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Posts posted by KV63

  1. Back in April I contracted the "H'. For months I felt so lost and confused and basically wounded. With the help of my family and dear friends, four months later,slowly but surely I am dancing to a different tune. I will be a testament to let those who felt the way I did, time heals all wounds, no pun intended. If anything, this was somewhat of a strange blessing in disguise for me to re-evaluate my life. It stopped me dead in my tracks. I felt as if I was on top of the world and nothing could touch me and then this came into my life and I realized I am human and it could have been worse. We do not have a death sentence, we are fine and healthy except for the irritation here and there and I will tell you it gets better. I have learned through this attitude is EVERYTHING. POSITIVITY is everything, to keep MY EMOTIONS on check is EVERYTHING. I do believe now for sure the phrase "after night, must come day." I have my days but then I snap myself back into reality and see that I am still me, this has affected me more psychologically, and in the end we control our thoughts. Anyway, have hope, I decided to go back to school, delete people who honestly brought me stress and it pushed me to make some major chances and to pamper myself, to love myself. I find it so ironic, but I guess everyone who has a difficult experience always says they came out better, and you WILL.


    For the women here dealing with intense itchiness, I will tell you go and see your gynecologist. For three months I suffered with intense horrible itching, specially at night. I made the biggest mistake of thinking it was due to the herpes. It was actually a yeast infection and Bacterial Vaginitis. My immune system was fighting one infection already it couldn't really help much in other areas. My doctor said this is common for women with Herpes. Please see your gyno, every itch is not due to the "H". I will say having that issue corrected has helped me so MUCH, since I know one of the worst feelings is the itchiness and irritation. Take care of yourself, love yourself, treat yourself well, and live as relaxed and as peacefully as possible, it's not selfish and it is not wrong.


    Peace and love.

  2. I was diagnosed about a month ago, I know the feeling. I will vouch for the reducing the alcohol intake, I FIND it so cruel hahaha but at the same time I am keeping positive by believing this is a blessing in disguise for my health. Also I noticed MARGARITAS a big no no, I learned it the hard way! Vitamins that boost my immunity and forcing myself to sleep has helped too!

  3. I was diagnosed with “the H” exactly a month ago, I am 27 years old. I decided after a month to request a membership at a forum so I would not feel so alone, so I could realize there were others out there that have gone through the same fears, the same emotions, the same joys.


    It has been a rollercoaster.


    I contracted “the H” from someone I was seeing, in a matter of 5 days my life changed completely and I knew. I immediately told him and he acted surprised and went and got tested for a week he did not answer any of my messages or texts, finally he did and we spoke about it face to face and he claimed he had it for a while but never got symptoms, I could not believe my luck that I would be the first one to have ever contracted this virus from him and been the ONLY one who had told him.


    I feel happy because I do not have a terminal illness but mainly I feel sad at my choice to not guard my sexuality and now the person who gave me this gift is just being left in the past, we have mutual friends but no longer is he after me the way he was a few weeks ago. Somehow I wish he was so maybe we could face this on together, but I guess since he just found out his diagnosis too he is going through his own emotions.


    I want to know if any of you have any advice on how I can close this chapter and heal and come to terms with what happened. Any advice on vitamins and any food to avoid. But mainly how to not psychologically fall into this skin disease and let it consume my life.


    Also, I seem to be getting small herpes outbreaks once a week, luckily my outbreak is one to three small papercuts that heal within four days. I also immediately take Valtrex but I am considering on getting on suppression therapy, any of you that have dealt with this in the first year opted for suppressive therapy. My first OB was also just one lesion, a lot of back pain and muscle aches. That is about it, I am grateful and so blessed I do not have a horror story….yet, is this as bad as it might get....also I am on pre-natals, biotin, l-lysine and olive leaf extract.=(

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