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Posts posted by mason1hg

  1. Just want to say I'm in the exact same boat. 24 year old male just visually diagnosed with genital herpes 3 days ago, waiting on swab results to confirm. My outbreak is quite major and my sores have been there for about a week and there are still some new ones forming but it looks like the majority of them are beginning to dry up and pass.


    I'm sorry I don't have much help with the pain, I've had trouble sleeping mainly due to pain but also anxiety. Obviously paracetamol and ibuprofen are helping to some extent. I'm about to head out to get some Lysine supplements. I plan on researching as much as I can into a healthy immune system to suppress outbreaks.


    Emotionally I feel dead, no motivation in life at the moment and feel like I'll never be intimate with someone again. I know with time I can mentally patch myself up but for now I feel very very alone. Telling close friends and family members helps some but they won't understand unless they have the condition.


    Sorry to make this about myself but I just want to let you know that you're not alone and we will use the support available to push through the initial pain and live a great life.

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