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Posts posted by K123

  1. One doesn’t generally get 2 orally, as there’s only a 1-2% chance. It prefers the genitals.

    You can pass 1 from oral sex to mouth, and vice versa, though. 

    If you have 2 you are a less likely to get 1, but not the other way around.

    There is a good bit of info about this in the videos and blogs. If you haven’t spent time viewing them I really suggest it. It helped me deal with this a lot faster than I would have otherwise.

    I would think that you should have any discharge tested. You may have a bacterial vaginosis or another problem, as that generally isn’t a symptom for HSV. 

    Don’t know how Valtrex would affect testing...but if you have only done swabs, you should get a typing blood test- I did a 10 panel (will test for other things too) and find out if the type 1 is there too. It often is there orally and would not be showing on a genital swab perhaps, but you could still have it. (I did. My ex’s mom had it so I assume I got it from him. When we kiss our kids we can pass it at that age...and then as they grow, they don’t know they have it.)

    Also, don’t assume your doctor knows a dang thing. Mine were wrong about so much.  I work at a Health Department, so once I figured out the real facts, I then told all my nurses. They say they get no training about the types. One of them actually had no clue that 1 can be transferred to the genitals by oral sex. All that college and no knowledge!! I have found this site to be much more helpful.

    Mostly know that you should treat yourself well. Once the initial outbreak is over, you will feel better; mine took about a month and then I was feeling more like normal. You are still that same sexy, amazing person. Be good to yourself!


  2. So...is it 1 or 2? Genital or oral? Did you get the blood test that says which kind? It’s easier if you know.

    He may have it and not be aware, too. Has he been tested? He may have been the giver of you have been together for this much time and it’s 1. You can certainly have it and never know. I didn’t. Not until my first 2 outbreak when I was tested! 

  3. It’s going to be okay.

    I told a ton of friends when I found out and they lifted me up (very good people, obviously). The more I told the easier it was to wrap my head around. A few of them even had the virus themselves and I was able to share some stats from here to change their lives too.

    Things are a bit different now, but I haven’t found it to have really even stopped or much changed my dating life. I’ve had a few partners since the diagnosis 2 years ago and they were fine with it. One had it, one didn’t. Life will calm down for you and you will see that you are the same person you were before this diagnosis. Be good to yourself and know you are worthy of all the best life has to offer you!

  4. Bless you! I decided to talk to my massage therapist to let them know in case it was an issue and they didn’t have any issues. Said it was a known job issue and they take precautions and are trained about it. I am happy to get my regular spirit booster!

  5. Feeling very blue this holiday season. I’m a single 52 yo woman with a teenager at home. Just broke up after 4 great years with a guy I truly loved who gave me this virus last February. I’ve not only lost him, but all the “family” that goes with being together. My mom and dad have passed, and I don’t see any of my other family, so this is a hard breakup since I’m missing his kids and family too. I keep thinking I’m okay and then days like today just overwhelm me. I’m surrounded by friends yet I feel so damn lonely and horribly sad. This will pass, but it’s hard to feel up when I hurt so much. I know he wasn’t the one for me, but we had fun, we had chemistry and I was blindsided by his decision to let go. I’m nowhere near ready for dating again (it’s only been a month) but I’m sad and lonely and would enjoy a buddy to chat with to help me get to the other side of this. Life is beautiful and good but days like today make me year.n for someone to share with. It’s hard to keep smiling, but I feel wrong for feeling so sad.

  6. Yeah, I started to look at those dating sites, and decided much time is needed for me to grow a bit before I look for dates again. This could lead to a very good time for me. I’m heartbroken, as we were wonderfully suited and had so much fun...but I can’t make him want to stay. He needs to want it for himself. So I’ll move forward and learn a bit about the new me as I am right now. More music will enter my life, and more time to be with friends too. So there’s a silver lining, right?


    I will certainly start looking at the friends part of the site. It would helpful to have somewhere to talk. This disease has a lot of negative press and that noise sometimes brings me down. It would be nice to have a good pen pal!


