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Posts posted by Smalltownguy

  1. Was exposed a couple months back and been keeping an eye out. I had what looked like a pimple at the transition of foreskin and shaft. (Sorry graphic) Was just one small "pimple" and went away. Now about a month later I have a small kind of "dry spot" there. Larger than the initial pimple. So my question is: Does an outbreak look like a blister? Or can it vary?

  2. As guy who has been recently exposed to a partner who had hsv 2 and is on meds, I honestly would have probably reacted the same way he did. But now having this experience and doing my own research and asking questions here, it just comes down to the stigma and ignorance on his part over the disease. I'm not sure if I have it yet since it's been very recently that I was exposed. Just keep looking and maybe someone better will come along. Sounds cliche, I know, but unless he does the research and talks to you about this disease, he probably won't change his mind.

  3. Thanks for the information. I'm just freaking out about this. She just told me that she has type 2 and that she is on meds for it. I wonder if it helps to go ahead and get an antiviral prescription and start taking it just in case. I will def get tested at 12 weeks and think through testing earlier.

  4. I recently went on vacation and ended up having a one night stand with a girl who told me she had genital herpes. We were drunk and in the moment and still had unprotected sex and oral sex(both received). She told me she found out she had it 4 years ago and has never had a breakout. Is that a good sign?

    I'm still waiting to hear if she knows if it's type 1 or 2 and if she is on meds for it.

    Is there any other info I should try to get from her??

    I would like to go have the test performed since all the stats says so many people have it without knowing it. I'm just really freaking out...

    Any info is appreciated.


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