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Posts posted by Jessieandjuice

  1. I was diagnosed HSV 1 & 2 about a month ago, but my primary OB started mid June. In fact, it was the nerve pain that led to my proper diagnosis. Before I felt the shooting pains down my left leg into my toes my doctors kept throwing antibiotics at me thinking it was a bladder infection. I started my initial dose of acyclovir 5 days after the nerve pain started. After completing the 10 day course I was off antivirals for about 2 weeks. The UTI pain, yeast infection symptoms, and leg pain subsided, but my urologist said that I should really be on them consistently for the first year. Since the initial dose of acyclovir I continued to feel a throbbing/burning pain in my urethra and mild burning/throbbing on my butt and thighs, but it was manageable. This morning I woke up with chills and terrible pains in my legs, lower back- ugh! My entire vagina is throbbing!!!! I also felt weak, lightheaded and couldn't get my thoughts straight or find my words. I'm concerned: (a) that dizziness suggests that this is affecting my brain. (B) that this nerve pain is going to become progressively worse.

    I'm due for my period any day now, but I can't see why this would suddenly become a factor. I've been menstruating regularly and this is the first time I've woken up in such a terrible state. I'm used to the pain, but feeling dizzy and weak and unable to form full sentences. That part resolved itself within an hour or so, but what the hell? Is this normal? Should I be contacting a neurologist? I wish this was just a simple skin disease....

  2. @Clear36 Welcome, friend. You're still in the "what the hell is going on with my body?" phase. I'm with you. I was finally diagnosed with H on 8/8. This was after being tested and treated for every bacterial infection (not including ureaplasma- that test is too expensive, apparently) known to man since 6/20. My UTI symptoms started 6/9. Just got a referral to a Urologist. I'm hoping he'll be more knowledgeable on the subject. Have you checked westoverheights.com? You can pay ($20) to ask nusrse Terri Warren up to two questions, I believe. She's considered a herpes specialist. You'd need to renew your subscription and pay an additional $20 for further correspondence, but if you're not satisfied with the lack of answers you're receiving from your doctors (as many of us are) Terri might be your girl! I'm still looking for people who've experienced internal lesions. I've yet to find any, but I'm certainly feeling prodrome symptoms constantly. Neuralgia is associated with HSV2. That could explain any itchy/tingly sensations you're experiencing. Glad to hear you're feeling much better though! It would be satisfying to receive some definitive info on this, I know.

  3. @Animus1 Ten years ago I knowingly dated someone with oral HSV1. It's almost impossible not to. We called them cold sores, but now I know better. He was worth it and I don't regret it! In fact, i only regret ending it. ☹️It wasn't H related. I was only 23 and not ready for marriage. Anyways, if you really like this girl or any other girl and want a long term relationship- gather your facts!!! Show her the statistics on viral shedding and transmission w/condoms and antivirals combined. Explain your prodrome symptoms. Let her know that you've done your research- tell her NOT to shave or wax right before you two are intimate..or if she should decide to be intimate and unprotected with anyone else, for that matter. I think it's also important to admit that even if you guys do everything right- there's no guarantees. This will prove to her that you value her health and that you're a decent, honest, mature and responsible person! That goes a looooong way. I think disclosure is also a confident move. And if she doesn't want to risk it? It's not the end of the world. It really isn't. Someone else will see the bigger picture and not fixate on the H.

  4. I get my results sent electronically and literally a few minutes after posting my igg results came back positive for HSV 1 and HSV 2 with the annotation: Positive Indicates that IgG antibodies to

                                HSV 1 and 2 were detected. This

                                assay does not differentiate

                                between HSV 1 and 2.

    (I cut and pasted. Sorry for wacky format)

    Both HSV igm tests came back negative. So, I guess this means I have an established infection and that I'm finally experiencing the joy of it all.


    I don't know why they didn't explain the igg results numerically like I see when I google it.


    Is Western Blot worth it?

  5. I'm losing my f^cking mind so I'll get straight to it.

    June 7th- Sex on vacation from hell

    June 8th- yeast infection symptoms (itchy w/discharge & odor)

    June 9th- return home w/mild UTI pain.

    June 26th- walk-in clinic. Prescribed macrobid for suspected UTI & Diflucan for suspected yeast infection. Clinic called a few days later with results from urinalysis: negative for bacteria/positive for yeast.

    July 3rd- I have no idea what's happening to my body. Meds didn't work! Guy I slept with revealed that he had been treated for mycoplasma genitalium about a week prior to our encounter.

    July somethingish- call a bunch of clinics asking for info about mycoplasma & none of them were familiar with it. Called my county health department and made first available appointment.

