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Posts posted by Houstonian15

  1. Hi everyone! Has anyone heard of doctors prescribing Valtrex to pregnant women regardless of their status? A friend told me he saw Valtrex in the delivery room while his girlfriend was having the baby. The doctor said that she brings it to the delivery room regardless of the status of the patient just in case it's necessary. I asked if his girlfriend had herpes and he said no. To me this seems strange from the doctor. Is this a routine thing doctors do when delivering babies? I'm worried that she maybe didn't disclose to him and he's in denial. But if this is something doctors do on a regular basis, then I stand corrected.

  2. Thanks for sharing ALittleMad. I haven't had very many outbreaks, so it's hard for me to determine if they're always the same or if they'll change. The two I experienced were very mild and I only felt itchy. But I did feel something, unlike with this pimple like thing. If I get this again, i might just go see my doctor to make sure. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Hi everyone! I'll keep this short. I saw a small pimple on my outer labia five days ago. I have no sensation symptoms (no itching, burning, tingling, etc.), nor did I feel anything prior to this. I started doubling my valtrex intake because I thought it's an outbreak. I kept monitoring it and noticed that the bump developed a white head, like a typical pimple. I touched it with a Q-Tip and could not feel any pain/itching/or any other sensation. Anyone experienced this before? You think it's an outbreak? The main reason for my asking is that if it's not, I'd like to know that if I have this experience in the future I maybe don't need to double up on my medicine if it's not an outbreak. My boyfriend thinks I should pop it, but I think I'll just let it be. Thanks for your feedback!


    P.S. This forum is really great and everyone's input is super helpful!



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