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Posts posted by pecan

  1. Oh my health care providers (plural) all know about this- and it really, really- sorry for saying it this way but it all completely fucked me up. I will suffer because of that for the rest of my life. I cannot, absolutely cannot trust the medical community and I have almost no faith- except my GP who has been great over the years. I also had a bad experience with Teri Weston who validated that first shitty doctor's behavior towards me on testing to begin with when my symptoms were NOT for hsv2- they were for HPV- yet she insisted hpv does not itch well YES it can and did. SO based on my low risk hpv itch symptom she insisted that it must be herpes even though again, ZERO physical signs aka blisters, fissures- NONE of those....And I was diagonsed via biopsy with low risk hpv so I was right and she tested me anyway with NO blisters at all for hsv2 then told me wrongly that I was also infected with that. So I went around for 20 years believing I had 2 incurables because back then it was believed that HPV was also permanent and now we know differenlty.

    Even the CDC says NO testing for herpes without physical symptoms and a swab. But this individual insisted- as well as taking my blood, my out of pocket payment and then telling me that it was shipped to University of Washington for the Western Blot. I think I even rememeber the cooler in the room with us to transport my blood sample.

    I am in a loveless marriage because I went with based a good deal on the fact that I was accepted with these 2 incurables (one I no longer have and the other I never even did).

    I was robbed of romance, dating, freedom and my sense  sexual well being, and for NOTHING. And the rejections.... based on a lie.... only compounded my complex ptsd and I am now completely paranoid around sharing my body with anyone ever and have been for many years. I have been celibate with the exception of one person briefly for 10 years now. I am terrfiied absolutely terrified of going  throuhgh something like this again.

    AS ell as the original  trauma of having caught hpv form a lying, cheating bf. It was too much. The whole thing really, really helped me along the way to becoming a full blown alcoholic and y health sufers form that to this day, I quit drining 8 years ago but truat me I am permanently affected so it is nont the happy ending.


    And just to add even more to my complex ptsd the factthat much like my original abusers, there will NEVDER be any justice towards this doctor who permanently and irreversibly damaged my life and sens of safety and trust, even more so that already as one who lives with more than enough trauma, believe me.

    Never, ever in my life have I heard of anyone else having an experience like this.... alone again in a completely fcked up experience 😞


    It's nont safe out here. At all. With anyone.

    If you can't trust a doctor then who can you trust? Nobody.

  2. Hi all

    I am wondering about something.

    I have a long and complicated story here about a doctor who years ago, told me I had type 2 hsv and supposedly gave me the Western Blot test and then told me that it was positive. Then aabout 15 years later when I asked her to produce the papaerwork, because I had multiple igg tests come back negative for hsv2, over those many years starting at about 2008- I did not believe her. 

    There was 2 years of back and forth with that office and that doctor- unable to produce the papaerwork and then saying they lost it, then saying tey were archive and had to be looked for- then saying they found some papers, not all of them- but no western blot test, and finally I was told that I never had that test- when YES I absolutely did and remember distinctly her telling me that it ws from Universirty of Washington, was an out of pocket cost, etc- and then she told me that it came back positive- the entire situation was extremely shady and the doctor was very defensive and ugly about it, there is more to it that I wrote about in my other postst about this but ultimately, it was VERY suspicious, the entire situation.

    I have had at least 5 or 6 igg test, maybe even 8- since then (2002)- and all of them have been negative for hsv 2 and positive for hsv 1. That is accurate to my experince as I have had cold sores since I was a kid and never ever had any genital sores and yes I know that spres are not the only way that hsv2 can manifest.

    Nobody around here, and I live in a big city, had ever even heard of the Western Blot and there was no way to get another, so I went around in limbo for years and years, mental health basically destroyed over this. I also have complex ptsd so even though it seems like not a big deal to some people, this situation absolutely destroyed me.

    I brought it up to my GP nd he hd not heard of the Wetern Blot. BUt finlly in 2022 he was familiar as another patient had asked him to do one. So he then did  Western Blot for me. I had to mail it out myself.

    It came back negative. The Western Blot came back negative. 20 years after the original supposedly positive WB test, which my results could not be produced when asked for (granted 15 years later but they should have been archived somemwhere).

    I have NEVER had a symptom down theer, EVER. I have had low risk hpv but never any symptoms of hsv2 genitally EVER.

    So it makes sense to me that it is negative as well as every single other igg test I have had.

