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Posts posted by cnl2015

  1. Hi All,


    I found out in April 2017 that I have genital herpes. The doctor did a swab test and it came back positive. Unfortunately, they did not do a type specific test so not sure what type I am. I asked for a blood test to find out the type and the doctor said "Why does it matter? They are treated the same." That blew my mind because after everything I read the type does matter, a lot! It has implications on transmission and how I disclose to people. She was also convinced that it was just going to come back positive and confirm the swab test results. I insisted on the blood test and lo and behold, it came back negative. I thought that this meant that this was an initial outbreak and that my body hasn't had time to build antibodies, but my boyfriend at the time (I was in a monogamous relationship with him for 7 months) got tested and his results were negative too so not sure how it could be an initial outbreak. I just recently got retested (June 2017) and the test was negative again. From everything I have read, is it likely that I have type 1 genital herpes? Should I get my blood retested again in another few months? At the time I had the outbreak I had just started indoor tanning and my theory is that the intense UV rays caused me to have an outbreak and that I have had herpes for while and just have not known it because I have never had symptoms. That's my theory anyways. Also, the doctor does not send me any results, just tells me if I am negative or not. Should I ask for a breakdown of the results? I see people talking about values in other threads. Would it help to know the values of my results?




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