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Posts posted by sweet_singer_90

  1. I feel your pain, when I had my first outbreak I also had a yeast infection and Bacterial Vaginosis ON TOP of the bumps. I couldn't do anything but lay in bed and apply vagisil cream every 15 minutes.. (thankfully it was over my spring break at school and I didn't have to be anywhere!)


    Just know that your body builds immunity to the virus and as time progresses the outbreaks will last for shorter amounts of time and the amount of outbreaks will most likely continually lessen..Although the virus never fully goes away, there is a possibility that you won't get bumps for years and years after your body has built up enough immunity. :)


    Hang in there. Life is too valuable to just throw away!


    Just so anyone reading this knows, I went to school for clinical counseling and am here for anyone who needs to talk! :)

  2. I'm sorry that happened to you, nobody else had the right to tell him but you..but you know what, if he didn't like you for you then he wasn't worth your time anyways!


    it's an unfortunate reality that some people aren't going to want to have a relationship with somebody with Herpes, but there are always 2 sides to every spectrum..


    there are dating sites where you can find singles living with herpes or other stds, that is a big help in alleviating the hassle and pain of telling a potential partner and risking rejection.


    best of luck to you and keep your chin up!

  3. hey everyone!


    I just got diagnosed about 5 weeks ago. I'm a pretty strong person and at first it didn't phase me too much, I just accepted it and moved on.. ( I'm sure I was in the denial stage)..but now its really starting to hit home.


    I had a nice/supportive boyfriend at the time of diagnosis, so that made it easier to swallow the medicine. But now we've recently broke up and all the pent up emotions in me have let loose..


    I'm so afraid I won't find someone new who will accept my condition, I know a lot of people say "don't worry about it, someone will come along and love you for you"..blah, blah, blah..but it all seems just so far fetched..


    Before I acquired Herpes, If I met someone who had it and wanted an intimate relationship with me I don't think I would be able to say yes, no matter how much I like them :( I'm just scared the same will happen to me.


    I'd rather date someone who already has it so I don't have to deal with the fear of spreading it to someone new, but I also don't want to be limited and feel like I'm stuck with only dating people who already have it and should just "settle for someone"..


    I've been crying a lot lately, mostly at night when I wind down and my mind starts to wander. I'm not sure whats hitting me worse, the herpes or the breakup. I'm sure both have a lot to do with it.


    I was already having self-esteem issues before Herpes, so it's like.. great, what next?


    So far I've only had the one breakout, and it wasn't too, too bad. I'm hoping I'm one of the lucky ones who doesn't get anymore, but I feel thats a bit far fetched.


    I'm trying to stay as positive as I can but right now I'm pretty bummed about the whole ordeal.


    If anyone has any advice or help to people who are newly diagnosed I will for sure lend an open ear, even if it's to talk about your situation and have somone else help you through as well.

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