    Bt I have this old paper with an igg test from that original questionable doctor- and it has the igg but the number is not like theother tests I have had it says-

    hsv2 igG (<1:40)-    and my result was 1:160 (viral antibodies)

    So, I think that she based a diagnosis on that result. 

    Given my history with these tests and zero symptoms no blisters etc nothing like that I am just at a plalce where I do not know what to think or do.

    Would a 2nd Western Blot be false negative? I had not been sexually active for years when I took it. 

    All I have paper evidence of is one positive igG form over 20 years ago. And many repeat igG tests that came back negatove for hsv2. And, a 2022 Western Blot that also came back negative. And, have never ha dsymptoms, blisters, etc, genitally.

    I have also read here that the time frame for hsv2 to oshow up on a test is actually moret han 4 months alhtough it thought for along time that 4 months was the wait time after exposure. Even the cdc says it can take "16 weeks or more".

    Another disconcerting factor is that some people say they have tested positive by swab for hsv 2 yet always test negative on a blood test.

    So at this point, I don't know what to believe. 

  3. Hi all

    So I was looking at the cdc website ttoday and it says that it could take up to 16 weeks or longer to build enough antibodies to test positive for hsv2.

    Wondering what is people's experience with that? I mean up to how much longer than 16 weeks is what I am wondering.

  4. Hi all, I have not been around in a long time.

    I continue to test negative for hsv2 even with the western blot.

    However, I have always had hsv1 since I was very young. Until recently my hsv1 tests have always come back with positive, yet lower numbers.

    Back in December though, while I had an active oubreak orally ( where I always get outbreaks) of several cold sores because I had been sick with a fever and flu- my igG was very high- 54.


    I was tested again yesterday though, and I have no current outbreak- and my hsv1 igG came back at 58. Again extremely high, but this time I don't have an outbreak.

    I am worried because I have read low immunity can cause this, and I had some unexpected weight loss a few months ago and I am worried now it is because I am sick in some very serious way. I had a series of blood tests and they all came back fine and I have not lost any weight since. My doctor put it down to stress. Which seems way too easy of an answer, tbh.

    This drastic rise cannot be normal.

    Does anyone happen to know anything about this kind of fluctuation?

    58 seems sky high to me.

  5. Guys! Pecan here... so I have been off and on the forum here over the last few years- about a long and very strange story regrading my hsv2 status- 20 years ago  a doctor told me I had hsv2- I had NO symptoms and was being treated for genital warts. She told me that there was a test throught the University of Washington that was THE gold standard, single most accuarte test that I could get if I paid out of pocket and that my blood sample would have to be packed and shipped to the university, etc. Keep in mind, 20 years ago this test was unheard of and certainly the first time I had ever heard about it. I was 26.


    She told me that the test came back positive. This greatly, GREATLY affected me as I had already been dealing with a "permanent" STI (back then called STD's) genital warts (again, 20 years ago when it was NOT even commonly known of, hpv- and the mantra was "You have it forever") and also happen to have mental health issues due to a very abusive upbringing. That coupled with this diagnosis in addition to other health issues helped me on the road to alcoholism for about 13 years, as I had already grown up with no love- but abuse- and now it looked like I was going to just be alone forever- I have a lot of trauma and that diagnosis did not help.


    Years later, after STILL having NO symptoms- I decided to get IgG tested at my GP's.

    Negative. A few years later- negative again.

    So, I decided to call the doctor that originally tested me and ask for my results on paper. They took a very, very long time to send me anything and there was a lot of ignoring my calls and shuffling me around- saying they lost my papers, saying they had to go look in archives- and then saying they "partially" found them- this went on for TWO years.


    Finally the doctor got on the phone with me sounding very angry and suspicious- fired questons at me- was suspicious about the check I had sent to pay for my results and paperwork- then, agreed to give me another Western Blot (I had asked my GP doctor about it several times and he had no idea what I was talking about)- then, she put me on hold with the lab- and they had me on hold forever and then just eventually hung up on me. At some point the docotr even denied ever having given me the test.

    I had suspected for a long time that she had simply lied to me about the diagnosis.


    So  several years and TWO more negative iGG tests (always positive for hsv1 which I have had orally forever, no shocker) for a total of I believe FIVE negative Igg tests- I decided to bring up the facts to my gp again, about how I suspected that original doctor lied to me and pocketed my cash for the so called western blot. He was, at this point, well familiar with my anxiety over all of this and had by this time done also done a Western Blot for someone else- so I went ahead and did the test again.

