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Posts posted by Cali_123

  1. It looks like a type of acne to me and not something to worry about. Sometimes you can get the closed whiteheads that aren’t inflamed like a pimple and they can stay that way for a long time. 


    If you’re really concerned, try to get an appointment with a dermatologist. They would be the best to diagnose it for you. All the best. 

  2. Confused- I know it’s hard, but please try to relax a bit. It’s stressful and scary when you don’t know you whether have it but think you do. What you’re describing here does not sound like herpes. It could be a fissure or hemorrhoid that started bleeding a bit. That does happen and it will heal. Do you have dry, itchy  skin in other places (face, arms, hands, etc)? The weather change may also be contributing to sensitive skin for you. I know for me, in the winter when there’s less humidity and you’re indoors with more heated air, everything starts to dry out and get itchy.


    Is there a clinic you could go to for more testing? Blood or IGg? Worst case, you just wait til you come back to the US and see your GP or Gyn and insist on specific testing for herpes. You’ll at least know at that point. Really, I think the stress and the worry you’re putting on yourself is worse than the actual diagnosis.  If you do have it, you’ll accept it and deal with it. Take medication if your doctor recommends it and do what you can to stay healthy and keep things under control. You got this! ❤️

  3. Hi community. To my knowledge I’ve never had an oral OB. Had a genital OB just over a year ago but nothing since. 

    On Thursday I noticed this hard little bump at the edge of my lower lip. It didn’t tingle, hurt or burn at that time. This morning I woke up and it was a little more irritated and had a little white head. So I tried to squeeze it, which has just made it more irritated but nothing came out. Now that I’ve messed with it, it’s red and swollen and a little sore. Kinda like a pimple would feel. Does anyone have any ideas about this? I’m acne prone as it is, and I have had pimples around my mouth before but now I just freak out about everything. A9DA1B70-9681-46C7-BD06-A81002C1F149.thumb.jpeg.ab6859158844a27643a496486fb544c8.jpeg

  4. Hey guys. First I want to say what a wonderful community this is and how I’m so glad I found you all. I’ve only recently learned about my GHSV1 diagnosis. And then I immediately went on vacation. While I was there I met someone. Someone that I connected with in a way that I’ve never before connected with another person. I had spent a lot of time with this person and I knew that he was wanting things to get intimate. So naturally, I was very nervous, freaked out, etc. I was beside him and I told him, before we go any further, there’s something I want to tell you. I told him that I knew my last significant ex of 5 years had a history of cold sores and I found out that I now also carry the virus in my genital area. His reaction was so? It’s really not a big deal. I was absolutely shocked, even though I went into the conversation with the mindset that everything would be okay and work out in my favor. I told him that when I saw the doctor for it, he even noticed that it was a very mild and didn’t look like anything serious.


    So, ultimately he accepted it and me wholeheartedly. We remained inseparable and have stayed in contac since. I 100% realize that things still may not work out because of the distance between us, but it *won’t* be because of the herpes. He told me tonight that I am something very special and he’s so glad he had met me and that he’s willing to make me a priority. It makes my heart happy.

  5. Hi lovelies. I’ve recently found out that I have GHSV-1. The symptoms started after wearing a panty liner when I had a light period. Well, Aunt Flo is back and now I’m scared to wear anything out of fear of bringing on another OB. I’m looking for a voice of reason here. Just because it happened once shouldn’t mean that it would happen every time, right?


  6. Yeah, just give them a good wash with soap and hot water before (I’m a germophobe and did this before and after diagnosis; not sure if others do this too) and after using them. Don’t share with others and you should be fine.

  7. Ok, so i just learned this week that I have GHSV-1. I’m honestly not sure if this was an initial infection or something I’ve had for a while. I have a doctor appointment when I get home from vacation (side note.. what shitty luck! Finding out on the first day of vacation!!!) I’m going to ask for blood testing to show level of antibodies which may help to inform me. My ex, who I dated exclusively for nearly 6 years, told me near the beginning of our relationship that he’d had a cold sore once when he was younger but had no other problems. But again, not sure if it came from him either.


    Anyway, I know that I have to tell the guy that I just started dating. And we only had sex 3 times in one night/day. With a condom each time. I really need help setting up the discussion. I’ll be calling him maybe tonight to have the talk. I’m a nervous wreck.

  8. I had a culture taken a few days ago and got the results yesterday that I’m positive. Not sure if it was the first outbreak or the first where there was a problem. It didn’t look “typical “ with sores hat crusted over. Just an area with redness and irritation. I’m feeling very lost and shocked. Now looking for support

  9. You’re exactly right. Thanks HikingGirl. Regardless of the results, it has been a wake up call for me. My eyes are now wide open, but in a good way. I will do my part to challenge the stigma that it brings. I appreciate that you all are such a positive, supportive community of each other. And I’m glad to have read about experiences here.


    I’m still waiting on the results... leave for vacation tonight. The doc said they will just release them to me electronically when available. <3

  10. Hi everyone. New here and very freaked out. Two weekends ago, I had protected sex with a new partner that I’ve been seeing. I was insistent upon wearing a condom every time. Then, about a week ago I was due for my period, and had some light spotting. I got a pad and went to bed. A day or two later I noticed some irritation that I thought was from the pad. Just being very moist down there and some chafing. I stopped wearing the pads by Friday (because I didn’t need them anymore) and used hydrocortisone cream to deal with the irritation. Now, a week later it’s still a little irritated, so I called my OB. Went in for a visit, and he looked at it. He did say that it didn’t look like HSV and he didn’t highly suspect it, but wanted to take a swab to rule it out. Now I’m just really worried that I’ll get the call that it was positive. It’s been great reading everyone’s stories and I know it’s not the horrible thing that most people think it is and that it’s super common. I’m just looking for some friendly words and support while I wait.

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