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Posts posted by It_doesnt_define_us

  1. Tested positive for type 1 doctor said it looks like I have had it for a while ( didn't explain how she got to this conclusion) I have never had a visible sore that I can remember but I guess that explains why every once in a while a feel this tingling sensation around my upper lip.

    Should I even disclose this to possible future partners ?

  2. Bro , I know it feels like that , honestly in the last 2 weeks ( since I found out , still waiting on confirmation) I thought well there goes my sex life , the girl who possibly gave it to me left me, I was like well this sucks . There's a chance she is clean she hasn't been tested yet but I know for sure she had hsv1 so there's a chance she gave it to me genitally. Anyways I was taking to this woman I used to have casual sex , she knows of my situation cuz I had to tell her to get tested , she came up clean . So we were talking I was telling her about this other girl leaving me and what not , then I was like I bet you want none of it now ( me, sex) and then she said something that lift my spirit she said : I would still let you f the s out of me you just gotta wear a condom now. Long story short some people is more mature about it than others but even when I get rejected I will remember that that's a choice they are free to choose and it doesn't reflect on me or my value as a human being. Still waiting on my type specific confirmation hoping for good news . Good luck man and please cheer up .

  3. I keep randomly feel this burning sensation on my groin area it goes away it comes back . 1 one bump , said bump been there for a while, first giagnosed as a genital wart . It doesn't pop it doesn't seem have liquid in it or white head . do the symptoms come and go and no other lesions develop ?

  4. I'm new at this and still waiting for igg results it seems to me from what I have read that your providers know very little about it . My doctor told me it doesn't matter which kind I had cuz I still had herpes and I was like well I would like to know the kind and I went back for a blood type specific ( since I have no lesions, well I do but she doesn't think that's herpes) I mean as you can see medical provider sometimes don't know much about herpes .

  5. Hey, keep your head up . It was his option to decide if he wanted to continue or not and he picked, he did it in a very immature way, but think about it even if you didn't have H , would you want to be with someone as immature as that dude ? There's so much to you than having a pain in the ass skin infection but he decided to judge you just for that . You lost nothing if you ask me.

  6. @jessieandjuice I am sure that once we get a hold of it it will be nothing more than a glorified skin infection that will bother us once every few months . Keep a positive attitude the stigma around it is too big for us to be kicking our own butts over it . It is what it is now let's kick H ass and live life to the fullest . Good luck and I'm always here if you need to talk or let out frustration .

  7. @jessieandjuice I recently found out too , although I'm waiting to see which type it is , it might be both idk. I have come to the conclusion that we don't feel bad for the diagnosed itself but for the stigma behind one of the most common transmitted desease. I also think a lot of shame is put on it because more often than not it is sexually transmitted. We need to be resilient and bounce back as soon as possible, we can't let a glorified skin infection rule how we feel physically, and emotionally . Take care of yourself, take vitamins , read around this forum what works for others. Make this experience a reason to rebuild yourself into a better self .

  8. Hey ! I was recently diagnosed and I'm also having a bad time dealing with it , however reading all the useful information on this site and the kind words people leave in the comments I have decided to take this as an oportunity to live a healthier life , don't take life for granted, love those around me even more than I did before , at the end of the day if we take care of ourselves this is nothing but a pain in the ass skin infection.

  9. Hi everybody I was recently diagnosed ? Well this is what happened . I was first diagnosed with genital warts I had one big one and a few small ones that were presumed to also be genital warts ( around the groin area and based of penis, where the groin ends and the penis begins) . I was given podofilox and I was definitely putting way to much so I started feeling like it burned everywhere down there , the small ones I put so much I burned my skin . Any ways I freaked out went back to my medical provider explained the symptoms , she said it was probably a reaction to putting to much podofilox , any ways I asked for a herpes test just in case . They took my blood and around 4 days later she calls me back and tells me I am herpes positive so I'm like ok , what kind ? She is like it doesn't matter you are herpes positive . I was wondering what kind of test she gave me , and how does she think it's fine to tell me it doesn't matter what kind it is , since you can get both orally and on the genital area . So this Monday I went back to take a type specific blood test . I'm wondering what kind of test she gave me first ? And if anything could alter the result if they are just looking for herpes virus or antibodies in your blood . I was also wondering about the grows on my groin they don't look like anything I have seen in the internet , no redness around it , they seem to be fleshy and pink . The one thing I find weird is that podofilox made it scab but it didn't go away. Anyway it sucked st the beginning but thank to this forum I'm starting to see that if I got it , this isn't nothing but a pain in the ass skin infection. My depression and anxiety take the best of me at night and in the morning but honestly I decided that this condition won't dictate my life or who I am.

    Hope to hear y'alls opinions .

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