    Today I found out that I am, according to the Western Blot- NEGATIVE for hsv2.

    I was RIGHT. That original doctor LIED to me to take my money- one hundred measly dollars?


    I have been through 20 years of dating whoever would accept me based on a "double" diagnosis that I didn't have- I only had hpv- which is now believed to be a transient infection. I am in a loveless marriage because I thought "who would want me with 2 strains of herpes PLUS hpv"- because years ago it was thought that hpv was permanent.


    I had talked to Terry Weston- who I would NOT reccommend- and after telling her about my experience- she PRAISED that LYING doctor for being "forward thinking".


    My ASS.

    She is a lying, amoral, psychopath.

    I am so, so.... just, my head is spinning right now, just spinning. That doctor messed up my life for 100 dollars that she pocketed, why lie- just... why.


    The trauma I mentioned earlier- plus now learning that I was RIGHT about my sexual health the WHOLE time- for DEACDES- that time lost, the rejections I have suffered, the blow to my already non existent self esteem...

    I am just rocked today. 


    I have complex ptsd, twice diagnosed- recovered alcoholic, and severe, SEVERE anxiety from my upbringing and life and that doctor... robbed me of so much.


    And now even though I guess I should be happy for what I have learned I am just so angry and so upset and devastated that this doctor did such a terrible thing, and I am right about life- you really can't trust anyone.


    It is a long and strange story and I do wish everyonen a healing journey on their road of sexual/mental health- hsv affects both because of the stigma.


    I hope this post can have a place here. I am sorry to be overly emotion al but I am not equipped for this. My faith in humans was laready broken long before I was even close to grown, actually it never existed in the first place.

    Please understand this is very personal, my views and feelings and I truly do not wish to make anyone feel bad about their status.


    I appreciate you.


    • Like 1
  6. Also I didn't see anything pertaining to that 8% error rate you mentioned- I looked at the link you sent. I have already been all over that website and others, years ago- I have been researching this all for years online. I am familiar with what they say the accuracy rates are for Western and for IgG it has been written in a lot of places that the igG tests are 100 percent accurate for negatives.



    I understand if you don't want to talk about it anymore because trust me, I wish I didn't have to but I am stuck with it.



  7. Well, I have never had a blister down there ever, which that plus the fact that I have several negative tests really lead me to believe I haven't got the hsv 2 virus. That doctor was fast to jump on the Western Blot test because my genital warts were itching and she insisted, absolutely insisted that genital warts just never, ever itch. Well I know that to be completely and inarguable untrue. Yes they absolutely can and do often itch. And just to add to my fear and mistrust- I had to suffer the warts for almost 10 months and see several doctors over that time who all insisted that I was fine and there was nothing wrong with me and that I did not have warts- I had to beg and insist for one doctor to just finally do a biopsy and she was so mad and acted like I was a hypochondriac- and then lo and behold... she calls me and tells me the biopsy was positive for condyloma acuminata-  a.k.a, genital warts. I was right. 


     Again though, if that other doctor had been able to produce the test results of a Western Blot or at the very least admitted she lost them or even followed through with giving me another test like she said she would instead of phone shuffling me around, avoiding me and putting me off- and then ultimately just leaving me hanging - I'd believe her. And then I have to question how many other people out there are also testing negative, yet "really have" hsv 2 and just haven't had a Western Blot- which apparently nobody else in my city has ever even heard of.


    You are correct, I'm mad about all of this. I mean this is really way too much mental/emotional stress for years and years, plus the ethical burden of what on earth was I supposed to tell partners and then any kind of dating was honestly destroyed once I went into this long and complicated tale. Zero romance, zero spontaneity. My life has been totally compromised. And I seem to read quite often that doctors don't really push for the hsv tests in absence of overt symptoms because of the consideration of the patient's mental health- and I really wish that had been the consideration taken with me because I can't think of a worse, strange and lonely purgatory to be in. I have friends who have even asked at clinics to be tested for herpes and they refuse to do it in the absence of overt, "classic" symptoms". My sexual health, self image, self esteem and mental health have all been extremely damaged by this not knowing whats really going on with my body- and having to try and access a very hard to obtain test, if I do want to know-  and take on the mental burden of that test and also have to try and explain to doctors about the test because it has to come from out of state... they act like I have 2 heads when I try to even bring it up and they all discourage me from it- I have called doctors, labs... for years. And yes you would assume that  big city like mine would make it simple but unfortunately it is not at all. simple


    I have already contacted the U of W lab ( about a couple of years ago) and they only hold results for so long- mine if I had any- would be long gone. 

