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Posts posted by free_spirit

  1. I was diagnosed and had my first outbreak just over 4 weeks ago, and I'm healed, just some slight itching from time to time, however I realized that I have a bump/sore now near my genital area - should I take another round of pills, or should I just leave it? No other symptoms apart from the slight itching overall.

  2. Is this 2-week outbreak your first one? If so that isn't long AT ALL. A primary outbreak usually lasts 2-4 weeks. I'm still sort of going through my first outbreak - healed (no sores..etc.) but still slight itching, and I'm going into my 5th week.

  3. Is it possible that having sex (protected, of course) with my boyfriend actually helped me heal faster/better? I'm healed to the point where I don't have any sores, just a bit of itching, so I deemed it okay to have sex. It seemed to actually help me decrease symptoms - is this a thing? I had always thought sex would more likely be an irritant. Could it be something to do with hormones?

  4. I had my first outbreak three weeks ago and had the most textbook symptoms of genital HSV-2 ever! Flu-like symptoms, muscle weakness, loss of appetite, developing sores, discharge - it was literally exactly what symptoms were listed everywhere. I'm not 100% sure about this information but I'm pretty sure that you would not get flu-like symptoms again on other outbreaks - consequential outbreaks are supposed to be a lot different/less severe than your initial outbreak.

  5. I got my first ever outbreak just under 3 weeks ago on the 12th of August, and began healing slowly starting around the 20th (sores disappearing, pain and irritation dying away). I had done my cycle of Valacyclovir, and had been applying Fucidin Cream to the affected areas. However the past 2-3 days I've been having trouble sleeping at night because of the itching, and masturbation really seemed to help so I had been masturbating quite often (not vigorously) within those few nights and mornings, which was probably not the best idea. I noticed 3 or 4 sores appeared around my genital area which aren't the cause of my itching though, but even so I have been applying the Fucidin Cream on them. I'm not very itchy in the day but the itching gets pretty unbearable at night and keeps me awake. I feel as though this isn't really another outbreak and therefore shouldn't waste my extra Valacyclovir pills on this. Has anyone experienced this after/during an outbreak before, where you're healing but itching and a few sores appear again afterwards? Any advice? Thanks :)

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