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Posts posted by sam57

  1. Hey, 

    I totally understand. A couple months ago I got out of a 3 year relationship with the guy that gave me herpes. Fast forward to now, I had been talking to this guy who I was interested in and I too had to tell him eventually. While it was very very hard disclosing it turned out 110% better than I thought it would. The guy was totally cool with it and made me feel very secure even when I felt very insecure about it all. While I know this isn't the case for everyone I think it is worth the risk. It is too lonely sitting inside of your own head and restricting yourself from living your life. And if he does decide to not continue the relationship you have to respect that choice. I was not given that choice (ex said he didn't know, which I believe because he never ever showed any symptoms) but had I been I would have respected him for it. 

    • Thanks 1
  2. Hello, 

    It is definitely possible. The first year after my diagnosis was honestly the worst for me. I probably had multiple outbreaks with hardly any breaks for 6 months before I went on anti-virals, once on those my outbreaks reduced to almost 0. Occasionally if I am really run down, stressed, or if I have rough sex (TMI but learned friction is not a good thing always, btw I am a female) there may be one small blister that goes away really fast. I also take Acyclovir 400mg but I take it twice a day. 

  3. Hi everyone, 

    It's been awhile since I have been on here, feels like I am now visiting an old friend. Back in August of 16 the guy I was with gave me Herpes, I am not sure which strain but if I had to guess it''s HSV2. Up until a couple months ago I was with said guy, and decided to break up with him. For me this was terrifying because I was mortified of having to tell anyone of my herpes. Well, fast forward to now I have met a guy who I did end up disclosing to, which was successful! I don't want to get too into details but we had sex and a few days later I noticed in my genital area (female by the way) where my lymph nodes are was kind of sore, but no lumps. When I had my very first outbreak I had swollen lymph nodes. Now that pain has subsided but my lower back/right on top of my butt is very sensitive and hurts. This has been feeling this way since Friday. Everything else downstairs seems normal though. I guess I am just very paranoid if this is some kind of symptom of reoccurring herpes? I  haven't had an outbreak in a very long time since I am on suppressive treatment. So this symptom is very new to me. My upper back hurts as well but that is normal. I just want to be very cautious because I told this guy I had herpes, and he doesn't, and I would hate myself if I ended up giving it to him. The lower back pain doesn't seem to be subsiding and I do not want to have sex again until I am sure it's not a sign of herpes.

  4. Before I contracted herpes which was about a year and a half ago I was a regular blood donor. I have refrained from donating blood because I know on their questionnaire they ask if you have any STD's. I keep my herpes status to myself. The only people that know about it are my boyfriend (who I got it from), a close friend, the pharmacist, and my Gyno. Is there any reason that I need to let American Red Cross know that I have herpes? Will they some how be able to see the medication I take when they test my blood? I don't want to lie but I miss donating blood and I literally don't personally know anyone that has herpes so I have no one to ask these questions to. Thank you in advance.

  5. I am on suppressive treatment and I believe I may be having a very mild outbreak. It is just one bump that is very painful, no swollen lymph nodes, etc. Feels like previous outbreaks. Has anyone else had this happen while they were on suppressive treatment? What could cause this? Thank you in advance.

  6. Hi everyone,

    I have HSV genitally. I don't know if it is one or two either way it's there. I am on daily medication as before I was having OB after OB. I haven't had an OB since being on the meds but I still don't feel right in that general area. I have had a couple yeast infections (mind you I've been with the same person almost a year). I am also on the pill. I am just wondering if anyone else has had any issues after their diagnosis? Before I got herpes I had no issues at all, I had never had a yeast infection and everything was normal. I was on the pill then too. Any information would be appreciated as it is very frustrating and depressing having a problem all of the time. Thanks in advance.

  7. I have the valacyclovir as well. Mine is 1000 mg every twelve hours intended for when I have outbreaks. I pay almost 7 dollars for 6 pills. For me this is too expensive because I have been looking into supression as well. I recently started taking lysine since it is much cheaper and I can buy it over the counter. I also made a post about it actually because I remember someone saying they've taken it for years and having it work so we shall see.