    The whole thing makes me want to cry ( some more). I feel like it would only be me, my life that would ever have this ridiculous and complicated circumstance. Nowhere on this site will you find a tale like this.


    I feel that most if not all people would let sleeping dogs lie on this matter. I don't know if I feel more responsibility to find out because females typically do take more responsibility with their health or what. But I just wish to god my life didn't have this insane, very long and ongoing chapter.

    I appreciate you being mindful enough not to invalidate me because honestly I think this situation would drive anyone nuts.


    Thanks fro reading and responding. Sigh I am sorry I hope this isn;t stupid but can you be my online pal here for awhile... I need one. I feel so alone in this crazy tale I got stuck living.

  8. Well, with the attitude this doctor had I actually wouldn't be surprised if she never actually gave me the test. I mean why would she simply "report" a result and not show me anything on paper at all for my "gold standard" Western Blot test- but go ahead and show me papers for the other tests, those many years ago when I was in her office as a patient?  And even if I had a Western Blot again now- if it did come back positive that doesn't mean I had it back then, it could mean I got it after that test. Agin though, this doctor's attitude was just not right and I really wouldn't put it past her.

    And if someone is going to tell me something as life impacting as I have hsv2- they better send me home with papers in my hand. Or be able to produce those records later. I don't care how long it is! And ultimately she didn't cop to losing my results- she just denied ever giving me the test. And there was SO much shuffling me around- it was super shady- I actually asked to just get another Western Blot and she put me on hold, then just said I had to talk to someone in the lab, and then when I got someone in the lab they fast talked me a bunch of stuff that had nothing to do with me actually having another test- just really fast talking me- then tol dme I had to talk to someone else andthen ultimate;y just left me on hold forever until I gave up and I never had another test. And this was all TWO whole years after trying to get my papers! And being put off, and put pff and put off.


    It has all taken a great mental and emotional toll on me and also, because I have the good fortune to already have hsv 1 and have had low risk hpv, I have several permanent std's so I have had to carry this burden since I was young and never got to be in a good, long term relationship. It's one thing to have to say "I have herpes" but when you have to say "I have both types of herpes AND hpv and I had the warts kind of hpv... well, I am living proof of how hard and lonely your life will be. I am finally married and it's to someone who doesn't even treat me right really, but I have to date based on who will accept my std's. It's soul crushing I can't lie. I suppose that's another topic though.


    Also a few more questions- as for the hsv 2 test not deteecting it 8 % of the time- do you mean that 8 percent of people will just never test positive for it even though they have it? or that there is an error with the test 8% of the time? Because I can't have fallen into the 8 percent THREE whole times! 


    Also, what are your sources for this info and can you show me them here?


    Another question- O have called and called al over (a few years back) asking for a Western Blot test and most people have no idea what I am talking about. Not my gp not anyone. It doesn't seem to be available here.


    SO, does anyone know a doctor in Chicago who will 1) know what I am talking about when I say "Western Blot Test" and 2) do the test?


    Please don't direct me to Terri West. She has been invalidating towards me and frankly, rude in the past- after she had my money.

  9. Hi all! I wonder if anyone may recall me and my crazy story about hsv2.


    I was supposedly given a Western Blot by a doctor about 17 years ago. I was told it was positive. I never questioned it, even though I had no outbreaks, ever, "down south". Had cold sores, but not down below.


    about 7 years after that test I had the Elisa igG test and it came back negative.


    And then a few years after that I had another one because I thought "surely that must have been a fluke"- and it came back negative.


    And I had another one a few months back, and again- Negative.  This is all over the course of about 17 years. 


    I now have THREE NEGATIVE elisa iGG tests. The one that differentiates HSV 1 from HSV 2.  And I have suffered cold sores all my life since I was a kid and all three elisa iGG tests came positive for HSV 1, making perfect sense since I have always, always had symptoms.


    Now here is what is on the ASHA website regarding IgG tests:


    "The accurate herpes blood tests detect IgG antibodies. Unlike IgM, IgG antibodies can be accurately broken down to either HSV-1 or HSV-2. A recent study corroborates this finding: labs that used non-gG-based tests for herpes had high false-positive rates for HSV-2 antibodies (14-88% saying the blood sample was positive for HSV-2) in samples that were actually only positive for HSV-1 antibodies. But 100% of the labs using gG-based tests accurately reported that the blood sample was negative for HSV-2."



