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Posts posted by Dj5886

  1. Thanks optimist,


    I'm still trying to wrap my head around this, I've also begun to see a therapist not just specifically because of this but after finding out I have hsv 1 it was kind of the last straw to get some help for depression/anxiety, etc. anyways, I'm still terrified of starting to date someone and having to disclose this for fear of their reaction. Unless the person truly thought this could be something long term, why would they take the risk unless theyve had a symptom before?!?! Am I just assuming the worst will happen for the rest of my life as far as dating, or do people really not care that much and I'm freaking myself out?!?

  2. Hi everyone,


    I just found out I have oral hsv 1, confirmed by blood test and had a recent cold sore on mouth. Completely devastated and depressed to say the least. I've spent a lot of time researching and I've seen stats for Americans that up to 90% of us will get this? But I've also seen as low as like 50%, can someone assist me with what the actual stats are? Also as someone who rarely ever dated much before this and already have confidence/depression issues, I can't imagine trying to have this conversation with someone I'm interested in....


    I'm torn between that I shouldn't be too stressed since Im potentially apart of a majority of 70-80% of people, and also thoughts that my dating life is over since I'll be rejected because of stigmas. I'm lost here and feel as if I'll never be the same...

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