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Posts posted by Icanhandlethis

  1. I was diagnosed with genital herpes on Monday. I have a very inflamed and painful area on my finger from where I had torn off a huge hunk of cuticle and now I'm freaking out that it's herpes from checking myself out before I knew what the sores were or from applying the lidocaine gel on my sores. What is the likelihood of this type of spread and am I being too scared about this?

  2. Thanks for your responses. I keep kicking myself and have a great deal of guilt for bringing this into my partners life before I knew I had herpes. He's been wonderful, but I keep wondering if he has any regrets about my package deal. Been very tearful as I try to learn more and come to grips with this diagnosis. It put me out of commission for a week with very high fever and I'm in a great deal of pain. Not looking forward to a future with lots of outbreaks.

  3. Last week I came down with what I thought was the flu. High fever, headache, body aches, chills, etc. A couple of days later I started noticing the sores on my genitals and inner thighs. Told my partner and we went to the doctor yesterday. She feels certain I have herpes as I have slot of lesions. Swabbed and awaiting typing. My partner and I had made love several times 2 days before it started. I'm very concerned that I exposed him to this. I started on antiviral yesterday. The doctor was very reassuring that this is something that can be managed, but I was surprised that she doesn't think we need to use condoms. She said we could have normal sex as long as I'm not having an outbreak. Could this be because my partner has already been exposed now? I could really use some advice about living with herpes since this is my new reality.

  4. Hello. Where do I begin? I'm 47 yo and divorced after a 25 year marriage, several years ago. I was then in a very serious relationship with a wonderful man. we decided to end our relationship due to some difficulties we were going through. We were apart for 8 months and I thought we were over for good. Heartbroken, I eventually began going out with a man I met and we dated for several months. We started a sexual relationship after about a month and negative HIV and HEP B and C tests. Once the tests came back negative, we stopped using condoms, as we were not seeing other people. This relationship lasted a few months before I ended it due to major differences in our views on life and things we need in real relationship. Several months later, I unexpectedly reunited with my partner of 3 years and we decided that we we were in it for life and are planning to marry. I was very honest with him about my sexual history following the end of our relationship. He decided that what happened while we were apart was a moot point. He did not date during that time apart. We had a beautiful weekend together last Saturday and Sunday and made lots of love. Monday night I started coming down with a fever. By Tuesday it had shot up to over 104. By Wednesday I started noticing these small sores on my vagina and became very concerned. I told my sweetheart about this and my concerns and he has been 100% supportive and loving. Fever continued for several days. The sores increased and have become increasingly painful. I went to the Gyn today, accompanied by my partner. I was informed that based on the numerous sore and the presentation, I'm having my first genital herpes outbreak. Finding this forum has helped me immensely over the last couple of days. I started medication today. My partner and I have so many questions about how to enjoy our normally delicious sex life with herpes as part of the mix, while doing our best to protect him. We last had a lot of sex last Saturday and Sunday. How long before he would breakout if I have unknowingly transmitted this to him? I could really use some advice. I'm trying to keep from catastrophizing and forming a moral judgement about myself. I never thought I'd be dealing with a new herpes infection at my age

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