    " But 100% of the labs using gG-based tests accurately reported that the blood sample was negative for HSV-2."


    Now to add to the mix, I requested all my records from the original doctor who supposedly gave me the Western Blot. And I recall the whole procedure- how my blood sample had to be shipped out to Washington State and they were the only ones who offered this test, and how insurance did not cover it and I had to pay for it out of pocket. This was all a good 17 years ago, maybe slightly longer.


    The doctor sent me a few pieces of my records but nothing anywhere said University of Washington. Nothing anywhere said "Western Blot". She did an IgG and IgM test, it appears- and again, no thing in my papers about Western Blot or University of Washington. Nothing.


    I called and inquired about that, as at this point I had done 2 Elisa iGG tests that both came back negative. I asked for ALL of my paperwork.


    I was then dodged, and avoided, and then they "lost" my records- for about two years. And then, finally- the doctor simply denied ever having done a Western Blot.


    So I believed I had HSV 2 for about 15 years or more of my life- and now I have not one, not two- but THREE iGg type specific tests.


    So.. that's where I am today. Sitting here with the paper in my hand from this past November with my third HSV 2 type specific1/2 igG test that states "negative" for HSV2.


    So... thoughts?



  10. Thanks for reading! I would love to do that, but I have no records of her so called Western Blot. For years, I had the receipt from a money order for the supposed Western Blot. And I can't find it. I just for the life of me cannot fathom why, how, I can test negative twice, not even once but twice on an igG test- if I supposedly had a "gold standard" Western Blot test. Because no matter how long afterwards, I should still be testing positive. I always test positive for hsv-1 and I have cold sores, which I hate- so that makes plenty of sense. So the igG ALWAYS picks up the hsv-1. But I have two negative results for hsv-2.


    There's been no sense of peace in my life for years over this.


    And let's just be nuts and say I did actually have a positive Western B;lot years ago- well why then would I test negative twice with the same igG tests that anyone else gets when they go in and get tested?


    That would mean that a lot of other people are positive "for real" and then test negative- years and years later- this isn't a window period thing or anything. That would mean that all these tests are useless. I was tested  about 7 years after initial supposed Western Blot and again 8 years later.

  11. Hey guys. I have a long tale, that I'll thank anyone ahead of time for actually staying and reading the entire saga.  It is complicated. I wish it was simple, but it isn't.

    You may recall me from awhile back when I was trying to sort out if I actually have hsv 2 or not. I had (supposedly) a Western Blot years ago that I was told was positive. At the time I was having symptoms due to HPV warts- and my Dr at the time said that itching was absolutely not a symptom of my warts and suggested I be tested with a (then) obscure test not covered by insurance (over 15 years ago Western Blot was unheard of). So I did it, and she told me I had HSV 1 and 2. In addition to HPV warts. Yay. Also it should be noted that this particular gyne seemed to think none of it was a big deal despite the fact I was melting down because here I was being diagnosed with two permanent std's and I could barely handle it mentally/emotionally. One would have been plenty. I stopped seeing her because I did not like her flippant attitude towards things- when I asked her if I had to tell people I was hsv-2 positive despite never having an outbreak, she simply replied, "That's up to you". And also it should be noted that I never, absolutely never- had sex without a condom.


    I had gotten cold sores forever, but never, not to this day- a classic outbreak down below. Mystery itches and what nots, but nothing like a classic symptom down below. Years later, I decided to test again with my GP- it was an igG test- and it came back positive for hsv 1 and NEGATIVE for hsv 2. I was basically jumping for joy over being negative-and then mentioned I'd had this Western Blot in the past- and then my GP said that I somehow still had it then, despite my more recent test being negative, the kind that DOES differentiate between type 1 and 2.


    Ok then, still no outbreak and it was 7 years later and I now had a test that says I am negative for type 2 hsv. An igG test (yes, I am positive it was NOT an igM).


    So years later, I am in a relationship and I have told my potential partner that I have hpv and both strains of herpes. And just for the heck of it, get tested with my GP again- still no outbreaks down below, but I have had mystery symptoms of an occasional burn or itch and no clear answers from the gyne I have had since after the original hsv diagnosing gyne. My partner accepts all I have told him (we have no sex life anyway) and I get tested again with my gp, the same test, an igG (I believe an Elisa) and AGAIN I am positive for hsv-1 and NEGATIVE for hsv-2. and now it is 15 years later after the original diagnosis via supposed Western Blot.


