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Posts posted by Helpless12

  1. Optimist, I'm sorry I needed to get it all out so I was typing rather fast but yes I was tested positive for hsv-2 at a 1.4 value. It had been three weeks after possible exposure. I've never had any symptoms before her as I was with my ex for 4 years and there's never been a scare between me and her. I have had cold sores but it's never been fever blisters and I tested in July when me and my ex broke up, that was negative across the board and now I'm here. I'm trying to remain optimist (no pun intended) and hope that maybe my value could go down but I just rather have truthful answers for people who have possibly been through it and came out ok or vice versa.

  2. Good evening folks! I come here seeking answers making hopefully a miracle. I've had sex with someone who has tested positive for Herpes 1. We've only had sex twice one on December 19th and the other December 26th. Prior to this I've had no symptoms (as I know doesn't mean anything). After talking to her about it. Something didn't seem right. She accused me because 4 days after our last encounter she went to the dr for a sore throat and flu like symptoms. They diagnosed her with tontilities at first then when the prescripts she was using wasn't working her OBGYN confirmed she had contracted herpes. I'm freaking out. She was tested with a swap I took a blood test. There was a lot of kissing but sex was always protected. I did perform oral on her only once. I took a test for everything Monday and got my results back yesterday where I was tested positive for Herpes to with 1.4 (or 1.42 to be technical). My question to the forum is I been practically stalking the Internet reading trying to do research as I won't be able to talk to my dr will Tuesday after the holiday. I'm scared and me and my girlfriend of 4 years just got back together. I've seen cases where individuals were tested at a higher index and it was a false positive. I also read that taking the test before 16 weeks can show positive. With my 1.4 does that mean my numbers are growing because I've been exposed or have I had it all this time but it stayed in a dormant state. Is false positive a myth? Can these numbers possibly decrease? I have an occasional cold sore here and there but never anything genital. Any help or advice will be greatly appreciated. I'm praying that this is just karma catching up to me and things will work out in my favor but the odds idk don't look to well. Also I contracted a bad bacterial infection in my tooth due to tooth access where I had to take pills. Would that trigger the antibody? Any advice would be greatly appreciated

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