    July 20th- Go to see doctor. Performs urine dip stick test and orders full STI panel and urinalysis. Lab runs all test EXCEPT HSV1/2 and urinalysis.

    July 27th- Go back for results. Negative for everything...but still need HSV1/2 and urinalysis. Dr. prescribes azithromycin anyways.

    August 4th- Aching in left leg starts. I call my dr. for referral to gynecologist.

    August 7th- gyno appointment. Left leg in so much pain that I can't get it into stirrup. Urethra on fire. Entire groin area throbbing. She doesn't check for any lesions. Takes a cervical swab and says it sounds like herpetic fever. Orders HSV1/2 blood panel and urinalysis. Says that upon brief inspection I have bacterial vaginosis. Prescribes flagyl & bactrim.

    August 8/9?- frantically call gyno. Nurse practitioner says, "you have herpes. Dr. called in a script." I asked which kind and she said, "both." I asked if this was a breakout and she said, "no" !!!!! WTF?!

    The pharmacy couldn't fill my acyclovir until the next day and here I am, having taken the 400mg 3 x day with no nerve relief! AND STILL NO VISIBLE LESIONS! Where the hell are they?! When will my urethra stop burning? When does the leg pain stop? It feels like pins are being driven into my toes.

    I found out they ran igm/titer tests. I received no numbers. Can barely understand the results.


    Is this normal?! Probably, right? Because no one seems to know anything definitive about herpes!

    I'm tired from not being able to sleep. I can't find any position that alleviates the leg pain. The UTI symptoms are erratic. My lower abdomen hurts. I can't find answers. If the antiviral isn't working- what am I supposed to do? The pain is becoming too much. I'm feeling hopeless now.

  6. @Mw7544 I'm glad you're feeling better! And thanks for answering my question about the gym I still haven't noticed any lesions, but I'm assuming there may be some in my urethra causing the burning sensation when I urinate. This is why it took soooo long for my doc to diagnose me. All I had were yeast infection symptoms and excruciating UTI symptoms. It was only when I got shooting pains down my left leg that my gyno was like, "that sounds like herpetic fever" or something like that. I had seen my pcp when this all started assuming it was a UTI and she never ordered a blood panel. After diflucan and macrobid did nothing she ordered a full UTI panel, but the lab never ran the HSV or urinalysis. How the hell did they miss that?! During that time I was on azithromycin for "general infection." Finally, after seeing my gyno I got the proper blood panel run and was immediately prescribed acyclovir. My left leg still aches- like nerve pain, but it's burning less when I urinate so that's good! I sometimes still feel the urgency to urinate when I don't really need to. And when I finally go to relieve myself it feels like I need to try really hard to empty my bladder. I guess everything is inflamed in there? We all have such different symptoms- even people with the same type.


    I bet you'll find the ocean really soothing. And if you're staying at a hotel with a saline pool- even better.


    I've literally been using my phone to take pics of my nether region almost everyday bc I can't hold the mirror and flashlight at the same time LOL. I'm just trying to find any hidden lesions. Are the lesions painful? Like painful enough to definitely notice when wiping or bathing? I don't feel anything when I shower. That's why I believe they're in my urethra, but who knows. On a ridiculous note- I can't imagine what someone would think if they hacked into my iCloud!


    I already purchased the tea tree oil so I'm armed and ready! I need to pick up some Vit C though. OH! I read that a lysine supplement is helpful for HSV-1. Monolaurin is recommended for HSV-2. I've been too lazy to search for clinical trials that confirm this, but I'll get to it eventually.


    Do you plan on taking acyclovir every day, like maintenance? I sort of want to...but I'm not sure.

  7. @hippyherpy For some of us, having herpes is a big deal! It's a physically painful experience! And it's frightening because it's unpredictable. I've talked to my pcp, my gyno, a nurse practitioner, and I've scoured the internet hoping to find concrete answers or explanations on what to expect and how to properly care for myself. There's no protocol! We have each other for support, but ultimately our experiences are unique. So, in a way- we're kind of battling this alone. It's scary when your own health is out of your control. Even if you relentlessly try to honor you body- there's no guarantee that you won't get another OB. And it's not so much about the stigma- I'm not denying that there is one, but I think that most people don't want to expose themselves to something physically painful that there's no escape from. Herpes hurts! And it pops up in very delicate, sensitive areas! Crap, I feel like I've failed my body when finding out I have a cavity! Teeth can be repaired! Replaced even! I don't know why your so angry with @MLIO for having a normal/healthy reaction to devastating news. Herpes sucks! Nobody wants it. And even if we talk about it, try to normalize it, and take every precaution known to man- there's no guarantee that we won't infect someone else. That might make some of us feel guilty. Can you understand that? I don't want to hurt anyone or burden them with this. It makes me sad to even think about it because I know the pain it causes both physically and mentally. This is the first time I've cried since receiving the diagnosis yesterday. Literally right now- the thought of hurting someone else is too much.

