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Posts posted by Parsley

  1. Not sure which test. However, the OW as well as her husband have also tested negative.

    On a brighter note though, after 6 months separated. My husband chose 2 weeks ago to recommit to our marriage. He is not concerned about my test results as we had been together over 21 years without him contracting the virus from me when we did not know my status. He has cut all contact with the OW, moved back into the house and is attending marriage counselling with me.

    I was devastated when I first got my results. Thanks to information I found on this site as well as a few friends who told me it wouldnt matter to them if their partner was pos and they loved them and were interested in a committed relationship. Even my husband was upset at first until he did some research and found just how common it really is. I also expected his parents to push for him not to reconcile if he ever seemed to be considering it, but instead have been thrilled with the news we are back together and never treated me differently.

  2. When I was 15, the most amazing guy came into my life. We became great friends. He eventually told me he was in love with me and as much as I did love him, I had a lot of emotional issues and couldnt tell him as my relationship with him meant more to me than anything.. We remained friends, married and divorced other people. Visited each other now and then even living states apart. At age 31 after the death of his second wife, I finally admitted I loved him. We took turns flying every other weekend to see the other and after about 5 months, I moved to live with him and we were married 8 months later. We have been married nearly 21 years, the last approx 10 years, I have suffered increasing clinical depression and thought I was controlling it because I could function ok at work. However, as a wife I had become withdrawn and distant. (He spent 3 of those years working overseas which also increased the depression as well as the distance between us emotionally) I did tell him 3 years ago when menopause got really bad and made the depression even worsethat when we had health ins again, I would get gelp for the depression and menopause. We got ins Dec 1, 2016 and I called the first week to make the appointment and my apt was Dec 28th. I knew we had grown apart and had started msking more of an effort to reconnect just after Halloween but hadnt made much progress. Things were harder as my daughter abd her husband were living with us which made it harder to really talk or connect. On Dec 24th, he informed me he wanted out of our marriage. A week later, he told me he had someone else he wanted to pursue a relationship with. A month later I asked him to move out after he said he liked my efforts and saw great origress since I started the meds, but it took too long and he felt there was little hope for us. I continued to work on myself as well as doing my best to make any time we spent together as fun and pleasant as possible. Over the next 6 weeks, we did have sex 5-6x when he came to visit. After the last time we gad sex, I thought I was getting a bladder infection and went to see the doc. My urine tested normsl so doc requested STD testing as he knew my husband was seeing someone else. I was shocked and pissed to come up positive for HSV2 (knew I woukd be Pos for HSV1 as I have gad cold sores since childhood) I told my husband we both thought it csme from him through her. She gave him some story about her employer requiring bloodwork annually and she opts for the additional STD testing each year as she is super health concious. (She has been married the last 10 years, no reason a married woman should need testing unless she knew she was at risk, but my husband "is the first one she ever cheated with") yeah, I know crock.... Husband never insisted on seeing her test results, just believed her. He did agree to get tested himself though and tested......... NEGATIVE. Which means I have to have been positive for over 21 years, never had symptoms nor passed it to my husband. I am still praying we can save our marriage, but with the test results, I have less hope. I feel like I am losing everything I have cherished all of my adult life. My best friend, my husband, and my health. Not to mention the feeling that not only will moving on at age 52 be difficult, doing so having to inform a potentisl oartner that I am HSV2 Pos will be impossible. Medication has taken care of the clinical depression and menopause symptoms, counselling has helped with the childhood emotional issues and I am in a position to be the wife I always wanted to be and my positive test results likely will remove the small bit of hope there was left to save a marriage to the most important person in my heart.

  3. I am still having a difficult time believing I could have been pos for HSV2 over 21 years and never known it until 2 months after my husband started an affair. He tested negative.

    I know his results could be a false neg, but wont know unless he gets retested.

    Could he have given it to me if the gf is pos and he went from her bed to mine yet not contracted it himself? Or "handled" her just before being intimate with me?


    I know many go years not knowing until stress causes an outbreak. During our 21 years together, I have undergone surgery for hysterectomy due to fibroid tumors, ongoing ovarian cyst ruptures, surgery to repair my hip that broke in half during a fall from a horse, being bedridden in pain face down for 3 months before having back surgery to fix the cause of the pain, withdrawl from the pain medication, surgery to remove the bursa from my left elbow because if a staph infection...... ALL but the back were at times my husband was working overseas and I had to deal with them alone. I would think there has been ample oppurtunities for enough stress to cause an outbreak before now.


    The more I research this, the more I hear first ob usually happens within 10 days of exposure though some are dormant until high stress triggers. It just seems far too coincidental that the first time I have ever had any hint of symptoms (still nothing visible, just thought I had UTI but urine tested normal so Doc requested the STD testing since he knew my husband was unfaithful), just happens to be shortly after my husband chose to get a gf?

  4. It's unfortunately not as cut and dry as that since the IGG test isn't reliable. It gives so many false negatives/positives. The only blood test out there that is truly reliable is the Western Blot — that's the gold standard. If a swab test tells you that you have HSV2 and the Western Blot doesn't pick up enough antibodies, then it's safe to assume it's a recent infection.



    Would you suggest a WB test to be sure? My IgG test was pos for both 1&2 with my value for 2 being a 12. My husband of 20 years just tested neg. I have had no outbreaks of hsv2 that I am aware of but have had cold sores now and then.