    Thanks for the boost. It was a pretty miserable few days and I just needed to shout it all out at the time. Getting the extra ideas is icing on the cake so I appreciate your kind words!

  7. I am feeling truly blue. My man and I were strong together. Life was good. In February I was diagnosed with my first case and we found he carried it. I got over the worst and we lived life. Nothing to do about it and we were committed, so just move forward, right? It’s just a skin thing. And I am healed and feel good and am on the meds to help it stay better...


    Today he broke up with me. It’s not related to the herpes,but boy am I having a hard time just thinking about life ahead. I know I’ll be okay, but I’ll sure have a lot more trouble finding another compatible man now. I am broken hearted about loosing him and sad about the future. He says he doesn’t know why he wants to break up. He sounded like he really doesn’t know, I don’t see us getting back together.


    I’m just really lost and really sad and I have no where else to say it. He’s a good guy and I’ll miss him so much.



  8. Please remember that it's a skin rash. It's a common thing too. I learned that here and it's really true! Some of the folks you will encounter every day have exactly the same thing you do.


    You are still that sexy, confident person. It's just a part of the early reaction. Treat yourself to something that makes you feel good again. Not food, something fun like a new lipstick or a pretty top. Your sexy will return... In the meantime just go easy on yourself, and be sure to dress nicely just for your own pleasure. You deserve to look and feel good. This rash isn't you, it's just a medical condition.


    Just give yourself some time to heal emotionally along with the physical. I'm only a few months out from diagnosis, and I feel so much better now! I'm eating right, and trying to exercise and be good to myself. I have decided to let the baggage of the stigma go by the wayside. The rash will eventually subside and you can help that happen by being good to yourself and taking this time to learn what makes you happy. It's really the small things! Give yourself a hug and remember that this is just a moment. It's not going to always feel this way. You will get better and you can help it by doing good things for yourself. Try really hard to find just one good thing a day and be grateful for that one thing. Small steps will move you forward in a big way.


    I wish you a good day back at work. It will get better.

  9. I'm just off a phone call to my doctors office. They are useless.


    I had an initial outbreak with no flu symptoms. Saw the doctor, they did no swab. (Of course, I had no idea what to ask for!) She told me I had herpes and then sent me out of the exam room. Joy. I get to wait in the main area with all the expectant parents while I'm sobbing. That same evening, symptoms of flu appeared. They did do an IGM blood test that day, (only after I requested it) which turned out negative...then sent me home with no guidance or information. In fact, even after her diagnosis they kept telling me it could be something else, even with the outbreak symptoms.


    I've since had another test by request. This office ordered another IGM of course. The second was about a month after the primary outbreak and is now positive for both 1 & 2. Because it's an IGM, I'm wondering if it's worth doing a single IGG test to see if I really have 1. Do I need to bother? I've never had symptoms for that at all that I'm aware of. What does it mean for him? He is only type 2. I'm so worried about kissing him or ever doing oral again...I don't want to infect him with another problem. It's really bothering me to think of it. I cannot relax when we are together and my head worries about sharing it with him. We are a long distance couple, so I like to enjoy our time, it is precious!


    I'm so tired of fighting with this drs office. I've been going there for 15 years, but they are totally useless to me with this virus. They don't see it as a problem to be without an answer, and I feel lost. I'm going to find another practice, but don't have a family doctor yet to ask for this test... All they did was give me a pamphlet (a month later) about the genital virus. I paid out of pocket for the second rests and for an office visit that was total crap. She told me stats (which were wrong, according to what I've read here; she said 50% of the population have it) and handed me that paper.


    Today I called to see if they could do an IGG, and they gave me the runaround. It's like they don't think it's important to know... The nurses act like they are amazed I even want to know. The one had never heard of a Western blot, and kept mixing up the two Igm and IGG tests.


    I'm not concerned about the skin problem, after joining this group...but I'm concerned about kissing my boyfriend, and infecting him. I'm concerned about oral sex and would I possibly infect him? I'm wondering if I could infect friends who shared a sip of my drink... Is there anywhere I can find the answers to these questions? Should I pay for the better test? Should I do it now, about 2 months out, or wait a bit longer? Maybe I should just chill and forget about it. I hope someone has some suggestions. I'm sad that my health provider seems so useless when so many women have this.

