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Posts posted by WideAwake17

  1. Are you completely against taking antivirals? Even during a bad outbreak? I live a pretty healthy, natural lifestyle but it really helps my anxiety and sex life to be on suppressive therapy. I was just diagnosed in January 2017 so my outbreaks are fierce and frequent. I hope to slowly come off antivirals when my antibodies build up and my body adjusts to the virus but for now this is the best decision for me.

  2. @johnd I hate to hear all the anxiety you are experiencing but I can completely relate. I am an extremely anxious person and I feel like I think about my HSV2 diagnosis almost daily. Luckily, I have tried to turn my worries into something proactive and healthy.


    Only speaking from my experience, I contracted HSV in January 2017 and it has been an absolute roller coaster. I switched medicines twice and in the beginning had back to back outbreaks until I went on suppressive therapy.


    I have also reached out to Terri Warren and she was very helpful. There is a charge for her feedback and support but it very minimal for the overall benefits. She told me that some experience frequent outbreaks for the first 1-2 years and then they typically get less and less over time. Your body needs time to build antibodies to suppress the virus on its on. She also explained that my body wasn't becoming dependent on the antivirals because I was taking them, they were just helping to suppress the virus until my antibodies have the chance to build and support themselves.


    Have you tried switching your medicine? I also might suggest getting on suppressive therapy to reduce your outbreaks and help with your anxiety. You can try going off of the antivirals after you have given your body a chance to adjust to the virus.

  3. @pollyanna1 Do you keep a diary of your symptoms/diet? I started doing this about three months ago and it really helps me understand my body and how it reacts to food and the virus. I make adjustments to my behavior/diet during the times I am prone to get an outbreak. I also try to boost my immune system during this time. I'm also on suppressive therapy which is helping my body adjust during my first year.

  4. @ihaveittoo Thank you so much for your response! Do you mind if I ask you details about your outbreaks? What type of symptoms/discomforts do you usually experience during an outbreak? How many years did it take for your outbreaks to lessen?

  5. @yamahjam I contracted herpes 8 months ago. I had a really tough initial outbreak and ever since, I have an outbreak and yeast infection monthly or ever other month. This usually occurs a few days after my ovulation cycle, when my progesterone levels ramp up before my period. I've had my gynecologist provide me with a year long prescription of valacyclovir and difflucan. This way I have control and can minimize my discomfort as quickly as possible.

  6. I have been living with herpes for 8 months. I have GHSV2. I had an extremely difficult initial outbreak that lasted for about 2 months with extreme spinal, hip, and leg pains, yeast infections, migraines, and blistering. I am on suppressive therapy (1000 MG of valacyclovir daily) and I still get monthly outbreaks that last 5- 7 days right after ovulation, when my progesterone levels rise prior to my period. I typically double my valacyclovir dosage and take L-Lysine, zinc, and vitamin C supplements during this time to minimize the outbreak. I'd like to add that I pay about $80/month for medicine. I've heard this gets better over time but could take years. I'd like to hear from any of the veterans that went through a tough time initially and over time their bodies were able to adjust living with the virus. I'm interested in your experience and how long it took for you body to feel normal again.


    Thanks in advance for your response!

  7. I am a woman. I have been living with herpes for about 8 months and it has been a rough road. There are many other women on this forum experiencing the same.


    The topics/responses I have seen on this forum regarding men seem to show that women tend to have a tougher experience with this virus than men. Obviously, there are the exceptions. I know there are many women on here who are asymptomatic.


    I'd like to hear from the men that have had a difficult time with this virus, physically, and their experience. This is important to me because I'd like to be able to speak intelligently and well-informed to my potential future partners. I'd like to know the risks they are putting themselves up against.


    Thanks in advance for your responses!

  8. @kaytea3 I have had herpes for (4) months and I had to continue medicine because my symptoms never subsided. Everybody is different. I have heard it can take some people up to (2) years to build the antibodies to keep the symptoms at bay. You'll just have to experiment with medicines and dosages to find what works best for your body. I tried two different kinds of medicines, acyclovir and Valtrex. Valtrex works better for me.

  9. @mkat52 Have you tried changing your meds? I know there are (3) different kinds and some work better than others. I know I tried (2) different types, acyclovir and Valtrex and Valtrex works best for me. That being said, I had to take the full dose daily, as if I was always in a full outbreak, for three months before the symptoms completely subsided. Suppressive therapy is half the dose daily but every time I try to reduce the dosage, the symptoms start to creep back up. I've heard it takes some people up to two years for antibodies to build in their body and the symptoms will subside. Stress is definitely a trigger so try to stay calm and not get too upset about it. I have had herpes for (4) months and it seems to be pretty bad for me as well but now that I have my meds right and understand the dosage my body requires, it is becoming more bearable. Our bodies just need time to adjust to living with the virus inside. Try to stay positive. I pop on the forum sometimes and it really helps me to talk it out and see that other people are going through the same thing I am. I'm hoping things start to get better for you.

