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Posts posted by Onedayworthit

  1. Hello... I loved reading your post so much. I have also been very picky with who I date or have sex with. I can definitely relate to you on that. I was less picky before. I was sort of just in it for the intimacy, and I had sex with my friends and look where I am now. I have stopped doing that. I have been taking better care of my body and trying to work on my stress level..


    I like a guy that I met on a camping trip. We live about 4 hours from each other and I might see him soon. I want to have sex with him so bad, but like you said, why have that conversation with someone knowing it's only going to be temporary or in my case not going anywhere? He's also a germaphobe so I'm worried that he'll be disgusted with me. When did you find the right time to disclose?

  2. hello! I'm 34 and female around the Philadelphia area. I got diagnosed exactly month ago. The day before my birthday so that sucked. I'm looking for some friends to chat with. I told a couple of friends and one actually disclosed to me that she had it but hadn't had an outbreak in a few years. She's in a LTR and he never got it from her either, so that helped immensely. Hope to hear from some fun chatty people.

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