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Posts posted by Neewbiehsv1g

  1. I had my first ob when pregant and my husband tested negative. You can carry it for a while and when your immune system is down to pregnancy it can pop up. You need to get a test to get it typed ( HSV 1 or 2 ) a visual inspection without any kind of testing is suspect. You need to have a talk with your OB and let them advise and test you. The medicine is fine I took it my whole third trimester and my girl is great ! It is a scary thing to find out when pregnant but chances are it wont affect your pregnancy , birth or baby at all.

  2. I always say that you cant go straight to herpes if something is wrong with your vagina. After a bad UTI you can get what is called interstitial Cycstis basically your bladder becomes inflamed and it feels like you have a constant uti even though you have no bacteria. It can also cause pain around the opning of your urethra. There are also a million and one other things that can be wrong. If you are really curious you can go on Valtrex and see if the symptoms clear up. But i would focus on working with my doctor to figure out what is going on. See if there is a vulvar pain clinic in your area and stop worrying ! I know it is hard but it can trigger all kinds of vulva issues.

  3. Sass is a ph serum that you can buy in the UK http://wearesass.com/. I have vulvadoyina and I feel your pain. I am pretty much in a lot of pain on and off not even related to H. OBS can throw off your pH so it may not be the H but the side effects from it. One thing I have learned form my broken vagina ( I gotta laugh or I cry :) is that you cant blame everything that happens down there on H as you well know there are a million other things that can be wrong. Stress and fear of pain can trigger vulva disorders that were in remission. I would try sass but def talk to your doc when you go in. I am actually going to a specialist vulva pain clinic at baylor because while I have rid myself of itching and most pain I have extreme sensitive and intermittent pain at the opening of my urethra. The journey continues and I like sex too much ( that I remeber :) to give up ! HUGS to you you aren't alone !

  4. I posted a while back about weird testing results. Back in 2014 I had a positive swab but negative blood test. recently my vagina has freaked out so I assumed an outbreak from my G HSV 1 and was dealing with it but it has been going on for months. So my new doc wanted to make sure it was actually herpes and we weren't missing something bigger and possibly actually dangerous. So two swabs and two igg blood test each done two weeks apart and all are negative. WHAT THE HELL ? It was my understanding that swabs rarely have false positives and I have had a positive swab. Should I do western blot ? Should I assume its not herpes ?

  5. So after alot of research and talking to a few docs I learned a few things. A woman's vaginal microbiome ( the colony of good bacteria that live in your vagina) can be very delicate and during and post ob it can be even more so. Keeping a healthy PH balance and healthy bacteria during and post can really cut down on some of the issues with our vaginas. I use a PH balanced serum from SASS ( this is a god send !!! Stops itch immediately and is great for your lady parts) and / or boric acid vaginal suppositories to help with itching. PH being off can also cause to yeast infections and bv which can pop after an ob so maintaining it is key. Things like lidocane and cortizone further wreck your PH so try to aviod them if you can. These help keep my vagina PH balanced during the disruptive ob. I also use Mycroess vaginal probiotic vaginal suppositories which are great for giving your microbiome a little support. I can go into further detail here if anyone is intrested but just eating yogurt or taking probiotics wont help here. This really helps me be more comfortable during and after an ob. I use all of this to a lesser extent after sex and during my period to keep my vagina happy and treat minor outbreaks. I also avoid caffeine and alcohol. I hope this helps and I will be happy to answer any questions about the vaginal microbiome or vaginal PH !

  6. Its not a big deal to alot of people but I do agree that if you aren't having sex you may wait until you know the next guy better. You may find after a month or two he isn't the kind of person who you need in your life hell you may not even like them that much. If grown ass men are running because of herpes what happens if you get an actual serious disease as you both grow older ? Waiting is not a bad thing to do if you arent having sex

  7. You my want to seek some mental health help because blowing up something as insignificant as herpes is not healthy.I know tons of people in relationships with families that have herpes. It in no way affects their lives or relationships. I dont want to sound harsh but pull yourself together. There are much worse things in the world. Dont let your life fall apart.

  8. I have been with my husband for three years I have G HSV- 1 and he doesn't have it. WE had a child she doesn't have it. My best friend has HSV -2 she has been with her husband for 10 he tested negative last year they don't use condoms and she doesn't use medication. Just because one person has it doesn't mean the partner will get it. I have lots of friends who have it who have gotten married. It is pretty common after all. I think alot of how it affects people is internal stigma and possible a way to avoid other issues.

  9. I contracted G HSV1 about five years ago never knew until about two years ago when i was pregnant with our first child and my first outbreak because of lowered immune system. I had to come home and tell my husband I was so scared and thinking he would leave me or think i cheated. He was just like whatever its not a big deal and I know he doesn't have it because we got him tested. My point is that I think despite some of the negative stories on this site reasonable adults understand that HSV inst the horrible condition it is made out to be. He was super calm about and hasn't brought it up since. He may just be a normal guy who doesn't get anxiety over something like a skin condition.

  10. Please bear with me this is a weird long story. I was diagnosed with GHSV1 when pregnant with my first child. I had a single small read bump it hurt horribly. It was swabbed and came back positive for HSV 1 and negative for HSV 2. Hubby was negative for both types. I went on valtrex for a little while then quit after our healthy baby was born. I kept having pain and burning and kept getting swab tests that all came back negative in the first year after our daughter was born. My doc was against blood tests as my swab was positive ( 3.3) but she was an STI researcher and couldn't figure out why my swabs kept coming back negative. I would get swabbed on multiple days between 3-5 days this happened numerous times. I did the blood test and it came back negative for both HSV 1 and 2 antibodies. This would have been about 3 years after what I assumed was my exposure ( rape). It was an IGM pcr test I think for the blood test. This was about two years ago and I had no issues after that first rocky first year but now I am having lots of pain that wont go away so my new doc ( new state) is testing me again. I am so confused . Do I have it or not ? Old doc said that she did not believe I had it but could not explain my pain and issues. Sorry if some terms are incorrect I am new to this. I can look up medical records if anyone needs clarification. HELP ! My anxiety is pretty bad and my hubby is no help as he looks at it like no big deal.

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