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Posts posted by nature_girl75

  1. Hi ladies, I know this is an older thread but hopefully you see this. I also have GHSV1, I got it from an ex who didn't tell me he had recently had a cold sore before giving me oral and bam, a few months later I found out I had it. Since the initial outbreak (fall of 2013)I only had to tell 1 person who I ended up dating for three and a half years. We recently broke up and now I'm in a weird place where I'm not looking for a relationship or anything serious. Since the initial I had an outbreak a couple months after and may have given it to my long term ex but the results came back inconclusive. Never had another outbreak until two weeks ago. Of course now that I'm single again. I've had a hard time dealing with it since it's been over three years since my last outbreak. I haven't told anyone else but have had a few one night stands and it now scares me I could potentially give it to someone else. I'm doing the casual dating thing, friends with benefits, whatever you want to call it, and feel like I should disclose, but how do you do that with someone you barely know? I'm having so many doubts of self worth etc because this issue has come back again after three years dormant. Asking for any advice or support!

  2. Four years ago I found out I had genital HSV1. A few months after I found out I had it, I started seeing a guy. When I told him, he was totally accepting and didn't pass any judgement. He never brought it up and it was rarely an issue for us. He may have had an outbreak but we never found out for sure if I passed it to him because the results came back inconclusive. In the four years I've had it, I've had a total of three outbreaks including my first one. Me and the aforementioned guy broke up recently after 3 and had years together. Now that I'm entering the dating scene I don't know how to handle telling people. I'm not looking for a relationship right now, so I'm trying casual dating. It had been three years since my last outbreak when I had my third one two weeks ago. I actually almost forgot I had GHSV1 because it had been so long. But now it's all I can think about and I don't know how to handle telling people you're casually seeing. Any advice?

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