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Posts posted by Clear36

  1. So as far as the hydrocortisone cream is concerned it works because it blocks histamines which in return doesn't allow your body to build an immune response to the site. As far as the "cure no unfortunately their is not one at this time. And as far as a sexual health doctor. I mean lime planned parenthood or an infectious disease Dr. They are most adept at the knowledge of herpes and sti's

  2. Hey so.. I'm also new to this but I personally have a the same feeling inside my urethra and it doesn't seem to completely go away. Sometimes it's better than others but it feels like I have what's called herpetic urethritis. Also I think I might have some herpetic prostatitis. Who knows with this virus. Valtrex is great but doesn't completely rid the virus. I take a suppressive dose of 50p mg 2 x a day and when things feel weird down below I take an extra one. That usually seems to do the trick. I take a lot of epsom salt baths and use cold packs and ibuprofen when it gets intense. I've noticed that it's always worse in the evenings and better after sleep. I recommend going to a sexual health Dr. Who can run all the tests and inform you about what your experiencing. My GO is good but doesn't much about gshv. I have gshv2 which was diagnosed via a swab 2 months ago and I think my first outbreak was about 6 months ago. So 3 outbreaks in 6 months for me. I have the tingles almost like a bug crawling on my scrotum or like a hair is being flicked and then I notice pain ij n the head of my penis. I have never had any vesicles appear except for the first outbreak and I wasntnon valtrex then. Anyways good luck best to you! Keep your self clean and dry and relax! It helps I swear! People live with much worse diseases and viruses. YOU CAN do this I promise!

  3. Hey, sorry to hear about your continued symptoms for that long. I am on a strong dose of vacyclovir. Have started treatment yet? And when u speak of internal lesions do u mean urethral or anal? From what I've read u can have Both! And if u do it's painful and takes a while to heal. We all need yo do better in general in regards to our health so vitamins are essential, rest and relaxation are essential and decreasing stress is essential. I've noticed my job is a big stressor and I am currently working on making a BIG change. I'm not sure what yet but it's necessary for my health. I suggest the epsom salt baths the Echinacea and the garlic tablets. Be forewarned the tablets make u stinky so bring some deodorant. Also ! Just stay dry and relaxed! I found the baths to be very helpful. I was concerned that I was going to infect myself with this virus and who know maybe Have allready. He'll I had some eye discharge just before starting the meds so maybe I've got that too. But I'm not particularly fond of paying someone 20 bucks for a video conversation as of yet. I plan to go to planned parenthood and continue with the colo-rectal and if urinary symptoms continue then I'll go see a specialist. But I think I'm just healing from this HUGE primary on.

  4. Hello, first of all I wpuld like to start of by saying that I am a gay male! I am not promiscuous and am in a monogamous relationship of 6 yrs. We are actually getting married in a month! I have told my fiance of my diagnosis and he is very supportive in his own way! I work in the medical field already so I am well i formed regarding universal precautions. I found d this website as i have been researching and hoping to communicate with anyone who may want to help!. It all started about 6 months ago when I got sick. I apparently had some sort of bacterial infection which caused an elevated white count. I went to the ER because I had flu like symptoms, weak, tired and generally feeling crappy and they put me on antibiotics and checked me for STD's and all was good. Apparently this was my first ob. As my body had yet to create detectable antibodies. Idk. But it's here now. I went 6 months following the 1 week of flu like symptoms without feel I g bad at all. I work outside in the heat and sweat a lot. I noticed a rash which was d efinently fungal in nature and went to my dr cause it was spreading and ended up going from my jock to my underarms. I also noted what I thought to be a bad heat rash with pimples occurring all over my thighs and buttocks. The Dr. Reassured me this was just heat rash and candida and placed me on oral lamisil for 1 week. The rash cleared up and I moved on or so I thought. I then was having some anal itching and went to the Dr. Who stated this was anal mucosal hpv and referred me to a dermatologist. Well, because I work in the medical field I went to a Colo-rectal Dr. Who agreed the seem. Wasn't the best idea and that she would do surgery to remove the condyloma. She then referred me to my county std clinic as i was stating I had some burning when I urinated and even when I did not. The next day I woke up to go to the clinic and noticed 2 small red spots on the penis head. I knew at this point as i was feverishly researching what this was. I went in got tested and waited 5 days for results which were positive foe hsv2. She said she cannot tell wether I had it around my anus or what as i was so raw from all the sweating. I then started researching and found that raw apple cider vinegar helps to kill hpv condylomas (warts). And started using that, the clinic called me in a vacyclovir script and started using that as well. 4 days went by at this point where the pain of urinating and testicle crawly feeling persisted. Finally by day 5 of the vacyclovir which was actually day 16 of total symptoms it started to relieve. I began an extensive vitamin regimen. I researched which is garlic 4x day, lysine 1000mg 2 x a day, 4 multi vitamins, 2 EFA pills, and 2 Tylenol as well as drinking 2 cap fulls of apple cider vinegar every morning. I feel great and close to being symptom free hopefully. I take epsom salt baths in the evening for 20 mins. When i get home and was my jands feverishly. I do not reuse the same towel. Obviously at this point u can see i am obsessing and nervous and have been through an ordeal. I hope some of u have some advise for a man who needs some. I cannot continue to obsess like this. I fear I have spread this all over my body before I knew what it was. I do not know who to go to for advice as my area has no STD COUNSELORS! except at planned parenthood. Sorry for the long post.

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