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Posts posted by Kbh

  1. @Chey I know what you mean in terms of being scared of having another OB all the time. I'm not even over my primary OB and I am paranoid and feeling tingling and all sorts of things that supposedly signify another one coming. As the day pass though, I realize that most of this is in my head and I'm actively trying not to worry because that's not helping anyone, least of all myself :)


    What is helping me a lot right now is positive thinking, and realizing that this is really not the end of the world (not even close!) and that things could be so much worse.

    I'm glad to hear that your partner is being supportive and understanding! Try to really focus on being grateful for that, and send positive vibes his way. My partner (who gave it to me) dumped me pretty brutally a couple of days ago, and said it was very much related to this. But you know what? Blessing in disguise for me. I am just so much better than that.

    It sounds like you have a good support system around you, as do I in friends and family. And every single day I remind myself to feel grateful and happy for that. While I have always known that these people loved me, the way that they have gone above and beyond in supporting me has really overwhelmed me (in a good way). When things feel extra shitty, I imagine myself in a little cocoon of their love and support (cheesy, I know), and I instantly feel better. I can't imagine how much harder this would be without them, so let's you and me both be suuuuper grateful to have these people around us <3 <3, and anyone who isn't, probably wasn't meant to be in our lives anyway, or would have let us down for something else, if not this.


    Sending positive vibes your way!

  2. @K123 thanks so much for the kind words and advice. You are definitely not weird in "spa-ing up the place" - that's a really good idea! I have been avoiding baths for the most part, but now that my sores are healed up, I will definitely be taking more of them! Lavender is great too. I actually used to use this spray called Deep Sleep or something from This Works on my pillow at night to help me sleep... Hoping to be over this icky feeling soon!


    @HikingGirl thanks for your insight and tips!

    I have decided that this year is going to be all about me, even if that sounds like a cliche :). I will definitely be putting most, if not all, of your tips to good use over the next couple of months.

    To your list of things that you think about when you're feeling down, you can add that you have the ability to make someone feel better and be way more positive, through your words, even though they are halfway around the world and have never met you. THANK YOU! Sending lots of positive and grateful vibes your way.

  3. Hi @Mishabones


    Sorry to hear that! It must be a lot to deal with not only finding out that you have HSV2, but also that you might have given it to your partner.


    LOTS of people (80% +) don't know that they carry the virus, and standard STD screens don't check for it - which many people don't know, including myself until two weeks ago. Sounds like you were infected awhile back, and that you are an asymptomatic carrier.


    My situation is pretty much the reverse of yours. I am the one recently infected and I'm 95% sure that my ex gave it to me a couple of weeks ago. He is being super shady about his test results, but I'm going to go ahead and assume that's because he has it and feels guilty.


    My next (and positive) point is that for me at least, I would never have blamed him for passing the virus to me, granted that he didn't know. Of course, some anger is normal, but I can truly say that I harbor no resentment over that part. We were two consenting adults, and the fact of the matter is that you accept a certain risk when having sex, particularly when it's unprotected (which we also had).

    I was even less likely to get mad and blame him after I educated myself a little more on just how elusive a positive diagnosis for this virus is...

    So the fact that he is now an ex has nothing to do with me getting this little new friend (from his side, it's another story).


    Educate yourself, and him, as much as you can. Not everyone will react badly - I myself am a prime example of that.


    Good luck! Crossing my fingers for negative test results for you partner.

  4. Thanks @HikingGirl


    Thanks so much for your reply, and for the welcome :)


    And also, thanks for the (very nice) reality check. I actually really needed that.

    You're right, we can't control everything, especially not other people.


    Your point regarding having the same reaction if the tables were turned really resonated with me. Not with my ex, because I know I wouldn't have had the heart to hurt him like that. But more in terms of future dating - I am pretty sure I wouldn't have wanted to carry on with anyone I wasn't yet serious with, after a disclosure back then.

