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Posts posted by alexlee

  1. I think it is totally reasonable to go on okcupid or tinder, and just prepare to have the conversation before getting physical with the other person. Not including your health profile on okcupid is not lying... there is all sorts of personal information we wait to share with someone, and it's a profile - not your life story. Herpes is probably not the most interesting thing about her and people can be a lot more, well, human and kind than sometimes we expect. Being straight forward about it when it is an appropriate time - not on a first date - will be key.

  2. In May 2015, I got Shingles secondary to my RA. I was put on acyclovir 800 mg 5x a day for 10 days. I still had new spots on both sides of my body, (which isn't supposed to happen) and had to take it an additional 10 days. In Sept my hair started falling out. I have bald spots on the top and the sides. It has slowed down, but still is falling out. I do have new hair growth but it is falling out faster then it is growing. I am an RN and I saw a dermatologist re this. Although hair loss isn't SUPER common. It happens more then people know, especially with pre existing medical conditions. I think it is very dangerous for people to be giving medical advise or opinions when the do not know what they are talking about! Several web site such as THIS ONE and the NIH list hair loss as a side effect for acyclovir. Acyclovir and Valtrex are the same medication http://pillcomparer.com/valtrex-vs-zovirax.html Valtrex is the brand. Acyclovir is the generic.

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