    I say "supposed" because, the original gyne that told me I'd had the Western Blot (she'd explained it was in Washington, insurance didn't cover it and I had to pay out of pocket)-  has turned out to be questionable in my opinion. And here's why- granted, many years later- I asked her for all my records including, and ESPECIALLY, the Western Blot results. Because I found it to be quite curious that I now have TWO igG tests saying I am negative for hsv-2. TWO.


    Her office told me that they would get my records. Sometime later, I get a call that they have my records. I call back to get them- and they have "lost" my records. I wait, follow up, wait, follow up, speak with staff and receptionists- get fast talked, put on hold, told they are "looking" for my records- for TWO ENTIRE YEARS. In the meantime, while I have had it up to here with the whole situation, I pay for and ask Terri Warren of the Westover Heights forum- what she thinks, and also voice my great dissatisfaction with my old gyne and also my opinion that non symptomatic people should not be tested. I know it has made my life very complicated and induced much anxiety and depression.


    Terri assured me that no matter what, if the Western Blot was positive- I have hsv-2 and even went so far as to say that I should be grateful for having such a forward thinking gyne back then to have given me the Western Blot. Obviously I feel quite differently. I also brought up the question of, "Well, if I definitely have hsv-2, yet tested negative TWICE for it with igG tests- then that begs the question of the validity of these tests". Not to mention, maybe I have been rejected by potential partners who have hsv-2 but still turn up negative on igG testing as I seem to. Terri did not address those questions/points.


    At this point I was still asking about my Western Blot results from the original gyne. Because I really need to see them with my own eyes, after testing TWICE as negative with reliable igG tests that are the standard for anyone getting tested for both types of herpes. I am polite and patient the entire time. Eventually I am told they found my records- but now I need to send a signature and a check to pay for them. Fine. My boyfriend writes them a check and I give them the signature- and still-nothing. Except, a phone call from her office- asking who wrote the check- because my boyfriend did- and a bunch of suspicion and questions about who he is and why did he write the check for me? And more questions about "Who is this person that wrote the check?"


    Finally, she sends me some records- a bunch of stuff-and NO Western Blot to be found. I call, again, and ask-again- where are my definitive Western Blot test Results- the ones she diagnosed me with having hsv-2 with- years ago? And they know who I am because I have waited two years for results- and at this point, I am being fast talked- about how herpes can "hide", and a lot of details about the records I did receive, but still nothing to do with my Western Blot results which are nowhere in my records- then put on hold- then transferred to the lab where I request another Western Blot and am told that I will be called back with the details. Mind you, at this point the Western blot is near impossible to acquire.


    So I wait and wait and receive no call back- and then I call gain. And the actual Dr, my old gyne from years and years back- gets on the phone (at this point I am so sick of the entire thing, after TWO YEARS that my patience is finally wearing thin, and I am upset)- and tells me to call back when I have calmed down. AFTER TWO YEARS OF WAITING FOR MY MEDICAL RECORDS and questioning about my check, and years of being put on hold, and checking into see if they found my results, etc.


    Ultimately, this gyne gets impatient with me. Impatient with ME after I have waited TWO entire years for my results for a permanent std- and followed up, and called and checked in, and written a check (which inexplicably, they never cashed)- and tells me that "Well then, you didn't get the Western Blot here".


    Well, as you might know- there is absolutely NO WAY I would have gotten that test anywhere else- because I most certainly remember the Dr who told me, with a then obscure test- that I had not one, but TWO permanent std's. I could not believe what I was hearing form this woman. She then went on to tell me that I should just go ahead and call the University of Washington for my records.


    And I thought, "OMG. WHY didn't she just tell me that TWO YEARS AGO?". And I call. And they tell me they only hold records for 7 years.


    And now, I have two negative igG tests, nothing else on record- and no classic outbreak, EVER. And I am so, so tired of the whole thing- and I have to make this my final relationship with current partner because I cannot take this mental head game anymore of not knowing what to tell people and having this insane tale.


    So that's my story (and it's never a simple one in my life, I swear- I pray for simplicity and it evades me).

    Thoughts? I mean I think old gyne lied and pocketed the out of pocket Western Blot money- did some other tests and decided I have hsv 1 AND hsv-2 and that's exactly what my new, new gyne said too, when I gave her a brief synopsis of this story.


