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Posts posted by lissa

  1. I am recently divorced and now dating again which is daunting all on it's own but having to do it with herpes seems to be nearly impossible for me. I started with dating a man whom I dated in the past so he knew but I felt the need to remind him because it had been over decade since we were last intimate. That relationship did not become a long lasting one and when it ended I started an online search and met a man who I thought had great potential. We messaged daily for a month and went out twice. I was really smitten with him. It became increasingly obvious to me that we would be taking the next step into a more intimate relationship so I disclosed my HSV1 status to him in a long text. His response was less than favorable and even though it was ambiguous I have not heard from him since despite my attempts to re-establish communication. I am heart broken. I am trying to wrap my mind around the fact that he is rejecting the virus and not me but it has been very difficult to. I was diagnosed over 20 years ago, I take an antiviral, as far as I know I have not passed it along to anyone including my child who I gave birth to. I know my body and would never put anyone in harm's way... I am just sad that the virus is bigger to him than the possibility of what we could have had.

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