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Posts posted by supergirl75

  1. I myself just came home from a first date. I already knew I wasn't into the guy after about the first 10 minutes but decided not to judge too quickly and see where it would go. At the end of our date he told me he had gone out with a woman the week before and the she was telling him how she had herpes. His words "I couldn't run away fast enough".

    I wanted to chime in and tell him that I also had herpes but sitting across from him listening to those words hurt. He spoke so ignorantly about the subject that it wasn't even worth the air in my lungs to explain how stupid he sounded. Again, I knew it wasn't going well from the get go and that pretty much sealed the deal. How do we educated those who won't even listen?

  2. Hello, I am a 42 year old female. I was recently diagnosed Dec 2016 with HSV1 & HSV2. I have had 3 outbreaks (currently having one) in the past 4 months. The first two were only one small painful bump and my current OB is 4 little blisters. All of the sores during my OB appeared on the outside of my labia, not inside. I was told that the virus usually takes the same path and it seems to be true in my case as the bumps were near the same place as the last OB.

    Because I have both 1 & 2 I was wondering if HSV1 poses as a different variation of a sore than HSV2. Does HSV1 tend to be more "blister like" and HSV2 look more like a bump or lesion? or vise versa? or is there no way of knowing which strain is actually giving you the OB at the time? can they occur at the same time? or is it only one or the other?

    I am having my third OB right now and although it isn't pleasant, it is tolerable. I started on Valtrex immediately (2000 a day for 14 days) and it does seem to subside the symptoms. I am going to continue on a 500mg daily as supressive therapy. Also, taking L- Lysine (1000 a day). Other than that, I plan to live my life as normal. I will drink my 1 cup of coffee in the morning and have my occasional glass of wine after work.

    There are so many conflicting things on the internet that I am reading...can anyone recommend a legit FAQ site or forum of docs? I also would like to find someone my age to discuss symptoms, triggers, etc.

    I have many questions regarding sex and oral sex as well. I am currently in a relationship and my partner is negative. We would like to keep it that way, but he knows the risks. Yes, I found love with herpes for those who are doubtful...it's out there, and I have both types! I wonder if I am to give him oral (with no OB) is he still at risk from viral shedding? My HSV1 is genital. Can I still get a cold sore or is it going to stay where the original OB occurred on my genitals? If my partner does end up getting HSV1 from me and I give him oral, can I get a sore in my mouth if I already have it on my genitals? I understand it likes to stay with the original host but is there a chance I could transfer it to my mouth? So may questions and so many conflicting answers out there.

  3. @MB28 I am having my first OB so I just started on Valtrex 2000 a day for 10 days. I plan to go on 500 a day for supressive therapy as studies show it really does help with future OB as well as shedding to pass onto partners. I myself, hate taking pills but I have done a ton of research on the drug and it seems to have little to no side affects long term. Good luck!

  4. @roxoo8820 Yes, you can crush or cut the pills. My sister is a pharmacist and we did extensive research on this. I myself have HSV and can't swallow pills at all, so I crush them in a pill crusher and mix them in juice or ice cream. Not pleasant tasting but it gets it down. Good luck!

  5. Hello, I am a 42 year old female. I was recently diagnosed Dec 2016 with HSV1 & HSV2. I have had 3 outbreaks (currently having one) in the past 4 months. The first two were only one small painful bump and my current OB is 4 little blisters. All of the sores during my OB appeared on the outside of my labia, not inside. I was told that the virus usually takes the same path and it seems to be true in my case as the bumps were near the same place as the last OB.

    Because I have both 1 & 2 I was wondering if HSV1 poses as a different variation of a sore than HSV2. Does HSV1 tend to be more "blister like" and HSV2 look more like a bump or lesion? or vise versa? or is there no way of knowing which strain is actually giving you the OB at the time? can they occur at the same time? or is it only one or the other?

    I am having my third OB right now and although it isn't pleasant, it is tolerable. I started on Valtrex immediately (2000 a day for 14 days) and it does seem to subside the symptoms. I am going to continue on a 500mg daily as supressive therapy. Also, taking L- Lysine (1000 a day). Other than that, I plan to live my life as normal. I will drink my 1 cup of coffee in the morning and have my occasional glass of wine after work.

    There are so many conflicting things on the internet that I am reading...can anyone recommend a legit FAQ site or forum of docs? I also would like to find someone my age to discuss symptoms, triggers, etc.

    I have many questions regarding sex and oral sex as well. I am currently in a relationship and my partner is negative. We would like to keep it that way, but he knows the risks. Yes, I found love with herpes for those who are doubtful...it's out there, and I have both types! I wonder if I am to give him oral (with no OB) is he still at risk from viral shedding? My HSV1 is genital. Can I still get a cold sore or is it going to stay where the original OB occurred on my genitals? I understand it likes to stay with the original host but is there a chance I could transfer it to my mouth? So may questions and so many conflicting answers out there.

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