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Posts posted by Abv0707

  1. So I've knowingly been living with HSV2 for a couple months and I met an amazing guy, we have a ton in common and have talked about dating seriously really getting to know each other and hopefully one day being married. Every thing I've ever asked for in a person is what I've found in him. I disclosed to him via text because I felt more comfortable that way being able to write it out really having him know what I wanted to say with out breaking down in person or completely forgetting half of my "important points" I sent it and it literally couldn't have gone better in my wildest dreams!!! He was understanding, asked questions I told him to look through this website for real advice and information. He was appreciative that I disclosed before becoming intimate and said he could tell I was holding back and knew there was something I needed to tell him when we have hung out. It's all fairly new to me and I am so excited that there are people who can look past this stigma. He told me if I was what he was looking for in a person to share his life with that this made absolutely no difference in his opinion about me and that he wanted to move forward! I've learned that if you can accept yourself you will attract the right person to accept you as well , we must be kind to ourselves and if you have negative energy towards it you will also attract people who feel the same about it. Every one on here deserves happiness and if someone can't accept this and look beyond this would you even want someone like that in your life? I know I wouldn't.

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  2. After being diagnosed I spoke with my dr. And she said I didn't need to disclose anything to anyone unless I wanted and that if I just didn't have sex while having an outbreak I should be ok because most people have this virus... I can't morally agree with this I wouldn't be able to just flat out live a lie what do you guys think?

  3. @amar hi just educate yourself as much as you can and do anything and everything to try and stay healthy and keep your immune system up, it's ironic how stress can make symptoms occur when this is such a stressful situation watch videos and listen and read on other people's situations and how they've dealt with it all it has made me feel better knowing I'm definitely not alone

  4. My story is so similar to yours, I'm a month in.. I slept with someone new and 2 days later bam I got my 1st outbreak... I had been with someone for a year before this and he's never had any symptoms he got tested as soon as I told him the possibility was there and he tested positive too. So how I handled things with the new guy was I just told him my ex contacted me and said he was positive and I should get tested.. he didn't take the news so well (we had only been together once) I didn't want to come straight out with it because I didn't want someone I really didn't know to know my status and my responsibility in this was to be honest about the chance that he MIGHT have it it's up to him to move forward and get tested I feel like unless you guys are going to continue to have sex he should know for certain you're positive, but if not then that's just one less person you have to tell you're positive... if he has it he'll find out and he'll know and if he doesn't he doesn't you telling him won't change his results one way or another. it's not your fault girl who knows you could have had it a year ago you guys all chose todo what you did with no protection so if they have herpes they're just as much to "blame" as you are. I hope it all works out for you.. it will get better

  5. I tested positive about 3 weeks ago I had my first outbreak which I though at first was just razor burn I wanted a day and it got worse turns out it was herpes, I was distraught and instantly felt ashamed and wondered who gave this to me, how long have I had it and then realizing I needed to disclose this info to the 2 people I had been having sex with. one was for over a year and one I slept with literally day before realizing I was having an outbreak

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