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Posts posted by dealingwithitnow

  1. I was with a lover (i am married) and had protected sex with her about 2 years ago. About 5 days after I got bumps in the area above my genitals...the area just below my belly button and above my penis. I assumed it was from shaving and got infected. I used Neosporin...everntually went to the doctor who told me I had an infection and put me on antibiotics. Several months later...i got again and it a very similar spot. During this time, I have had many instances of unprotected sex with my wife. She has not shown anything. I have now had approx 5-6 outbreaks and am fairly certain it is herpes. My question is this...can I be infected in the area mentioned above (pelvic area)...I have no outbreaks at all around any area of my groin/penis/anus...just the area above my genitals-below the belly button - and not pass along to my wife? we have had unprotected sex during all stages of outbreak (again...i am now assuming i have Herpes - I have not gotten tested and terrifies to do so!!). She has shown no signs at all. I know i should go get tested and probably will. but is it possible that i have something other than herpes?

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