gotten it from if I do indeed have it especially if a toilet is not an option. I know my boyfriend has been loyal and faithful so I know it's not him and he's never had a partner besides me. I'm not sure if he has hsv1 orally though

  2. It's mainly the toilet seat situation that concerns me. I'm aware that people say it's unlikely to catch it from there but my symptoms are related to those of herpes. It sucks because when I got diagnosed with cold sores I made it a point to wash my hands excessively and I was and still am very careful and I've kind of become a germaphone with OCD due to the paranoia of possibly contracting it genitally so I feel like this is such a terrible situation. Of course there's always a possibility that it's not herpes but I've spent this whole year and several months trying to prevent genital herpes from happening because my boyfriend already accepted me with having cold sores so any hint of bump or lump or uncomfortable feeling I get down there freaks me out. I'm just really scared.

  3. Yes thank you, I just wanted some peace of mind. But my symptoms are gone and so nothing can be swabbed at this time and I've heard that because I'm already taking daily baltrex for cold sores I could get a false negative if I get blood tested. This whole situation sucks but thank you for responding

  4. No, it's not possible to acquire herpes in those ways. Seeing your doctor is the best way to figure out what's going on.



    Does it sound like a herpes issue from what was described? I have a doctors appointment in two days but also my symptoms were like over two weeks ago so I can only really describe them to my doctor anyways. Does it sound like herpes?

  5. Also one time I did touch the handle of a public toilet and proceeded to pull my pants down to use it. I didn't touch my vagina directly (I didn't wipe my vagina after wards or touch it) I sort of just pulled my pants back up after using it. Could that have also been a possible exposure and I remember a girl did use it before me.

  6. I would like to start out by saying I have been diagnosed with cold sores but that's it so far and that was last year and since then I've also been taking daily valtrex. For starters I've been in a faithful relationship for the past almost 2 years. My partner and I lost our virginities to eachother including oral sex . So we've only had eachother exclusively for both of our sexual experiences. So I know for certain that I could not have contracted this sexually from any one else. But several weeks ago I had very strange symptoms in my genital region such as vaginal discharge itching frequent and urgent urination and I had two lumps under the skin of my vagina (near labia minora) they were under the skin and they were about the size of a pea. They weren't that painful, only initially but they went away within about a week. And they were flesh colored and you wouldn't even know they were there unless you searched for them really. They were firm

    And under the skin. I also had swollen lymph nodes on the left side of my groin but It may have been due to the fact that not only did I have the lumps on my left side but I Also had a painful anal abscess on the left side of the bottom of my buttcheek near my vagina. The only reason I suspect herpes is because of the swollen lymph nodes but it could still be something else? However I only started experiencing these symptoms after I had used the public restrooms at the clinic I started working at. I went to use the toilets because I had urgent urination and couldn't hold my bladder and I didn't sit on the toilet I sort of squatted but I got backsplash from the toiletseat and it might have hit my vagina. With that said is it possible I contracted herpes this way? Thank you

  7. i suffer from really bad anxiety and i just cant shake this feeling that i will catch herpes genitally. well for this situation, i was washing my clothes and transporting my clothes from the washer to the dryer. My roommates clothes however were in a hamper on top of the dryer and while taking the clothes out of the washer i think i may have accidently brushed my clothes against her clothes hamper. now, i dont know if she has anything and thats not really something i think is polite to ask but lets say she does, i think her clothes were washed clothes on top of the dryer but im not sure but if she does by any chance have herpes, could i catch if from accidently having my clothes brush against hers and then right after put them in the dryer and then lets say i put on my underwear after drying, will i catch anything? thank you

  8. Hi I have a question, kind of crazy but here it goes, I used my phone to Masterbate, i had taken it out of its initial case and rubbed it down with a Lysol wipe and let it vibrate on my genitals, I was wearing leggings and panties and using a cloth in between all of that but then I sort of moved my panties to the side and so it was just the leggings and cloth in between the phone and then it was just the legging(which are sort of thin material, is there any chance that I may contract herpes this way? Can herpes go through thin cloths like leggings? Thank you

  9. i currently DONT have a cold sore but i know i am still contagious, so when i woke up earlier i noticed i had fallen asleep on my arm and that means my lips were touching my arm and there was also drool so i got up amd wiped my arm and used a little soap and water, should i expect to see herpes on my arm now? and i also had been taking valtrex for only a couple days now if that help

  10. No, you would only autoinoculate yourself if you played with the coldsore and then immediately touched yourself somewhere else. Even then, you'd have to have quite a bit of the virus on your fingers. The risk will decrease with time.


    So be cautious when touching cold sores, wash your hands immediately afterwards, and you should be fine. Sneezing, coughing, etc will not spread the virus to other parts of yourself or anyone else for that matter.


    thank you so much for responding, and what if i did these things but i dont have a blister present? i havent had one in like almost two months, but i am aware that i am always contagious, but is it highly unlikely to reinfect myself, if i happen to touch my lip without a blister and then another body part like genitals or anything?

  11. i have recently been given a positive result for hsv1 to which i believe i got about 3ish 4ish months ago, my last outbreak i had was in june and it was a single blister on my lip. anyways yesterday i ended up sneezing into my shirt and i believe i washed my chest with soap and water, and then today i coughed into my shirt and i also washed with soap and water, are these possible ways to autoinoculate myself, i usually do these things so i dont get germs anywhere but that was before i found out i have herpes so i know i need to be extra careful not to get it any where else on my body. also this morning, i ended up scratching my forearm when i woke up but im not sure if i touched my lip before hand ( i dont know what i do in my sleep) but if i had touched my mouth could i reinfect myself that way? also how high is my risk for doing these things? i just got coldsores so i dont know the ins and outs of this virus, what i can or cannot do. and how to prevent further infecting myself and my partner. thank you all

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