  5. Just my own case. I have only been tested pos for 2 weeks now. I have been with my husband for 21 years, never used condoms, I had never had a ob until now (if I am now, symptoms are extremely mild, no visible lesions) After my test results, my husband got tested. (We have been separated 3 months and he has been seeing soneone rlse so we both suspected he shared it from her) My husband tested negative for both types. (I tested pos for both)

    This means that I have to have had it for at least 25 years, while taking none of the trifecta of precautions and yet still did not transmit it to my husband.

    As for me, I am a total mess right now. As if it wasnt enough that I am likely losing my best friend of 36 years/husband for 20, I now have to mentaly cope with this diagnosis as well.

  6. Since my husband tested negative, there is nothing regarding this to need to forgive him for. Evidently, I have had this more than 25 years with no symptoms until now. Even now symptoms are extremely mild, much like a simple yeast infection. My marriage is my primary priority though with this, I have less hope if success. My husband has been extremely supportive and encouraging as well as reassuring me it is not that big a deal. We have been together 21 years and in all that time, it was never transferred to him. Far better response than I expected from him. His parents on the other hand seem to have changed their minds about hoping we save our marriage, though I doubt they would activly interfere. It just adds another negative to the chances of him choosing to give our marriage another chance. It also adds to my ability to accept things between us if my prayers for reconcilliation are not answered.

  7. His tesults are neg for both types. Thankfully he expected to test pos so started doing his own research and has been very reassuring toward me rather than treating me like an outcast. He jeeps telling me I am the same person now after the test as I was 21 years ago before we started dating. His response has allowed me to retain hope for our marriage potentially being reconciled.

    On the chance that I am having an outbreak that is internal only, I am taking the meds the doc gave me. The doctor told him that high stress and poor diet are often the trigger for an outbreak in people who have otherwise had no symptoms. Hmmm, between our separation, him seeing a married woman and me losing 30lbs in 7 weeks.... I guess I hit that trigger on the nose.

    Can I expect to go back to rarely if ever having symptoms again in the future if my stress and diet improve?

  8. Still no word yet from him on his results. I feel like a terrible person for hoping it us positive as I fear if they are neg, I lose any hope for reconcilliation. As for the other woman, I have seen so many holes in things she tells my husband that I personally do not believe what she tells him at all. I do not have the copy of my results anymore as I gave them to my husband as proof of the result. I do know that I was tested for all types of STDs. Pretty sure it was the IgG but plan to double check.

  9. I have never had an outbreak. Test was IgG. If induced by stress, you would think breaking my hip in half, having a hysterectomy, back surgery after pain so bad I was bedridden face down for 3 months or going through withdrawl from pain meds would have caused symptoms. The only reason my doctor requested I be tested was because he knew my husband was sleeping with another woman and I thought I had a bladder infection but urine tested normal. My husband still has not told me if he has gotten his results yet or not. If he is neg, my ex is the most likely source, but if my husband is pos, there really is no way to tell which one of us had it first or if both were pos before the marriage. (Unless his married gf is lying and is actually pos)

  10. You are referring to your past x, before your 21 year marriage that slept with strippers?

    Still a mute point.

    HSV1 and 2 are tricky to try and figure out...Can you request a blood test?? I would...you can tell. by your numbers if it's a recent infection (will convert to positive 3 to 6 months after exposure)once positive its positive, and no time frame can be established to date of infection.


    I am hsv1 and 2 positive....type 2 for approx 31 years...

    Long story short, my diagnosis was just confirmed 1 year ago August, but I remember what we (my doctor and I )think was my initial outbreak decades ago.


    So yes, it's possible...some people never show signs or have an outbreak, while others have difficulty. There is no consistency to this disease.


    Yes, an ex from 25 years ago that cheated with strippers. My husband easily volunteered to be tested. I have asked about the numbers to see if they indicate how long I may have had it. (My doctor thinks fairly recently as my number is a bit high -12- and he feels it is because my body is fervently building antibodies, but I have found nothing online to agree with his assumption. )

  11. This is his first affair in our 20 year marriage and he did choose to separate first. I am the one trying to save the marriage. I am confident he will tell me the truth about the results though should he say they were neg, I will ask to see the labwork. Yes, he has admitted to unprotected sex with her. He went with me to the doctor and had his blood drawn when I went in for my doctor to discuss treatment. I have known him 36 years and until 3 months ago, thought I knew him completely. He has become someone different in which I only see glimpses of the man I have known since I was 15.

  12. Sadly that does not make me feel better. We are currently separated due to him also seeing another married woman, but I have been trying to work on our marriage. Still suspect it came from her as only time ever to have symptoms just 2 months after he started sleeping with her. Though I also worry if I may have had it before since I have never been tested before. (My ex cheated on me with strippers!) I guess I just wait patiently for him to tell me his results. She told him she gets tested yearly "through her employer" and has always been neg. (Yeah, I see so many things wrong with that statement, but he believes her enough not to want to see actual oroof)

  13. I have only been recently tested pos for HSV 1&2. Originally thought for sure it was from my husbands recent affair but he swears she tested neg. (though has not seen actual test results) I am wondering how possible could it be that I could have been pos before we got married and never had any symptoms and him not to have gotten it in 21 years together? He gets his results tomorrow. I still think it is too coincidental that I never had any symptoms until 2 months after he started cheating on me.

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