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Posts posted by Kasdan

  1. Hi everyone!

    Diagnosed with hsv2 September and having mild outbreaks every 2-2.5 weeks. I also have rheumatoid arthritis and take immune suppressive drugs so definitely impacting the frequency of my outbreaks. I've tried vaktrex and acyclovir for suppressive therapy but seem to be allergic as I have swollen itchy eyes that goes away when I stop taking it.


    Feeling a little frustrated that I can't manage this and am curious if there is any other treatment you could recommend? Or if I just have be drug free and deal with this every 2weeks....Or if anyone has a similar experience to share?


    Any insight is sincerely appreciated:)



  2. Hi everyone- it's nice to meet you all. I was just diagnosed with HSV-2 within the last few days and I'm still trying to process. I think for me the shock comes from having very few sexual partners and always using condoms and being in amonogamous relationships-so it is a little bittersweet to swallow that I was responsible and did everything I thought was right but still contracted this. Culture and bloodwork point to this being recent- my bf has never had symptoms and didn't realize he had it.


    My feelings range from shame to guilt to not a big deal to overwhelmed. I feel a little all over the place. My head knows that in a few days/weeks I will be in s better place of acceptance but I'm just not there yet. My biggest fear is when will the next outbreak be and how bad will it be. I already have a compromised immune system due to other illnesses and I am scared for the severity and the frequency.


    I appreciate having s place to just honestly express my emotions- any insight is sincerely appreciated.



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