  10. @johnjay and @surfsup Thank you for the feedback! I have definitely been using coconut oil as well as tamanu oil & teatree oil. Keeping the area clean is definitely helpful as long as I moisturize with oil afterwards. So, I'm assuming this is just a part of having herpes? Through more of my research last night, it does show that Valtrex can cause rashes in some people but it didn't give any details as to what type of rash. Are either of you on antivirals? How long have you lived with herpes? From what I've been reading, it seems harder for men to contract the virus and the symptoms don't seem to be as severe. I'm mostly asking for information for my future partners. I want to try to understand the virus and it's affects as much as possible so someone can make an informed decision about the risk. Again, thank you for your feedback!

  11. I was diagnosed with herpes in January and my body has been going through a series of changes. I've been on suppressive therapy since February and I wanted to find out if some of my vaginal issues were due to herpes or the Valtrex I'm taking daily. I currently have a light white chalky discharge and find it extremely irritating to shave or have sexual intercourse. It's like I have constant razor burn wherever I have hair, even when I don't sustain from shaving. Having hair there also irritates my skin now. I've also noticed that the texture of skin in my vaginal area has become more rough and dry. I don't have a yeast infection so this would not be the reason. Does anyone have any advice on these symptoms? I've looked online and I can't seem to find anything detailed.

  12. I was diagnosed in January and the pains have lessened over time. I'm on suppressive therapy now and I still get slight pains in my tailbone and hips. Everything is new to me so this is really the only information I can currently provide.


  13. I agree. Try something else that might be more compatible for your body. I've tried Acyclovir & Valtrex and I prefer Valtrex. I've currently decided to do suppressive therapy to prevent outbreaks because they say it can take 6-12 months for your body to build antibodies for the virus and the outbreaks to lessen. I was diagnosed in January. I'm going to do suppressive for 3 months and then see if I can slowly come off suppressive and go to episodic.

  14. @HikingGirl Thank you! I'm going to try suppressive therapy for six months and then try to slowly reduce the meds until I am able to stop. It will definitely be an experiment. It has been quite the journey these first six weeks. My main concerns are long term effects on my organs and potential hair loss (things I've learned in my research). I really try not to take meds period but when it comes to my vagina, I'm such a wimp :)

  15. I'm in the middle of my first outbreak and it's been about 6 weeks. I've decided to go on suppressive therapy because the symptoms were out of control otherwise. I've had everything from the small cuts, blisters in different spots, rash, fiery itching, etc. You name, it has all happened. Now that I am taking meds, I feel much better. The only thing left is this white chalky discharge. I had my gynecologist give me a prescription for diflucan just in case it was a yeast infection but it's not helping. Does anyone else experience this discharge? Any advise on dealing with this?


  16. @EmilyLove00 Thank you for sharing your story! I just found out I have HSV-2 on January 5th and it has been an extreme roller coaster. At first I thought I had a yeast infection but then I got a really strange bump at the base of my vagina. I went to the doctor and the took some cultures and tested me for STDs (not including the Herpes test). Everything came back negative and my issues disappeared. Two weeks later I noticed a cluster of blisters and felt like I had the flu. I went back to the doctor immediately and they tested me for herpes. The test came back positive for HSV-2. I was immediately put on antivirals but they only helped slightly. I had excruciating pain up my spine and extreme headaches for another week. The symptoms all went away for a week and then came back with a vengeance. More blisters, a rash, fiery itching, and pains from my hips to my knees. I decided to do suppressive therapy for 6 - 12 months since my initial outbreak was so extreme and I continue to have reoccurring breakouts every time I stop taking the medicine. I've heard it can take some people up to a year to build adequate antibodies to deal with the virus. I NEVER take medicine and I'm a big promoter of natural healing but this was so unbearable, I had no choice. I just wanted to let you know that there was someone out here who could relate to your experience. I have yet to tell anyone what I am going through and I haven't seen the guy I was "casually dating" for weeks out of fear of disclosing. I'm still trying to adjust to the fact that I have a lifelong virus. I've been extremely anxious and depressed. So much so that I have nightmares. I'm hoping this will all calm down over time and I'm trying to be patient with my body and my emotions. I know this doesn't determine who I am but I need time to prepare to face the world with this new part of my life.

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