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Posts posted by ForgivingSoul

  1. I was just diagnosed with genital herpes. I have only had sex with 2 women, my first wife of 32 years (she died of cancer), and my current wife. My current wife and I have been married for about 3 1/2 years. (Her ex-husband of 30 years had cheated on her a few times). About 4 months ago, I had a a rash on my penis and I had my suspicions, especially knowing that my wife's ex-husband was not faithful. So, after much contemplation, I decided to get tested 2 weeks ago, and my results came back this week "positive" (HSV-2). Over the past 30 years of her previous marriage my wife has not had any issues that she can remember; however, she did have "rash" just last week. Again, I have only been with her and my first wife, and my rash first appeared about 4 months ago, and her "first" noticeable rash was last week.


    My question: Could have my wife had genital herpes for 15-20 years and not know it, without any noticeable symptoms? And during that time, not have any noticeable symptoms; and then suddenly have her first major outbreak last week? From what I understand, it can be dormant for many years, but there is usually an outbreak soon after being infected, then, after the first outbreak it can go dormant. I want to think that my current wife has had herpes since before we were married, and I also have no reason to think that she has been unfaithful since we were married. We are with each other almost all of the time. We do everything together, we're best friends. She works from home and I am retired, but a lot of what has transpired seems not to make sense. With my first rash appearing a few months ago, and her first rash a few months ago. The fact that my symptoms and her symptoms appeared so recently does lend itself for me to wonder . . . . .

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!


    Caveat: I will be discussing this with my healthcare provider this week.

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