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Posts posted by Feli71

  1. I know how you feel. That feeling of unworthiness really races through my mind. I keep saying to myself I can't believe I have herpes. It's not a death sentence. We could've been amongst the many who just don't know; instead we're in the number that do know. God bless you @rushed3000. I'm sorry for you too. People have given me encouraging words here on this site. It will be ok.

  2. Cecilia @Cecilia I am so sorry :( I too just found out at 45 after being in a 13 year marriage and 4 year relationship (they both dont have it). I must have had it for years. I just found out last week and its running through my head. Why us? Is God using this situation? I almost wish I had been in the large percentage of women in this age category walkimg around with it unbeknownst to them. Its a common skin virus. It has a bad connotation. It's far from a death sentence. I'll pray for us.

  3. I've been with my live in boyfriend for 4 years, we recently got married. I'm 45 and he's 46. We took physicals before having sex 3 or 4 month's into our relationship and were both clean. We recently took blood tests to move out of the country and mine came back positive for HSV 2 IgG 6.01. It reads antibodies detected for HSV2. We have had sex with no protection for 4 years, on average 3 times per week. His results were negative. I dont have any outbreaks or signs. I'm so sad and confused. Any feedback would be appreciated.

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