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Posts posted by Zar

  1. Thanks @Lollyann76 perhaps I'll try a change in medication. I've not experienced anything like this before taking suppressive therapy, only at the site of an outbreak and always resulting in a full blown outbreak (I only get outbreaks 1-2 times a year). I wondered if the tingling and twitching was a sign the acyclovir was working hard to fight the virus but I've read elsewhere that if you experience prodrome symptoms or nerve pain, you should consider the virus active - so I'd rather not take any risks.

  2. Hi there,


    I'm new to this forum. I began taking acyclovir suppressively roughly two weeks ago to reduce the likelihood of transmitting hsv2 (genital) to my partner. After about a week I began to experience a low level burning across my lower back and nerve twitches in my buttock area, this hasn't gone away but I'm not experiencing any prodrome symptoms at the site I normally get outbreaks at. The day it started I had used a sunbed - I know that uv light can trigger re-activation of the virus although I was wearing underwear which covered where I would normally get outbreaks. Can uv light directly on your back re-activate the virus as I know this is where it lives while dormant? Even if you don't get outbreaks on your back?


    The symptoms started when I was just about to have my period, I know this can be another trigger. I'm finding it odd that these two things which haven't been a regular trigger for me in the ten years I've had the virus would become an issue when taking acyclovir. Sounds a bit counter intuitive? I'm strongly assuming I'm shedding the virus right now (albeit with no sores present) - should I stop taking it?


    Any advice appreciated!

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