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Posts posted by mjh

  1. Thanks so much Littlestar I think this is what I needed to hear, I know I'm overreacting like I have so so many time since having herpes but sometimes I need to confirm with someone else that is in the same situation t tell me I'm being silly!

    I'm just worried that if I did have it the whole time and I didn't know but it's been a big week so I'm sure it came after I had sex ! Thanks x

  2. I'm freaking out I don't know what to do I haven't had an outbreak in a while and I hooked up with a guy almost a week ago and we didn't use a condom (please don't judge it was a stupid idea and I slipped up) and I disclosed my herpes to him and he said he was fine with it I'm freaking out now cause I found a sore on the inside of the wall of my vagina but I don't know wether it came up later (after we had sex) because I missed a tablet and I've gotten sunburn and had a big week wether that now it's come up or wether it was there the whole time and only felt it now. I've also been to the beach heaps so don't know wether it's sand irritation. I've been taking ezovir religiously up until after I had sex cause I'm running out of tablets and I'm away at the moment. But everything was fine up until today

    I'm sure I'm overreacting cause I've have friends with it and they used to have sex with people without condoms and not be on the meds so surely the chances would be higher with that

    Has anyone else had a similar situation ? I'm on the verge of tears and absolutoy freaking out

  3. Hi found out I have type 2 almost a month ago. Was pretty devastated and still am. Found out it was from a guy I've been in love with for two years, we finally hooked up after a year and he gave me god damn herpes. Also turns out he's a bit of an ass about it. Glad I saw his true colours now, if someone can't be there for you at your hardest time and stand by you, you don't want them at all. "You can't have me at my Beyoncé if you can't handle me at my Britney Spears".

    Thing is,the sores went away after 5 or 6 days but I had really bad tingling and nerve pains all down my left leg and constant tailbone pain which I've heard can be normal.

    It's almost over now except I still get very slight itchiness and very slight tingling at night time.

    Does this mean the virus is still active it's been 3.5 weeks since my first outbreak started? I'm ready to have sex again but just want to make sure I'm not active. And any tips to make it stop it's getting really annoying. I just hope it doesn't stay like this

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