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Posts posted by Hihellothere

  1. I'm 34 years old and I have been dating this guy for two weeks now. We had sex one night. This was before I knew of my status. A few days later, I found out that my old boyfriend had HSV-2. I found this out through a friend. I immediately went and had my blood tested, and I was negative for HSV one, but positive for HSV2.

    I have never had any symptoms and definitely never any discomfort in my lady region. So this was definitely a huge shock to me.

    I live in a tiny town, where everybody knows everybody and they especially know everybody's business. The guy am dating works with me, and he really is fantastic. I was very nervous to tell him what I just literally found out minutes ago.

    I didn't really know what to think, if I've had this for a long time, clearly it doesn't affect my life or affect the quality of life in general. So the test results were not that devastating to me, but what I did fear, was that my new boyfriend was going to leave me, make me feel awful, and then tell the entire town.

    I took the test on Monday and I got the results today. This entire week I have been sick to my stomach just by thinking about how I'm going to have to tell somebody something very private. I had practiced the conversation 1 million times in the mirror, and also recorded myself so I could play it back. None of those rehearsed conversations actually happened, you can't plan a conversation like this.

    But I have a conscience, and I know I'm a good person, and I would hope that my partner would do the same for me and disclose private personal information as well.

    So anyways, I was talking to him on the phone and he said he was going to be doing some things, so I asked if he could just stop by my house when he was done because I just wanted to talk to him. I guess that freaked him out a little, and instead of him going and doing the things he had to do, he just came over first. He thought I was going to tell him I was pregnant.

    I was really nervous and my voice was shaking, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't cry a little. I started by telling him how much I've enjoyed our time together and that I didn't want it to stop. I then told him that on Monday I went and got blood work done because I found out my old boyfriend had the cold sore virus below the belt. I told him that type one was negative, but take two was positive. He appreciated me telling him. And he said it's not my fault and it's just a virus, it's not going to kill you. He also told me that he knew a couple where one was positive and one was negative and they've been together for years and everything is fine.

    He hugged me and then he asked if I wanted to go for a ride. He also invited my dog to come along ha ha. We also went to lunch together. I'd be lying if I said everything was fine. There was no handholding and things just felt weird. But I guess that's understandable given the circumstances. He said he was going to go home and take a nap and for me to call him later. And he also kissed me goodbye.

    The actual talk was very difficult for me to do. I've never had to be that personal with somebody and so transparent. It does feel good to have that off my chest, that I was able to tell him. He took it really well which just confirms my thoughts on how amazing he is. But now my fear is that he's going to go home and Google and get all types of misinformation and be scared away.


    Anyways, I just wanted to share my story, to let people know that while disclosing to someone is very hard because you fear rejection, or you're embarrassed, or you don't want other people to know, that it still does feel amazing to tell somebody. Especially when they are A great person and a caring person and they handle it well.


    I'd like to add, that even if the person you are disclosing to takes it poorly, you still need to hold your head high because you are a great person, an amazing person, a valuable person and a trustworthy person for telling somebody something that majority of people would never tell



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