  8. Hi everyone, just wanted some insight as to using Lysine for treating herpes. Right now I'm on my third OB which is literally one sore kind of frustrating. I have valtrex that I get filled when I need it but it is almost $7 for 6 pills that need to be taken every twelve hours. I could not afford to be on this medication 24/7 as much as I would like to be. I have read forums on here just can't seem to find them does taking Lysine cut down the rate of transmission as well? Or does it only help slow down the recurrences? Thank you in advance.

  9. I believe I am currently having an outbreak. I am still new to this (roughly 2 months in). It appears I may have sores on my perineum, it's sore to wipe but not to go to the bathroom. Anyways, I have started my medication and have been applying tea tree oil to the affected area, is there anything else I can do to help speed this up? My birthday is in three days and I was kind of hoping this wasn't going to be an issue but now it is. I would have to say this is my second, very mild, outbreak. Thank you in advance.

  10. I felt the same way you did.. I didn't see the point in anything. I stayed in bed all day, it took me quite a bit of effort to get up and shower and go to work or even look halfway decent. I'm 19.. so I'm just starting out in the dating world and found out that I have this condition. Mind you I've had only two partners. Definitely makes things more complicated..but not impossible. When I found out I had been seeing a guy for a couple months..I told him the second I found out and he has been nothing but supportive and we are still together. There are days where I will really get down about it but really it's not all that bad. As many people have said on here it's the stigma that makes it seem "bad". If you need someone to talk to feel free to message me on here. You're not alone. You will get through this.

  11. I understand why you may be hesitant disclosing to him judging by the way he has expressed his feelings about herpes. But the right thing to do would be to tell him, think if you were in his shoes. Wouldn't you want to know? I agree the stigma against herpes is terrible..people make it out to be way worse than what it is. But he deserves to know so he can decide for himself.

  12. I was diagnosed with genital herpes less than a month ago. My symptoms were extremely mild which is why it made it so hard for me to believe that I have it. (had a "lesion" cultured came back positive). I don't know if it is HSV-1 or HSV-2 my gyno said my insurance won't cover the blood test so I have to call and ask. Before I do that I need to know what the test is called because I have read on here that the combined test almost always comes back negative and is not the one I want. Thank you in advance.

  13. I agree that is an interesting blog lol. Thank you for your kind words... still trying to accept the fact that I'll have this for the rest of my life. I'm trying to think positive thoughts many people have conditions such as diabetes, crohns, etc that they have to live with so I guess herpes isn't anything different. I never realized how common it is until now.

  14. When I had my herpes culture done it said that the range was "N/A" and that the results were a micro report. I messaged my gynocologost asking her what this meant and she said that "it says that the virus was isolated that means it's a positive result". If anyone could further elaborate on this it would be much appreciated. I do not know if I have hsv 1 or 2. I asked her I could get the blood work done for it and she said she wasn't sure if my insurance would cover it but to let her know. I am not sure what to do.

  15. I am in complete shock..and denial. I've only had three partners and was never the girl that slept around. I realize that this does not matter but you never actually think that it could happen to you. So when I developed bumps that didn't even seem like this disease and I went to my gyno and she took a culture and it came back positive I was literally speechless. It took all I had standing in line at my pharmacy not to break down, especially when being handed my prescription for Valtrex. I am in a relationship and have discussed this with him and he was completely accepting and understanding which helps some but I still am so ashamed of myself and don't know how I'm going to deal with this. The past few days I've just kind of bottled up my feelings I'm not ready to accept the fact that I have Genital Herpes. I am not even sure if it is HSV 1 or 2 yet. They say your first outbreak is the worst but I honestly didn't even notice it hardly. So it worries me how future outbreaks will be, how many I will have, how this will affect my future. I just feel so alone in this.

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