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Posts posted by emmah2605

  1. Thanks for this post. I also just found out that GW have joined my herpes party. Why not add another one to the mix, eh?! 

    I really think that it’s great to adopt a positive attitude about it. There’s actually so much stigma around herpes! Sometimes I just want to shout out to everyone ‘I have herpes!! And no I’m not gross (or whatever other lovely adjective you think of when I say the word herpes), I’m still an amazing person’. But I don’t think I could ever do that - lol. Maybe one day. But for now I’m pretty content. I try not to let it bother me and I’m glad you aren’t either. 



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  2. Hi. I am sorry you are hurting right now. I feel like I am in exactly the same boat. I am struggling to be alone with my own thoughts. The guy I disclosed to and slept with slept with someone else 5 days after sleeping with me..... Fabulous? I know!


    I do believe that every rejection will teach us a lesson and like HikingGirl said maybe this person actually wasn't for you. I find it really easy to paint a picture of someone that I like and make them seem much greater in my head than they actually are. The thing with disclosing to someone is it makes it pretty clear for us to see what is going to happen with them. It may actually save us a lot of heartache. Say you didn't have herpes and things with this guy started progressing. It may have not worked out in the long run and you probably would feel much worse about the whole situation than you do now.


    Stay positive and be beautiful. One day someone will come along and sweep you off you feet!



  3. It certainly isn't a burden to be with you even if it feels that way, I am sure you are a great person! I know what you mean about intimacy. Generally it's hard because you feel like by disclosing you could be putting pressure on what may be a causal situation to start with. If she comes around it would be great for her to see all of the qualities that make you a fantastic person. I hope it works out for you.

  4. After being recently diagnosed with HSV 2, I have went through a roller coaster of emotions. I have disclosed to the guy I like and I don't think it's going to work out BUT regardless of that I am feeling pretty positive and I will tell you why: herpes isn't fabulous but it isn't the end of the world!


    Does herpes stop us from being amazing friends, lovers, colleagues or family members? No!

    Does herpes mean that we can't travel, explore different places and make new memories? Nope!

    Does herpes prevent us from being kind, funny, smart, amazing and beautiful human beings? No, it certainly does not.


    We all have such unique and beautiful qualities about us and in a way I feel that herpes helps us see that. We are forced to think about everything else that makes us great. Herpes has also allowed me to reflect on the values I hold closest to my heart.


    Don't let a cold sore get in the way of you being your beautiful self. Be amazing. Be kind. Be funny. Be loving. Love yourself! Even if you feel like nobody isn't going to love you (which is not true) it is so important to love yourself.


    We are our own best friend. Don't let yourself get down about your herpes. What you would say to a friend or loved one if they told you they had herpes? I am sure you would be kind and supportive. Be kind and supportive to yourself, too!


    If anyone needs a boost feel free to message me. I am more than happy to chat to anyone. Have a fantastic day.



  5. Hi everyone. :) I am a 24 year old female with HSV 2. I would love someone to chat with that I can really relate to. I try to stay positive and I would like to help anyone with any problems they may be having and just have a little chat about anything H related. Please feel free to message me!

  6. Hi everyone. I recently disclosed to this guy that I like. I actually found out that I had herpes after sleeping with him. So I had to tell him on top of dealing with the news myself. It was a nerve racking experience but I was as open and honest as I could have been. Anyway, after telling him I didn't hear much from him. I seen him around work a few times and made some small talk (we work at the same place and socialise in the same circle... fabulous, I know). So I really wasn't sure where his head was at and I was planning on asking him until he slept with someone that I know... 5 days after sleeping with me! I feel like my honesty and self worth has been totally trampled on. I have been rejected by plenty of guys before (I have a lot of luck, haha) but this one really stings because I feel like it has to do with herpes as well as him not being that into me. I also found out that he started messaging this new girl (the one he slept with) the day after I told him. This hurts and I don't know what to do to move forward. What do I say to him? Will he feel any sense of guilt about what he has done? How shall I interact with him now? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!!

  7. Hi. I just recently disclosed to someone for the first time and I think it went as well as it could have. I think the most frustrating thing is that you don't really know what the other person may be thinking regardless of what they say. This week I have went through various lows from the thought of rejection and it's hard not knowing where someone's head is at. I think the best thing to do is to ask this girl if she could let you know where her head is at so that you can begin to process what she says. I think it's great that you have been so open and honest with someone. If you take anything away from this experience let it be that you have a good heart and have done a decent thing by telling this girl. Hopefully she can appreciate that. All the best.

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