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Posts posted by Tinkerbell

  1. So, I recently started dating this guy. He told me pretty early on that he had HSV2. I have been extremely careful with partners and came to the table sans STDs of any kind. He informed that he contracted this when he was very young, 15, and is now 47. In the last 10 years, basically the virus has been dormant. Two long term girlfriends - to his knowledge, no one got anything.


    Normally, I would run. But i really like this guy, so I didn't. (He hasn't had a herpes outbreak in 10+ years)


    So, a week ago, he was having tingling in his legs (after a Vegas trip)... he noted we should be "careful." He is on suppressive therapy (acyclovir) since we started dating a few months ago... heat of passion took over - we had sex during this time. ( I happened to be taking Valtrex just bc I thought maybe I felt a cold sore coming in - so, that was in my system).


    So, the morning after we had sex (during this "tingling period") I researched - and was informed he may be highly contagious at this time. I called a hotline. They said since he was on suppressive therapy I was fine. Mind you, I also had a few days of Valtrex in me - due to the possible cold sore that never surfaced.


    Am I safe?


    I really am a fanatic about this stuff. I think I'm giving myself psychosomatic symptoms and have a weird new bump today.


    I am really freaking out and have no one to talk to about this stuff.

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