    But knowledge is power, and after reading up on this skin condition every hour of the past couple of weeks, I really don't think it's a big deal, social stigma aside. I hope to one day be able to communicate that effectively to future partner(s).


    Do you have any tips for proactively trying to feel normal again? I'm especially thinking in terms of confidence/ not feeling... unclean. What do you do to feel better about yourself if/when you have one of those days where it just all really sucks?

    I hope I'm not being too presumptuous in assuming that you have days like that too :)

  5. Hey @chey

    I'm so sorry to hear that you're going through this. I don't really have the answers to your questions - I'm new on here as well (was diagnosed 1.5 weeks ago) and just turned 24 - had my first blisters on my birthday actually ;). I'm also still having trouble peeing, and my tailbone is killing me.

    Just know that you are not alone and that things will get better... They are already better for me, mentally and physically :)

    I'm lucky enough to have an amazing support system in friends and family, but of course they don't really know what it's like. If you want someone to talk to who's going through pretty much the exactly same thing right now, feel free to message me!

  6. Just found out a little over a week ago that I have HSV2 (24 year old female). I was living in the states until December as part of a MBA exchange, and met someone who I truly thought was the love of my life. I moved back home to Europe, but we kept things going, more or less as a long distance relationship, with "plans" of marriage etc. I then came back for a 10 day visit - for my birthday nonetheless - that we had both been looking forward to so much.


    1) I became very sick about 4 days into my trip with what I now know was my primary outbreak. Literally got every single symptom I have read about since for a PO, and was in such pain that it left me sobbing in his arms. Neither of us had any idea that it was herpes at the time. It's now 20+ days later and while I'm much better (physically) I am still very sick and have yet to be able to go back to work.

    2) My doctor confirmed with a swab that it was HSV2 - a week later I got my IGG test back which was negative. My former SO is the only person I have been with since September (5+ months). My doctor told me that it was a recent infection, and based on the information I gave, that my former SO was the one who had infected me.

    3) My former SO was initially supportive, then disappeared for a week, then got tested, and tested negative (which I was completely blindsighted by - how could this be?!) and literally JUST dumped me. I followed up a very unsupportive phone call with a polite request to see his test results. He said he would request it from his doctor this coming week and followed that up with dumping me. Through a facebook message and in max 10 words. Dick. He also openly admitted that it was partially due to the herpes (although the distance of course also played a part).


    I'm actually proud of how I have been handling my diagnosis. I am trying to see this as an opportunity to become stronger and healthier, and I have a great support system in friends and family. Although I am so hurt by my former SO's disappointing behavior - talk about kicking a person when they're down - I am "happy" to see his true colors before becoming more involved with him and investing any more time.

    But I just feel so down. I realize this is normal. But this diagnosis coupled with a lot of pressure to perform at work, while being a full-time student writing a master thesis, while also dealing with family issues, is proving to be a real challenge. I am planning on seeing a psychologist about this and other issues.

    I feel very alone and quite frankly in a bit of a shock over how traumatizing the primary outbreak + mentally draining aspects of a diagnosis + being abandoned in part because of the genital herpes has been...

    And I just don't see how I could have gotten it from anyone else than this... fucker. Excuse my french. I have a hard time dealing with uncertainty and my mind has locked down on that I would feel better if I could know who I got it from. But I guess I maybe have to accept that I will never know.

    I'm not sure exactly what I'm looking for with this post. Maybe to talk to people who actually know what this is like from personal experience - especially the dumping part. To get some reassurance that this (hopefully) is rock bottom in terms of the herpes.

    To feel like someone will be able to look past the herpes and see me for the awesome person that I know I am. I say this especially because I honestly feel that I would have had a hard time looking past this before I spent a lot of time educating myself on what it actually means.

    I live in a culture that doesn't do dating. Here, you sleep with someone, and then (maybe) fall in love. It's just not really done the other way around. And it makes me scared for future relationships.


    I will be okay, I believe that. But right now, the road to being okay is just so daunting.

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