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Posts posted by PiscesInDistress

  1. Hi,

    I was the same way about the cleaning in the beginning when I found out but you will be less paranoid as time goes on. I have an 8yo daughter that lives with me and she hasn’t contracted anything by accident at home with me. I’ve had HSV for almost 2 years now and at home life is still normal for the most part. HSV 2 is passed through sex, bodily secretions and oral so I highly doubt any of that will be occurring with your child lol (too soon?)


    As far as the outbreaks everyone is different. There are different things in your diet that can cause it, stress, especially stress. But now you have to take the time, one day at a time, to get to know your body again and what can bring on an out break and what helps you not have one. Normally a tingling feeling is my heads up that I need to take my meds. But I don’t usually get very painful bumps. Sometimes it’s just a bump w/a funny white head it’s hard to describe but it’s ugly. You might just have an ingrown hair or something.


    I’m sorry that this happened to you but ask as many questions you need and just take it one day at a time.

  2. I NEED someone to talk to!


    I was diagnosed with GH in December 2016. It was a very long and excruciatingly painful process. I'm still really confused and I don't have any support. I can't tell my family but I have told some of my friends. . . they were nice but I feel like an outcast. I've already dealt with rejection behind this.


    The only way I get through my days is by acting like this doesn't exist but I want and need to deal with this to move on with my life. I just don't know how. . .


    I'm a 30 y/o female.


    I have no preference on male or female to conversate with.


    I would just love to be heard, and gain wisdom and insight.

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