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Posts posted by BiancaK

  1. So I'm taking Valtrex everyday and it says that I'm suppose to take a lot of water with the pill but I don't. My face is breaking out reallyyyy bad. Could the Valtrex and me not drinking enough water be causing this extreme breakout!?!

  2. Do a lot of research on it and is there anyone you trust that you can vent to? I take antiviral medicine everyday because I had two more outbreaks after my first one and I do too much to feel down. Also this forum has helped me a lot!!! I feel like I can be myself and I fit in. I met 3 people up here and they are lovely people! Everything will be okay! <3

  3. It seems like a lot of guys have been trying to talk to me more and more since I've found out about this last September and at first I was really questionable about talking to anyone or letting anyone in because I was slightly embarrassed! I did let a few people know because I don't want anyone to think I'm being sneaky or setting them up because I feel like I was set up but now I feel like I've shouldn't told any of those guys. I feel like I can't trust anyone and we didn't even last. So its like what was the point? When is a good time to let someone in? I'm all confused.

  4. Ok so I had sex like a week and a half ago and I was fine right after. I felt okay. Some days later I started to feel really uncomfortable but now I feel terrible. I have valtrex that I'm suppose to take every day but lately I haven't because I've been feeling fine and don't want my body to get immune to it. Now I'm really itchy and there's like a burning sensation. Is that apart of the outbreak?? I don't want to move or get out of bed. I just feel so uncomfortable!

  5. I’m 22 years old and I just found out I have herpes around Labor Day. It was the WORST pain of my life. So I thought I had a UTI and strep throat. I had the sore throat, muscle aches, I was fatigue. I couldn’t eat and didn’t eat for a week. My throat burned so bad! My sores started off as bumps. Then they blistered up and I couldn’t walk. So I went to the doctor twice and then I went to a clinic where they diagnosed me. I wasn’t really that upset when I found out because I did my research and I felt like everything that was happening to me sounded like herpes. It was just hard to believe. I knew who gave it to me but he was in denial and I didn’t have time for the negative energy. I never told him exactly what I got from him but his reactions were too suspicious for me and I had just had sex with him the week before, unprotected sex. I have a friend who has herpes as well so i asked her many questions. All of my friends were really supportive when I told them and they didn’t judge me at all. I never told my parents because they are really judgemental but I would like to tell them in the future. I think God was showing me something when this happened to me because I was really out of control before and I wasn’t be careful at all. But since my first outbreak Labor Day week. I’ve had two more outbreaks in October and November so I am now taking Valtrex everyday because I cannot bear the pain of those sores and a sore throat! I currently date a guy and we do have sex from time to time and he does know. He has been so supportive. I’m just focused on making sure I don’t spread this to him or anyone else!

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