    I don't want another Western Blot, or HSV test of any kind. I have TWO negative IgG tests and I have had all the stress and more that I can take over this. And granted, no, herpes is not a life ending thing- but all the back and forth, and positive, then negative results- and multiple std's (hpv warts) is really a bit much. Even though it was a long time ago, I have had to deal with the whole, weird thing.


    And I am in tears now, because the stress this entire bizarre scenario that has dragged on for years has caused has gotten to me, I suppose.


    And thank you so much for staying with me this far.



  12. It is near impossible to get another Western Blot. I am researching it until my head aches. I asked my doctor and he wasn't really interested in doing it. The test is prohibitively expensive and very difficult to obtain and the of course one must also find a doctor who:


    Has actually heard of the test


    Is willing to order and give the test.


    Thanks for the feedback guys... and gals... and everyone

  13. Hi guys thanks for the feedback.


    Would like to hear more experiences. This is a lot to handle, and there is virtually no counseling or support for anyone in this specific situation and I have to wonder why.


    Also as far as HPV, leave it to me to get warts- and I read that only 1% of the population gets this particular manifestation of HPV and yet still I read over and again that warts are "common".



  14. Today I went to the dentist and when I looked over, I realized the woman who had worked on me last appointment is enormously pregnant. I immediately became very worried that I may have infected her because last time and this time, I have a cold sore. I called ahead of time and warned the office and they said not to reschedule and to just come in. However, last week I told a new mother who I was to babysit for that I had a cold sore and was not sure if she wanted me to work still. She said "sure"- until she called her doctor. Then she cancelled instead. I have had cold sores my whole life and never felt so worried until more recently, because I did not know I was a threat in such situations. I also did not know I was contagious when I did not have an outbreak until my bf pointed it out two years ago because he was convinced I'd given oral HSV 1 to him. Months later he tested negative, but since then I have been very, very paranoid and wash my hands constantly and am extremely anxious around all my friends who have babies. I never knew until recently that I might infect a baby, or spread this without any symptoms. I thought that was for HSV 2, and more so for those who have actual episodes- and then shedding between outbreaks. I don't know why it did not occur to me that the viruses would act in the same way. I know they are essentially the same and yet this escaped me.





  15. Well, that kind of proves my point. Again, how many people are getting tested and think they are "fine" when in fact they are positive? For all I know I have been rejected by people who actually have it and believed they didn't.


    I just don't know how I feel about people getting tested anymore when they have NEVER had a symptom. I really think they should just test pregnant women and call it a day! And anyone who has a special circumstance, like an immune disorder- might make a request of their partner to be tested too. Beyond that unless a person has an actual outbreak and they want to to a test in addition with a swab, I think it's really getting to be a bit much.


    I mean what kind of head job is it to have believed I have not one but three lifelong std's, (HSV1 since I was a kid) and now one? Just one. HSV1. No more HPV according to my Dr it clears your system after a time. I haven't had any issues with that for well over 10 years. And still to date no HSV2 outbreaks.

  16. Ok guys. I posted my story here but I have new info. I will try to be concise.


    Years ago, many many years ago- a Dr gave me a Western Blot test for HSV 2- diagnostically, not to "confirm" anything. I was dealing with HPV (low risk) and she thought I should be tested for HSV 2 with a Western Blot as well even though there were NO visible symptoms. I had itching because of the hpv warts, and she was SURE it was herepes because according to her itching is not possible with hpv warts. She didn't do any other test that came back equivocal or see anything- she just went straight to the Western Blot. This was WAY before anyone had even HEARD of a herpes test...



    So it comes back and she tells me it is positive. Ok so then I was dealing with not one but TWO lifelong std's. I was still not convinced I had it as I never, EVER had any symptoms... Yes, I understand that this may happen but I still just felt she HAD to be wrong... and many, many years later I still haven't had ANY symptoms ever "down there". I also had another test years later with my GP- the Herpeselect, an IGg type specific test- and it came back negative. Well, I was all "Hallelujah" (not because herpes is a catastrophe but because I had suffered so much mentally and emotionally with the way I got it from a cheating, unconscionable sociopath of a BF who also "gifted me with HPV). And so the Dr who gave me the second test said that my body had quit making antibodies for it and I probably still had it since the Western Blot said so. OK so that pretty much screwed with my emotions pretty hard:


    "I have it, oh no! Wait I can't have it I have NEVER had a symptom..."


