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Posts posted by healthy4life

  1. Sweetheart my heart breaks for you and I completely relate to and understand your fears. Do you have someone you can talk to face to face in your area? Do you think you can trust him to keep your HSV confidential? The rate of transmission from a female to a male with Valtrex and condom use and no outbreak is very low. Do you have some resources you could share with him?


    Be brave honey. You can do this!

  2. Okay so a month ago I went to my doctor with two small quite painful non blistering pimples on the upper back of my leg. She said it looked like herpes possibly shingles, but it was already scabbing over 4 days after I first noticed them so she couldn't do a swab. Blood tests came back negative.


    Now a month later I have pimple like bumps popping up on my torso, back of my neck, chest, legs, arms etc. They aren't really a rash, more like one or two blistering pimples here and there but not painful at all. Weird.


    I went off anti depressants and anti anxiety medicines a few months ago so the possibility of genital herpes has me crying and confused most days. And knowing that potentially I will need to wait 3 months to have a definitive result is stressing me out crazily. Herpes is all I can think about.


    I guess I should go to the Doctor re these new bumps, I did have a few before the bumps on the back of my leg so this has been ongoing now fir about 6 weeks..


    Could all of this possibly be shingles?


    I am feeling so confused with no answers, reacting as if I have genital herpes and feeling like at 53 my love life is permantly over.:( Any encouragement, support or words of wisdom would be much appreciated.





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