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Posts posted by H3rpsterella

  1. Huh? So you're suggesting that if I actually tell people that I know I have HSV1, and care about not doing to them what someone did to me-- knowingly withheld the truth about their health status and gave someone a permanent disease-- it makes ME look like the crazy one? Fuck that. Adrial, IDK what kind of a website you have going on here but this is not the helpful resource I thought it to be.

  2. Two years ago, my obviously now ex bf gave me HSV-1. I don't know whether it traveled downstairs as well, but it's entirely likely. IMO, HSV-1 is worse than HSV-2. At least you can hide HSV-2, and you don't have to disclose until you're about to have sex. With HSV-1, you have to disclose if someone you're on a second date with wants to taste your acai bowl. Then they find out, and respond like I transformed into the hunchback of Notre Dame.


    I have nightmares about this ex frequently, and he gave HSV to me two years ago. Two years ago. Yet I'm still haunted in my mind on a regular basis. I see him around my town randomly, and he now has a new GF who he told about the HSV (I introduced myself to her and immediately asked if she knew about the herpes, which he and she said she did). I'm so hurt that he could lie to me (three times he had the opportunity not to lie the entire time we were dating), and yet had no problem disclosing to her. I'm frustrated that he probably "learned his lesson" at my expense.


    I'm frustrated that I still can't find a partner because they all don't want to get oral herpes, but the liar a-hole seems to have no problem meeting a new gf. I already struggle with feeling very unloveable. I've never had a boyfriend tell me he loved me or ask me to be his girlfriend. I'm almost 32. I'm perplexed that I remain single despite the fact that I'm extremely loving and giving, I have a solid career, I'm kind, and I'm doing well for myself as a single woman. People say I'm beautiful all the time (which at this point is getting almost annoying because if they only knew...)


    And then I remember that I have oral herpes, on top of it already being SUPER hard to find a partner in my town and at my age. I'm traumatized, haunted, hurt, lonely, exhausted, and getting increasingly hopeless that I'm ever going to meet a life partner and have a real love-based relationship. I'm also trapped in my current town where I run the risk of running into the liar every time I walk out the door. My job contract ends in over a year.


    I don't know how anyone might be able to help me, but I know I need help. I'm basically going crazy with this *sshole trapped in my memory. And yes, he's an a-hole. Anyone who knowingly lies to someone for 8 months straight, three times, and who doesn't care about other people's health and wellbeing, and leads people on is an a-hole.

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