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Posts posted by TheGirlHasNoName

  1. I am 23 years old and currently residing with my parents after a tough situation financially and emotionally. I have recently been seeing a guy and last Friday I disclosed to him my H+ status because I wanted him to know before things got too serious.


    We ended up talking a bit about it and I feel it was a bit shocked and even admitted he was afraid of STDs but he also felt I should inform mt parents of me being H+ since I also told him they didn't know.


    This is where I feel conflicted because he made some fair point on why my parents should know but I also just don't feel it is something critical for me to do since I am an adult and that kind of information is more on a personal level and doesn't directly affect my relationship with my family. I'd really appreciate any thoughts or opinions on whether I should tell them because I'm a bit conflicted and of course nervous so I hope maybe some experience can be shared with me.



  2. Since I'm new I figured it'd be great to just tell my story I guess on how I've gotten to this point.

    I didn't know much about herpes before I met the guy that I got it from. We had intercourse a few times before he informed me which was compelled by a breakout of his. I was understanding and especially after doing research of my own I felt it wasn't something that would be a deal breaker for me when I enjoyed his company. Looking back on things now I could have been much more cautious about the situation more than I was and possibly would be telling a much shorter story somewhere elsewhere, regardless, I ended up with it too and wasn't too broken up about it because I thought that it was a relationship that would last. Sadly after two years I finally had to call the cops on him because the mental and physical abuse that I correlated with his drinking problems were not getting better but seemed to have been getting worse. It was tough for me after that because I definitely felt I had something to worry about now that I was thrown back into the harsh dating world with not only baggage of a domestic abuse from my previous partner but also having H. I don't mind it personally because I do not see it as life threatening, just a slight inconvenience some days but the thought of having to add another thing for someone to consider before they accept me definitely takes a toll sometimes when my confidence is pretty shot already.

    This all being said, at this point I am grateful for the supportive friends I have that remind me I have so much to offer and I am also calmed by the articles and support I have read on this site and I hope to draw more from it and hopefully provide support to others as well.

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