  8. I'm curious about returning to the gym as well. My first OB started mid June, 2 days after sex. First felt like a yeast infection, progressed to UTI pain shortly afterwards, and fast forward to a week ago this horrible, throbbing pain began shooting down my left leg. That's when my gyno was like, "yep, herpes." It didn't go down exactly that way, but that's the short version. Prior to the leg pains I was treated with diflucan for yeast infection, macrobid for UTI, and various antibiotics for unknown bacterial infections. They ran blood work but never tested my for H until the leg pain. Anyway, yesterday after I got my diagnosis the culmination of the entire experience drove me mental. I had refrained from any strenuous activity since the UTI symptoms started because they were just too painful, but I decided to go to the gym in spite of the physical pain. I was an emotional wreck and had all this excess anxiety I wanted to expel. I kept it mild- set the treadmill to 3.5 without incline. By the time I got home, I thought my entire groin area was going to explode! I took 600 mg Motrin (I think it's similar to the paracetamol- it's an NSAID) and it helped tremendously. But I want to work out!!! I'm on my first day of acyclovir. I'm debating on whether or not to let this primary OB pass before getting back into exercising intensely. I've read that stress is a trigger (including physical), but that exercise helps....conflicting info. As far as shaving- I haven't even considered it yet, but I totally understand your concern. I would definitely use a brand new razor and use it only for the bikini area. Use another razor for everywhere else. Even a slightly dull razor can cause irritation. And maybe try baby lotion instead of shaving gel? It's made for babies so I'm assuming it's super gentle. I have super sensitive skin and my bikini area is a tough place to tackle. The only thing that has helped is drying the area completely after shaving and wearing men's boxer briefs for a day or two. Regular underwear digs into the area and going commando causes severe chaffing. I've even worn a maxi skirt/dress without underwear to combat irritation. This was all before my diagnosis though. Like I said before- shaving is the last thing on my mind right now. Please let me know what happens though. I'm brand new to this as well and want to know what to expect after my first encounter with a razor post diagnosis. I've been considering laser hair removal for quite a while now. Even if it triggers an OB, you won't have to shave anymore. You'll know what to expect after the treatments and eventually you won't be exposing the area to potential irritants.


    As far as this guy is concerned- I guess you can preface the disclosure by ensuring him that you're not making any accusations. You're simply informing him that you experienced your first H outbreak after your last sexual encounter with him and that it would be in his best interest to get tested. There's a whole section of this forum dedicated to disclosure. It will probably be much more helpful than any advice I can offer.


    I'm glad you're feeling better though! It gives me hope that within a few days of taking my medication I'll actually experience relief.


    I really wish someone with more experience would talk about when it's safe to resume exercise. I guess everyone's triggers are different. This will probably be a trial and error thing.


    Have fun in Ibiza! I'd probably go easy on the alcohol ☹️I know it sucks, but it stresses out the immune system and our bodies need to focus all their energy on building antibodies. And use sunscreen! I've read that sunburn can trigger an OB.


    I think that eventually life can totally go back to normal, but for now while we're fighting this virus it's probably best baby ourselves. Good luck!

  9. @Qwerty123 I'm glad you're getting back to normal. I have no desire to socialize with friends or even family right now- I don't think I'd be sympathetic to anything they'd complain about. Everyone has a right to their own misery, I just don't have the patience right now. Unless they're complaining about an incurable disease- I'd be all ears. Ugh, I hate being like this. I'm still feeling sorry for myself, I guess. I just want the pain to go away. The leg and groin pain is a prodome symptom of HSV2. It has something to do with the virus affecting nerves. I'm guessing the symptoms are worse than HSV1. I never knew that painful urination was a herpes symptom either. In my case, the entire area burns 24/7. Will you be taking the meds daily or only when you feel an outbreak coming on? My doctor said to take them everyday, but another member mentioned possible liver damage. As far as dating again...I can't even imagine it. I'm honestly disgusted by myself. I hate to say that, but it's true. It's the intense pain that's driving me nuts and making me hate my body. Deep down, I don't hate myself. If I could wrap myself in a loving hug- I would. My body deserves it. We all deserve it. We did nothing wrong. We aren't disgusting or damaged goods. I keep thinking about that woman who committed suicide after contracting herpes from Jim Carey. I read about it prior to contracting herpes myself and it broke my heart. I wish she had found this forum. Also, I read a post about dating sites for people with herpes so I guess that's always an option, but I don't think we're as condemned as we think. I'm writing this to you, but it's something I need to hear myself say as well. I'm not sure about how mature people in my dating pool are regarding herpes. I think it has less to do with age and more about the person. You'd be surprised. At 23 I met a ton of mature guys my age, guys I could truly rely on when I thought my life was falling apart. And some of my friends contracted herpes and we talked about it (guys and girls) and it was all good. Age is not the best indicator of maturity. Maybe this will force us to really get to know the person we're interested in. We'll actually take the time to build emotional bonds. It's kind of romantic if you think about it. Taking the time to fall in love. Most people don't do that anymore.

