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Posts posted by HeyHgirl

  1. Just met someone who I'm interested in dating, starting taking valtrex 500mg daily, (whereas before was not taking anything and have not had any OB since my initial), and now I'm getting prodromes like crazy and feel an OB coming on.


    I have heard this happening with others who begin taking it after previously not, and experiencing the same thing..


    I also have read stories that for people who breakout all the time, valtrex has been a life saver


    So my question is, if I'm not taking Valtrex and get no breakouts/hardly ever any prodrome, am I more/just as contagious than when I am taking valtrex and getting breakouts?




    My gut tells me that the obvious thing to do is stop taking the Valtrex...


    But I don't want to put a partner at risk. My overall experience has been fortunately very mild.


    Can anyone weigh in on their thoughts or suggestions?



    Thanks community

  2. Sry if these questions have already been asked, or answered, I was trying to find it through the boards and didn't.


    Question 1:

    If I am hsv-2 positive, and I am not having an outbreak, been taking 500 mg Valtrex daily, and someone wants to give me oral sex, can they possibly get hsv2 or hsv1 on their mouth? Specifically from going down on me?



    Question 2:

    I do not have HSV1, only 2. What risks does my partner ( who, let's just say doesn't have anything at all) have from recieving oral from me?




  3. Thank you so much for that response. I'm going to use that wording if it comes down to it- really like the vibe of it!


    The only person I've told is my mom (and just recently found out an old HS friend has it too!)

    But just want to say it's really amazing to have other people to talk to about this.


    I was reading some of the disclosure stories last night (the good and bad ones), and I felt myself getting really nervous/sad. I know that getting worried will not do me any favors in terms of law of attraction, so trying to keep my hopes up and know that while this may be my first talk, it might not be my last. So best to get good at it.


    The more I understand that it's so insanely common, the less bad I feel about it all together. And out of all the stuff out there, this one is super treatable.


    Thanks again

  4. Hi Everyone,


    1st post here. 30 yr old F. Want to say how grateful I am for this MB- the stories people shared when they were first diagnosed really helped me through my initial depression with finding out I was HSV2+.


    Ok! So, background: 1st breakout was in Feb 2016, was diagnosed officially via blood test in April 2017, been on valtrex on and off (only when I had symptoms) and my whole experience has been, fortunately, very mild with only two major breakouts to date. I breakout on my low back/booty area. I take quantum Health super immune w/lysine, astrsgulus, & olive leaf regularly, and just got back on valtrex 500mg daily. Try to keep my life stress free as much as I can!


    Met a guy (40 yrs old) I can't stop thinking about, and would love to get serious with if it works out. We are taking it slow, but I know its only a matter of time before we will want to get intimate. He will be my first disclosure since being positive!!! Ahhh so scary Lol

    ((Breathe girl))


    I'm trying think of the best way that I would want someone to tell me something like this if the roles were reversed- calm, cool, and confident.


    I want your opinions on the where, when, and how's.

    -should I tell him after a nice dinner, maybe when we are on a park bench or something?

    -at my next visit or time at his place (not in the heat if the moment obvi)

    - **should I leave or have plans after I tell him so he doesn't feel pressured to give me an answer right away?**

    -what's the best phrasing you've used/heard for disclosing?


    I know that if he rejects me, that it wasn't meant to be anyway, and that I should find someone who will love all of me for everything I am, yadda yadda ;-)


    It's still in its early stages, but something about this one feels different and special, like a depth I've never experienced before with another person. So I really want to give it my best shot for this.


    Thanks everyone!!

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