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Posts posted by Dar

  1. Hi. I have chronic discoid eczema. I've been fighting my last outbreak for the last five months. My skin is extremely dry, so it goes away slowly. This I know, so it doesn't worry me. However, a month and a half ago, I developed this strange rash on my upper inner thights, both of them. It looked like regular pimples, very itchy. The next day, I got a new one, on my lower abdomen and in my armpits, looking the same. Just now, the one in my armpits has calmed down, although it still itches occasionally. The one on my abdomen is the same. The one on my thighs is gone, took a month. 


    However, in its place I have developed, on both sides again, a new rash, and that's the one that concerns me. It looks like a patch of red skin, with tiny itchy pimples inside. One thigh is worse. There were no blisters, just these tiny itchy pimples, but they itch like hell. 


    So, could this be herpes? I am seeing a doctor in a few weeks, but decided to ask here anyway, because my anxiety is killing me. Also, too much info, but it is because I read somewhere that eczema can trigger a herpes outbreak. Thank you.

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