  10. @It_doesnt_define_us I wish it was just a skin infection. My immunity is probably very low right now- I've been very stressed out having just relocated to another state and looking for a new job. My experience has been pretty severe. I have no lesions yet, but have suffered with UTI pain for almost 2 months and most recently developed, what I can only describe as, sciatica pain running down my left leg. I had no idea it was a prodome symptom until my gyno told me. Interestingly, today is the first day I've gone to the gym since this all started. My groin, left buttock and left leg were throbbing, but I insisted on kicking my own ass on the treadmill. I think it was 1/2 self inflicted punishment and 1/2 trying to do right by my body. I just want this initial OB to be over already. Now I have to decide whether or not to take the meds daily (liver damage?) or whenever I feel an OB brewing.

  11. I would definitely love a buddy. I don't know how much support I can provide in the form of information, coping strategies, or lifestyle changes...I literally just received my HSV1 & 2 diagnosis about an hour ago, but I plan on devouring as much info as I can. For the next few hours, maybe days, I'm just going to try to return to normalcy. I can't let this define me. This is my first OB, started mid June and it's been fairly traumatic. I'm a 34 year old female and I live in South Florida. I've told no one and, for the time being, don't plan on it. I guess I need time to make peace with this before I disclose this information to family/friends. It's all very raw and I'm feeling incredibly fragile and vulnerable. I'd hate to misinterpret a neutral reaction because I'm so emotionally reactive right now. I think I'd like to focus on my overall health, honoring my body, and adopting better coping mechanisms. The emotional stress I've been experiencing is actually worse than the physical pain. I'd appreciate talking to someone who understands what I'm going through. I have no gender/age/sexual orientation preference. You don't even need to live in my area. I just want someone who understands.

  12. I understand exactly how you feel. I just found out I have HSV1 & 2 about an hour ago. I'm still trying to process this. My emotions are all over the place. I'm 34- how did I mess up at this stage of the game? I should've been more careful, wiser, respectful and protective of my body. The truth is- I don't even enjoy sex. I try it every 2 years or so since ending my last long-term relationship in 2011. I resented sex throughout the 6 years we were together and all times prior. I don't know why I had sex this last time. I was on a mini vacation visiting friends and having a blast. I should've been satisfied with that. When I have sex I think I'm always hoping that something will change, that I'll finally feel something pleasurable... to no avail. It sounds insane, I know. I just want to be able to experience what other people do. And now I get to experience burning sensations when I urinate and nerve pain down my left leg for the rest of my life. I'm still waiting for the blisters. I've told no one. I'm trying to handle this the best I can. The sexual encounter took place mid June. Within 2 days I had, what I assumed to be, a yeast infection. A few days later it progressed to severe UTI pain. My doctor prescribed macrobid and diflucan. Mild but temporary improvement. I went back to my pcp July 20th (I don't know why it took so long to get an appointment) and this time she prescribed azithromycin and ordered blood work and a urine test. Of all the tests ordered they somehow forgot/overlooked the HSV tests. I recently relocated out of state and needed a referral to a gyno. Finally got the appointment August 7th and had more blood work done. At that point I had been experiencing sciatica pains running down my left leg, so severe that my knee would buckle when I walked. I could barely get my leg into the stirrup for the examination. As I type this my left foot is cold/tingling. I called my gyno today for the results, practically in hysterics (because I already knew), and was very plainly told that I have HSV-1/HSV-2 and that a prescription has been called in at my local pharmacy. And that was it. I was alone in my car when I received the news. I drove straight to my pharmacy only to be told that they've run out of the medication and that I should call tomorrow. I haven't cried yet. I don't plan on telling my family or friends. They're not the most supportive bunch. I'm just grateful that I found this forum.

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