  10. If that is indeed true, I'm feeling much relieved!


    (Ok, here's what I'm mostly concerned about: if I am contagious if I do oral on him. I've never had an oral outbreak that I know of, but I never had type 2 before either, and it's a low viral #, so I'm an obvious new case per my dr. Thus I expect I may see some other symptoms someday.) I'm really confused about the report. The dr says it's both, but the report says it could be false. I wish they could be less confusing!


    We both enjoy our sex life so much and this has certainly thrown a towel into it! I just want to be sure we play safe. I am so thankful for this man and want to return to our "new normal" soon, and safely.

  11. Yes, I'm going to talk to some nurse friends who work in an STI program. We have found out that my SO has 2, so I figure I do have that at least. I'd like to know if we need to worry about this 1, as he isn't showing that. I've never had an oral outbreak with a rash of any kind. These tests are not covered by my insurance now and the out of pocket costs are outrageous.

  12. Wait, the test was an igm with hsv 1 titer at 1:8 and 2 at 1:16. But it says also that it "may represent cross-reactivity hsv antibodies rather than exposure to both 1 & 2." Should I get another test to find out which one or both, or is this sufficient to say both? What is that test called?

  13. Going in today for an appointment to discuss treatment options. Anything I need to ask? I figure I'll get medication to help. Is there one that is better if you have both? My partner was told he was negative, but was called back today. Don't know if it is about his tests or not. So I don't know if we will have to use caution and condoms, or what...obviously I would like to keep him free if it, but since I JUST had the fever and first outbreak, I'm sure it's from him and that test was wrong.


    Anyway, what should I ask the doctor? They were acting like I didn't have it once the symptoms were clear...I knew otherwise. I don't think they are too good about information, so I wondered if there was something I needed to know to assist me in my future. I'm past childbirth, so not worried about that! And my partner is a good man who is probably asymptomatic, and has been very good during this journey, so I feel like I won't have to deal with a breakup or issues there thank goodness. No more stress than what I have now, please! (Mom of a teenager, he gives me plenty!) Anythng about my kid, now that I think of it?


    Thanks in advance,



  14. Well, I've certainly enjoyed my life! Just had the second tests confirm I have both 1 & 2. Onward to treatment options and life. It's nice to know the results finally.


    Something that I wonder about is my kiddo. We've always given each other kisses. Not open mouth of course, just typical mom kisses. I've never had cold sores, and this is a new infection for me. Should I worry about him? I don't know if I would have him tested, but once I get my head on right, we will certainly discuss it, in an appropriate fashion. He's 15, and he will be smarter than I was, because I'm going to educate him.


    My partner was told he was negative, but got a call back to see his dr today...don't know if it's about his tests, or something else, but I have already shared results with him. He is supportive as of now. I assumed it was from him, as I've been monogamous for the past three years with him. I wouldn't be surprised to find out his tests were in incorrect.


    What should I ask the doctor? What should I know about life with both kinds? (I'm doing okay as far as the rash right now, haven't had an oral outbreak that I know of before.). Anything to be aware of? Thanks for any words of wisdom.

  15. Baths with Epsom salts aided me. I used a bottle of water to rinse myself after urinating to help with that pain. Keep watching the videos here, and reading the forum.


    It's going to be okay. I'm off to bed for an early day tomorrow, but I remember waiting for an answer here! Mostly just relax as much as one can when you are hurting...and treat yourself well. You are in the right place on this site. There are many here who can help with the swirling questions that you are experiencing. "It is just a skin rash" is my favorite comment here. Be good to yourself.

  16. Hi Kbh,

    I know your feeling icky right now but you will heal. I understand the unclean comment; it was the hardest part for me too. It eventually will clear up and you will get better! Breathe in and out and know it will be okay.


    I just cleared up from my first outbreak and found that the feeling like a leper part was the worst. I had to force myself to see it differently. I was so afraid of spreading it, and was checking the site constantly. So I decided to change that attitude. It didn't happen right away. But I tried to remember who I was before, and recall that I was still that person. Worthy, and sexy. Full of love and laughter. I was still the same lady that I love!


