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Posts posted by Scaredandafraid0521

  1. The good news is my leg pain has finally stopped. I would say maybe two weeks ago, so it was a good month after my first OB and well after all the other symptoms cleared up. I have just suffered my second OB and it was much less painful and shorter as well. Barely any of the nerve pain and the lesions were gone in a week. I still feel like things aren't quite right down there, but that could be the yeast infection lingering. It is still scary and dad, but the second OB has taught me this might be much more manageable and survivable than I originally thought. Hang in there momma!

  2. I do believe my first outbreak begin on April 10th with what i thought was a cut from shaving. What i saw looked like a cut. Never any blisters. Four days later I woke up with the worst headache I've ever had, right behind my eyes, and had to call into work, which I never do. That night I was running a low fever and had the body aches and the chills. I thought I had the flu. The next day I woke up with just the headache and still the soreness down below. I just kept taking baths over the weekend. By Monday I thought maybe the razor cut had been infected so I called my OB but he was out for the week so his nurse suggested I go to Urgent Care just in case. So I did. She took one look and told me she was confident it was herpes. She swabbed me and told me that I would have the results in a few days. There was NO way this could happen to me. I'd been married for seven years and only with my partner for 10 years until the last year I was with someone new who I had trusted and told me he was clean. And I'd been with him for months now with nothing. But two days later. Bam. Detected HSV 2. I took my valtrex and Ibprofin 800's for the achy legs that just wouldn't go away and waited a week and a half until I could get into my OB. Fast forward to my appt with him. He looked at me and said he saw no evidence of herpes. But did see a very bad and what looked like a chronic yeast infection. And that the cuts he saw were the cuts he sees when his patients have a very bad yeast infection. I still to this day have not seen a blister. Neither of us are denying that i have herpes. We are just now waiting on the blood test to see how 'long' I have had it and if what I experienced a few weeks ago was truly my first outbreak or if I've just had it for a while and am just finding out due to the yeast infection (which i've also never had before). My real question is, the leg aches. They have not stopped. I still take at least 3 pain killers a day. My legs hurt soooo bad. If this was my first outbreak, will this leg pain ever stop? My ankles hurt every morning I can barely get out of bed until the Ibprofin kicks in. I've been doing Monistat 3 for two days now and my lady bits are almost feeling back to normal. But I'm terrified I will forever have this nerve pain.


    My OBGYN did a full panel of STD testing and the results are slowly coming in. So far negative for everything, but of course the HSV blood test will take the longest for results. So here I sit and wait. I really am just curious about other people's experiences with the nerve damage and how long it lasted on their first OB. Or any other similar stories to mine. I am a very sad panda about this whole situation.

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