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Posts posted by chrissylynn2587

  1. I'm not an HR or police expert, so I can't definitively answer your specific questions. But here's what immediately came to mind....


    Have you asked your ex about it? I would go straight to the source, in person. Let him know what you're hearing, then calmly ask him to stop. It's too easy to ignore a text or email, and when you're standing face-to-face with him, it makes you a person (someone he once cared about enough to have sex with), and not an object for ridicule.


    It doesn't change the fact that it's now out there, and you can't control who is telling whom. For that, I am sorry. You just hold your head high and walk tall.


    He will lie. He told me he left his ex GF for cheating on him again so he came crawling back to me, I found out yesterday they are still together but of course after she found out about us being together and having sex she went off and he denied everything , she showed me all kinds of screenshots of text messages including from the night he was with me in a hotel room and told her he could not message her anymore that night because he was at the police station in trouble for selling his car and not getting it out of his name in a certain amount of time. He told her they were holding him overnight for it and taking his phone away.


    His ex and I found out alot of stuff last night after talking and wish we had talked sooner, the guy is a pig and lied to us both. He was screwing with her claiming we had broken up then he was screwing with me claiming they broke up. He has been bouncing back and fourth cheating on us with one another



  2. My ex and I recently broke up and it has come to my attention he may be telling people we work with about me having it. His ex GF told me a girl we work with told her that he told her about it and this has me worried he may be telling other people I have it. I was talking to another guy we work with and out of nowhere he just stopped talking to me so I have a feeling he told him.


    Should I go to management? I do not want to do it unless I know for sure he is going to get fired but as of right now I think it would just be my word against his.


    Also is it possible for me to go to the police about this? Like is it legal for him to be telling people I have this?

  3. I have been with my boyfriend for a month and told him the other week I had herpes. I had no idea he was going to take it so bad, he is literally terrified, he even threw his drink away after I drank off it.


    I told him I've had it for 12 years and gave been with 6 guys since being diagnosed and only one guy has caught it and that's because I had a break out . I offered to take him to the doctor to talk about it but he said he's still worried he will be afraid even after talking with a doctor.


    If we break up its going to be very hard, we work together so we have to see eachother. It took a lot for me to date him, I was in an abusive and controlling relationship for 5 years. I had forgotten what it was like to be happy and care about someone and have someone care about you. I don't want to break up because of him being afraid of this when it's not something he should be afraid of.

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