    Mostly I made sure to use soft and fluffy towels, and nice smelling things in the bathroom. I added lavender essential oils to a diffuser to bring a calm peaceful feeling to my environment. I tried to "spa" up the place because I was feeling blue and it seemed like I was always in there...so I wanted it to be a happier place. (I'm odd though, so maybe it's too weird?). Anyway, I tried to put a positive spin on things and relax. I took lots of warm baths and watched movies in there. I pampered myself with abandon. I figured if stress could make it worse, I could do my best stress busting moves! Naps, cozy pj's, flavored waters, fruits...whatever you like that makes you feel better. Cry when you feel like you need to. Watch sad movies to make it acceptable! Ha ha


    I also read all that I could on this site. These folks are so knowledgeable and kind. It's the best of the Internet that I've ever seen. You found the right place to ride out the storm of emotions that show up with that first diagnosis. It's going to be okay, and though it will take time, you will feel like yourself again soon. Just rest your soul and treat yourself with kindness and love.



  17. Hi Hippy,

    I'm actually pretty okay now with however this turns out. That is completely due to this site. I'm a huge advocate for this forum now; I am friends with lots of nurses & have shared this site so they can in turn tell others. I've also shared with some close friends, so I don't feel alone be cause they have it too. It's been an eye opener for sure.


    Things change all the time and this virus will change some things, but it isn't what I thought when I first heard the doctor say the words...because I've had this site to tell me the truth about what is the future. It's not something one aspires to, but I'm not concerned like I was at the beginning of this journey. All due to the info here!


    Thanks everyone, for asking questions and answering them! I read every comment on this forum. You all have made me so much better informed. Even my doctor didn't know things like I do now. There is just so much crap online that it's refreshing to hear the factual info here. Please know that you helped my state of mind when I was swirling and felt out of control. Talking things out is most helpful to me and this site gives me that! Whatever the outcome, I am glad I know the truth about this virus. It's going to be fine whatever the outcome. You are right. I do need to relax! It's not like I can change anything at all, again, it's just the uncertainty. I'm awful at waiting!

  18. No jumping, just disappointed that we need to wait for more info. I'm a person who likes to make lists, so I was sure we would know what was coming next once tests returned for him. But him being negative threw me for a loop. I'm okay today. What will be, will be. But the waiting for info on what typing makes me anxious... I had hoped he had it and we could just move forward. Now we will have to take lots of precautions to try to be sure he doesn't end up with it, so that changes the future I had been imagining. As usual, my thoughts of what the future holds is not reality! After so many times you would think I'd know better! I'm not learning that lesson easily, so karma keeps showing me to quit "awfulizing" and allow things to unfold at their own time.

  19. So his blood test is back. Negative. I had the symptoms and the flu and the blood tests were negative right away. I know it can still be true that I have the virus, but wth?! Is there anything that might mimic hsv?


    I never had pus filled bumps that crusted over. Just bumps that appeared where I had damaged tissue after dry sex on the lower vulva that hurt when I urinated...but definitely had the flu symptom with high fever and leg tingles and itchy feelings in my behind/tailbone area. I'm confused. How did I contract this? If he isn't the carrier, and I have the disease but am not showing up as infected (so it's a new case), what happened to give me this? I have only been with him for three years.


    I thought I was doing okay mentally, now I'm all askew again.



  20. I do have questions about massage though...I regularly get massage every two weeks and am coming up on an appointment. Will I have to stop bodywork during an outbreak? It seems like I should if I am shedding. But never having had this before, when do I know when the initial ob is over? Just when the blisters are gone? All tests so far have been negative, so I'm obviously a new recipient (lucky me!) I sure don't want to share this with anyone but I need that therapy! (BTW: Not sexual at any time, just bodywork.)

  21. My dr has prescribed this (thank goodness for insurance). I'm reading the insert online and it says do not use on genitals...what? I just bought a $700 cream I can't use?! Can anyone tell me if it's really true I can't use this?

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