    "This second test says I don't have it YAY!"


    "Wait, what...? I still have it...? Then how many other people are in this situation and think they don't have it but do, because they also got multiple negative IgG type specific tests...?"


    And NOW, some MORE years later, just to see, just because I am curious... I get another Herpes Select IgG type specific test... and it comes back NEGATIVE.




    Ok so my Dr NOW says I don't have it, I should just go with the TWO negative tests I had.


    Ok so this obviously raises a TON of questions.


    Not the least being, if I do have it and it does not show on this type specific test, TWICE-how many other people are walking around thinking they are "fine" and actually have it, because they also got multiple false negatives???


    And if you have never, EVER had any real symptoms... Not a first episode, not a blister, NOTHING... WHY bother disclosing?


    I have been living tormented with this for years. And now I get a second round of negative result.


    I am just so DONE with this. I am going to go with my doctor's advice. He is the doctor. I had TWO type specific tests... I am just done with this, I am no longer considering myself HSV2 positive. Anymore digging at this point seems ridiculous. This all has caused me so much stress I barely even recognize myself anymore. I have NEVER, EVER heard of anyone with a story like mine and there is NOTHING worse than being truly alone with a thing. I am done.

  17. Not one, not two, but three diseases. You'd think I had been a lady of the night. I always, always practiced safe sex. I never cheated. I have been cheated ON, but I never cheated. I never slept with a stranger.


    I was diagnosed low risk hpv years and years ago. At the same time, they just gave me a Western Blot and told me I had both types hsv. Well I had always had cold sores. But I never had a anything "down there"... and even later I tested negative with an Elisa test for hsv2... So after much confusion many years later, I was kind of wrapping my head around having not one but probably two std's for the rest of my life. I can't lie, I have never had a good relationship after any of that, because I end up with whoever will have me because of this.


    So I am plugging along in my compromised life and last year my bf throws in my face that I am also shedding hsv 1 from my mouth a lot of the time. So now I feel, re traumatized and disgusted with myself. I mean I had no idea I was supposed to be telling everyone I had this as well. I thought I was ok as long as I didn't have an active cold sore. And for years I thought oral was safe.


    Anyway does anyone else have three things they have to deal with? I have felt alone over all these years, sure there are support groups for hpv and herpes but there is NO support group for the people like me. There never has been. And no advice on how to tell someone you have multiple diseases.


    And also I am very, very confused by the mixed messages about all of these things. "They are very common, it's not a big deal".


    "It's a huge deal"


    "It's just a skin rash"


    "It's a terrible disease to have"....



    So which one is it people? Is it a big deal, or not? Personally I have still, well over ten years after diagnoses NEVER had anything down there. Ever. And I wonder at times did they make a mistake, especially after getting an Elisa test that came back negative.

  18. My bf has nothing, he was tested for everything about 9 months into us dating. So now I don't want to even touch him. I am still unconvinced that mere itching, exactly where the warts were, and that disappeared after warts were treated, was an indication of hsv 2 and I'll never believe it was right for that Dr to give me a test that NOBODY else was getting.


    I know about how common hpv is but then I read 1 percent, only one percent of the population has warts. So that seems very rare to me. And of course I'd be the one to get it. And on top of it I read how hsv 1 and 2 together are rare. So of course, who gets all three diseases? Of course. This whole thing basically destroyed me mentally over the years. Now I just envision a diseased cesspool every time I go near my bf. We haven't even kissed for months and months. I am petrified of holding a friend's baby. I don't want to do it. If they knew, they probably wouldn't even allow me in their house. I wash my hands until they are chapped and raw.


    I have never, ever not once had an outbreak "downstairs"... possibly, not even sure if it was a zit or not- one time for 2 maybe 3 days about 12 years after all of the initial tests. And as for hpv it has been over ten years and no problems. But knowing that even if I have zero symptoms and can still give it to my bf, I just cannot ever feel comfortable with myself. Even though I don't even know I have it most of the time. I mean zero symptoms. Cold sores, that's it.


    And the Elisa test I had later also had a really high accuracy rate. So even though Western Blot is considered the most accurate, I can't help but think that mistakes can be made. The Elisa has really high accuracy rates too. I know Western is higher but I find it hard to believe I would get a false negative in a 95 % accurate test. Or that I quit making antibodies. Because if that were true, nobody would ever test, because there would be no telling if someone had it, or quit making antibodies.



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